Chapter 18 EX Jayton, everyone was shocked!
  The loud shout had just ended.

The boulder suddenly fell.

For an instant.

Dust and smoke rose everywhere, directly burying that piece of heaven and earth.

Zero and Leo were stunned for a moment.

They just seemed to see
  The boulder exploded instantly before it completely landed on the ground? ? ?

Just when the two were confused.

The dust and smoke suddenly dispersed under a strong gust of wind.

A huge figure was directly exposed in front of Zero and Leo.

The figure's palms were raised flat and spread out.

Standing in the palm of his hand was Pigmon, who had almost died just now! ! !


Sero was immediately overjoyed.

During the years he had been training on King Star, Pigeon was his only partner except for Leo, who was an extremely strict master.

He obviously couldn't let anything happen to Pigumeng.

Now, Pigmon has been rescued, which is naturally a good thing.

A guy who can take action
  When Sero saw that figure clearly, he was instantly stunned!
  This Nima! ! !
  It is.
  "How could it be Jayden!!!"

Cero exclaimed.

The next second, he immediately got into a fighting stance, ready to go up and defeat Jayton and save Pigmon! ! !
  However, at this time, Leo raised his hand to stop him and said: "No, something is wrong!"

"This is not Jayton, this is EX Jayton!!!"

Nani? ? ?

Hearing Leo's words, Zero was immediately shocked.

Only then did he realize that the Jayton in front of him seemed completely different from the Jayton he had seen in the Land of Light images before.

The breath is completely about to explode.

Zero had also heard about EX Jayton from the seniors of the Kingdom of Light.

Said to be extremely powerful.

Much more than an ordinary monster.

Why did such one appear in front of me?
  Zero and Leo looked at each other, ready to take action at any time.

At this moment, Lin Tian's voice slowly came from his ears.

"Don't be nervous, this EX Jayton is mine."

After the words fell, Liu and Sero were stunned for a moment, and then were shocked.

The two looked at Lin Tian together.

Nani? ? ?

what did you just say?
  Is this EX Jayton yours? ? ?
  No, are you kidding me?
  Lin Tian did not gain any power when exposed to plasma spark energy. This is a well-known thing in the Kingdom of Light.

Now tell me that this EX Jayton is actually yours? ? ?
  Is it so outrageous?
  Just when Leo and Zero wanted to ask more questions, two figures suddenly fell from the sky.

The huge red cloak stood directly between Zero and EX Zeton.

The visitors are naturally King Ultra and Astra.


Seeing the King of Ultra appear, Leo quickly praised him respectfully.

At this time, Astara, who had fallen behind the Ultra King, couldn't help but turn her head and look at Lin Tian on the ground.

He couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

No wonder Wang Hui said that another light even more powerful than Biluo appeared.

It seems that this being named Lin Tian is indeed very terrifying.

Lin Tian used to be a guy who was known to have no fighting ability.

But now EX Zeton was summoned casually.

You know, only someone of the Ultra King level can control a being like EX Zeton.

For example, in the Valley of Fire, King Ao sent EX Zeton to guard the ultimate combat device!
  Bridge Bean Sacks!


Astra noticed the stick-like object held in Lin Tian's hand.

Nima! ! !

Isn't this the ultimate battle instrument? ? ?
  Astra didn't know it, but was shocked when she saw it.

What Lin Tian was holding in his hand was indeed the ultimate battle instrument sealed in the Valley of Fire by the King of Ultra! ! !
  Why does the ultimate combat instrument appear here?
  Think back to what Lin Tian just said about Beria escaping from the cosmic prison.

Astra seemed to suddenly understand something.

Could it be that Lin Tian went to the Valley of Fire to unlock the seal of the Ultimate Combat Instrument, and then rescued Beria?

How can this be?


At this moment, the Ultra King looked directly at Zero.

"Sero, you can follow Lin Tian."

"If you go with him, you will definitely be able to see a broader world, and your strength will become stronger."

The King of Ultra opened his hands wide.

He seems very certain about this.   But Cerro was stunned when he heard this.

A sense of dissatisfaction suddenly arose in my heart.

The King of Ultra actually said this. Is it possible that this Lin Tian is stronger than him, Cero?

Zero snorted coldly.

"If you want me to go with him, you have to win the fist in my hand!"

The Ultra King wanted to say something else, but Lin Tian's voice came directly.

"Okay, I accept your challenge."


Zero was suddenly very angry.

good good!
  Is that how you play? interesting.

Seeing that the two parties had reached an agreement, the King of Ultra had no choice but to open his big hand and place it in front of Zero's breastplate.

next second.

Several streaks of white mist suddenly emerged from the joints of the entire black armor.

As time went by, the armor became more and more loose.

In the end, it exploded and fell everywhere.

In an instant, Zero's red and blue body was directly exposed.

He couldn't help but stretched himself.

It feels so good to finally break free!

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was bursting with strength and he had never felt more relaxed.

After Zero moved his muscles and bones, he stretched out his palm directly towards Lin Tian and bent it.

"Lin Tian, ​​if you beat me, I will go with you!"

Seeing Sero's vow and high fighting spirit, Lin Tian was also a little helpless.

"Lin Tian, ​​why is this guy still thinking about winning or losing at this time?"

At this time, Lei on the side suddenly spoke.

He frowned, as if he didn't like Sero's unruly and selfish look.

Lin Tian waved his hand directly.


It was just a battle, nothing major in itself.

Besides, this is what Lin Tian wants.

Now, Ray, a Leonix who is as kind as himself, is by his side.

A real battle with Zero might even give the ultimate battle instrument another chance to compete!

"Lin Tian, ​​how about I do it?"

Lei directly took out his combat instrument, and his blood gradually became excited.

However, Lin Tian stopped him directly.

"You have to conserve your strength now and just watch this battle."

"Maybe it will be of great benefit to the Leonix blood in your body."

Lin Tiandu said this, and Lei had no choice but to give up.

Lin Tian directly raised the ultimate battle in his hand and pointed it at Zero.

"Now that the agreement has been reached, it seems that you are committed to me, Zero."


Zero suddenly snorted coldly.

He instantly assumed a fighting stance and kept beating on the spot.

After wearing that armor for so long, now I can finally be free and fight easily!

It’s been a long time coming, fighting with all my strength!

This guy just has an EX Zeton.

It's just a monster. No matter how strong the seniors say it is, how strong can it be?

This is what Sero was thinking in his mind.

But the next second, Lin Tian moved.

Lin Tian suddenly shouted angrily.

All the blood in his body suddenly boiled.

The armor appears directly outside the body surface.

He felt the increase in blood power in his body and waved the ultimate combat device in his hand.

Another ray of light instantly emerged from the ultimate combat instrument, and immediately fell next to EX Jayton.

It's EX Gomora! ! !
  What the hell! ! !

At this moment, Zero was stunned.


Do you still play with it like this?

Don't you only have one monster?
  Why did another one pop out? ? ?
  (End of this chapter)

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