Chapter 150 Gliza Spark Doll!

Seeing this scene in front of him, Gliza went numb.


Are you still human?

Who is the monster? ? ?

Gliza seems to be a little unbelieving.

After removing the purple-black destructive ray, while his hands continued to swing, dozens of bright yellow thunder and lightning balls instantly appeared around his body.

These bright yellow lightning balls seem to contain extremely terrifying lightning energy.




After all the bright yellow lightning balls were formed, Gliza waved directly towards Lin Tian.

These lightning balls instantly released dozens of lightning bolts.

Like whips formed by thunder and lightning.

He whipped directly towards Lin Tian.

The terrifying thunder whips were overwhelming, attacking from all directions.

Facing such a terrifying attack, Lin Tian didn't care at all.

Gliza felt cruel and directly accelerated the speed of all thunder whips.


The first thunder whip finally hit something.

However, almost in an instant, it disappeared.

Only the powder that turned into powder after the violent energy dissipated was left in the air.

Griza was stunned for a moment.

It's that black spear again! ! !

Damn that guy! ! !

The more Gliza thought about it, the angrier he became, and he instantly accelerated the speed of the thunder whip!

But this time, EX Jet directly swung the black spear in front of him.

A purple-black energy arc suddenly burst out!

Then all the other thunder whips were destroyed by this energy arc one after another.

No thunder whip can cross the thunder pool even half a step.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

When Gliza saw this scene, he became furious.

Strange names kept coming out of his mouth, as if he was crying out in pain.

He removed the bright yellow balls of light.

Lin Tian sneered in his heart when he saw this scene.

Then, he quietly looked at the twitching Gliza and spoke calmly. .

"Gliza, there is only one way you can go now."

"That is, surrender to me! Be my monster!"

As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, Gliza's chest began to rise and fall.

After listening to Lin Tian's words, his lungs suddenly felt like they were about to explode.

This guy actually wants to conquer him! ! !

It’s simply courting death!

Living in nothingness, he is simply the overlord of this world, and no one can defeat him!

No one would dare to try to conquer him as his subordinate.

But the variable in front of us is really terrifying.

There's not just one monster that's that powerful.

And you even tried to conquer him?

This kind of existence must not be allowed to remain!

Once he is allowed to escape, there will be endless trouble!

Thinking of this, Gliza suddenly made up his mind.

His body twisted.

A purple-black light group suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

Lin Tian was slightly startled.

This guy Gliza actually has a backup plan?

"Still not giving up?"

Lin Tian sneered and said, "In that case, I will make you completely convinced."

Lin Tian's words further stimulated Gliza's determination to retaliate.

Place the purple-black light ball on the palm of your hand in front of you.

The purple-black light group suddenly exploded.

Lin Tian instantly felt some terrifying dark energy.

Of course, it's terrifying, only for ordinary Ultra warriors. For him, he was more curious about what this was?

After all, Grizza didn't seem to have such a last resort in the original plot.

When Lin Tianzheng was confused, the purple-black energy suddenly slowly condensed into the light group.

As the energy was completely condensed, the thing in the light group finally revealed its appearance.

That is

A sparkling doll the size of Grizza's palm!

This spark doll looks exactly like Grizza! ! !

His very own Sparkle puppet! ! !

How is this possible?

There is no such thing in the original plot!

Lin Tian was a little stunned when he saw this thing.

How is this going?

Glizza's Spark Doll?

How come there is this thing?

Lin Tian felt a little heavy in his heart.

Why do you feel like there are more and more things that deviate from the original plot?

Although it is still harmless now, there is no guarantee that there will not be any major changes in the future.

Just when Lin Tian was having doubts, Gliza's hands suddenly stopped twisting.

The pair of long legs pressed directly on the periphery of the light group.

As he exerted slight force.

The light group shattered instantly.

The Gliza Spark Doll also exploded in the blink of an eye, turning into some weird black energy and entering Gliza's body.

next second.

Gliza's body suddenly twisted weirdly.

The twisting speed was so fast that his body had a double image.

But just after a few breaths.

His body suddenly stopped twisting and returned to its normal posture.


Stable to the extreme.

If Gliza, who was constantly distorting space, looked a little crazy before, now he is an extremely oppressive existence.

The bright yellow round crystal on Gliza's head suddenly lifted up, as if looking at Lin Tian.

Then he opened his hands wide.

Countless sharp thorns suddenly extended from all over the body!

The whole body has also become stronger.

Two extremely sharp horns sprouted from both sides of the round crystal on the head.

Grizza has evolved! ! !

Lin Tian was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

Could this guy evolve without swallowing those spark dolls?

Isn’t this too outrageous?

This is not finished.

Griza, who had completed his evolution, suddenly opened his hands wide.

Several round crystals on the chest suddenly emitted dazzling light.

In the next second, several ethereal dark black arms stretched out.

With the appearance of these arms, the space around Gliza's body seemed to be carrying an extremely violent dark storm.

From time to time, terrifying dark thunder strikes out.

As the momentum became more and more terrifying, those dark palms began to circle and rotate in front of Gliza.

As the thunderstorm continued to gather, dozens of figures appeared in front of Gliza! ! !

King Red!

Gomora! !

Bemonstein! ! !

There are also many monsters that Lin Tian can call out by name as soon as he sees them.

This scene immediately stunned Lin Tian.

What do you mean?

Does this mean that Griza can now create violent monsters out of thin air even without swallowing the Spark Doll?

Moreover, Lin Tian had just observed these monsters condensed out of thin air by thunderstorm energy.

The strength of each one is definitely no worse than those monsters after the spark dolls are materialized.

In this way, wouldn't he alone be worthy of an army of monsters?

Lin Tian was a little surprised.

So where did Grizza's spark puppet come from?

Seeing this, Lin Tian was obviously surprised.

In this form, Griza's abilities are somewhat similar to those of Leonix.

You can summon monsters to fight for you at will.

(End of this chapter)

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