Chapter 149 Gliza took the bait!

Everyone suddenly realized something!

The earth can be saved! ! !

From this moment on, the big stone in everyone's heart seemed to fall to the ground.

With Lin Tian here, do they still need to panic?

Lin Tian didn't know what they were thinking.

He looked at Gliza who was being beaten on the screen, and suddenly had a wonderful idea in his mind.

He flew out without hesitation.

The body turned into light and penetrated directly through the wall of the base to the outside.

When the light fades.

Lin Tian appeared in everyone's eyes wearing golden Leonix armor.

The wings of Noah behind him stand taller!

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

How could Lin Tian's figure be so sacred! ! !

The golden light emanating from the whole body is like the divine light from the beginning of the creation of the world.

Lin Tian didn't know that the appearance of his own body would shock everyone in the base.

He clasped his hands on his chest and quietly looked down at Gliza who was being beaten by a group of people.

As if they felt Lin Tian's gaze, the monsters raised their heads and looked at him.

The second they looked at Lin Tian, ​​a trace of fear and admiration flashed in the eyes of all the monsters.

The next second, all the monsters took a few steps back.

Show respect and admiration.

They formed a circle, surrounding Glizza.

Then he lowered his head fiercely, not daring to make any more movement.

Do not misunderstand!

It's not Glizza they're afraid of.

His is Lin Tian who is looking down at them in the sky at the moment! ! !

Lin Tian looked at these sensible monsters below with great satisfaction.

Through the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, he can feel the excitement and admiration of these spark monsters for him.

Although these are currently under his control, Lin Tian cannot incorporate them into the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Because they are not real life.

But each spark doll.

Lin Tian looked motionless at Gliza who was surrounded by monsters.

Gliza finally got a chance to breathe and quickly stood up unsteadily.

At this moment, Gliza quickly put his body into nothingness.

He didn't want to be attacked and beaten again.

A buzzing sound came from his mouth from time to time.

It seems to be shouting about the unfairness of this world.

"Are you angry?"

Lin Tian asked calmly.

Gliza's swaying body suddenly paused, and then he suddenly bent over and looked up at the sky.

Only then did he discover Lin Tian's existence.

Gliza was suddenly shocked.

How can this be? ? ?

This person was right above him, how could he not notice it?

Could it be that this guy caused everything just now? ? ?

After figuring this out, Griza was immediately furious.

His hands kept shaking, and his whole body was shaking.

Boundless anger instantly invaded his heart.

"So angry?"

Lin Tian sneered.


"You don't deserve to be angry in front of me!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, his whole body glowed again.

As Noah's wings bloomed, EX Jet not far behind him also burst out with an extremely terrifying aura.

The next second, EX Jet teleported directly under Lin Tian.

Lin Tian slowly reached out and hooked Gliza below.

Full of provocation.

Seeing Lin Tian's appearance, Griza suddenly became angry.

He waved his hands and his whole body twisted violently.

He disappeared directly in place.

The next second, he suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian had already expected this scene.

With a thought in his mind, EX Jet flew up directly. Afterwards, Lin Tian was directly teleported upwards by EX Jet.

Lin Tian and EX Jet suddenly disappeared, and Gliza's punch missed directly.

He froze on the spot for a moment.

Nani? ? ?

What the hell!

Where are people? ? ?

Gliza kept scanning the surroundings directly on the spot.

He was looking for Lin Tian and EX Jet.

But after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it.

At this moment, a loud sound like thunder suddenly sounded.

"Your reaction is too slow."

The moment the sound sounded, Gliza reacted.

It's Lin Tian!

Griza paused and quickly looked up at the source of the sound.

What the hell!

Why is this guy already in the atmosphere? ? ?

Gliza looked up at the tiny figure like a black dot high in the sky, and was suddenly shocked.

Glizza couldn't understand it at all.

How could that guy with the black spear be so fast?

Teleport? ? ?

Gliza knew in his heart that this speed was much faster than him.

It’s not just Grizza.

Even the monsters and the team members in the base looked confused.

Where are people? ? ?

They immediately used all the instruments around them that could detect the location, looking for the location of Lin Tian and the monster.

With the help of high technology, they quickly found their location.


"Why are they there?"

"Why is Lin Tian's monster so fast?"

"Compared with that monster, Gliza's speed is too rubbish."

"Holy shit! Is this guy trying to lure Grizza into space to fight?"

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

Originally, Lin Tian wanted to wait for Zero and Ax to be resurrected and eliminate this guy.

I sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, enjoying myself.

But just now, Lin Tian suddenly had a new idea.

So we have to drag this guy into space to fight.

Sure enough, when Gliza discovered Lin Tian's whereabouts, he immediately twisted his body and chased after him.


Lin Tian smiled slightly in his heart.

The moment Grizza was about to touch him, EX Jet moved again.

Glizza's attack failed again.

Gliza didn't believe anything and continued to follow.

Under Lin Tian's control, EX Jet took Grizza directly to outer space.

Lin Tian stood quietly on top of EX Jet's head.

He looked at the tired Gliza in the distance.

"Isn't this possible?"

Hearing Lin Tian's provocative words, Griza suddenly became more energetic.

Likewise, there is more anger.

His body kept twisting.

The next second, he actually released the purple-black destruction ray.

Thick purple-black rays shot out directly and rushed towards Lin Tian.

But Gliza seemed to have forgotten that there was an EX Jet at Lin Tian's feet! ! !

Lin Tian calmly watched the terrifying attack coming before him.

At the moment when the purple-black ray was about to hit him, EX Jet suddenly raised the black spear in his hand.

He directly faced the purple-black destructive ray!


The constant collision causes energy sparks to spill out everywhere.

But he still couldn't take half a step past the black spear! ! !

That black spear is like a chasm, insurmountable!

Gliza looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

One of his most terrifying attacks, that guy actually blocked it like that? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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