Chapter 151 Conquer Gliza

After a while, Gliza directly condensed a total of 50 monsters! ! !

Apparently, that little Grizza Spark Doll contains a lot of bloodline information of monsters.

Otherwise, how could you create so many out of thin air?

But why did Glizza work so hard to collect Spark Dolls before?

Could it be that the way he is evolving now has any side effects?

Lin Tian didn't know this.

Because he didn't have time to think.

The Gliza in front of him was already moving.

Gliza waved his hand, and a thick thunderstorm energy suddenly burst out from his chest.

The thunderstorm energy instantly exploded into dozens of beams in mid-air and penetrated into the bodies of those monsters.

The monsters, which had been as motionless as corpses a moment ago, suddenly became frantic.

next second.

These monsters flew directly towards Lin Tian and EX Jet under the control of Gliza.

Looking at those menacing monsters, Lin Tian felt extremely helpless.

What a hassle!

Lin Tian shook his head helplessly.

The next second, he stepped on EX Jet's head and slowly floated forward.

The calm and calm posture made Gliza look at him for a moment.

What is this guy doing?

Just surrender?

Send yourself to die?

Or does he have some conspiracy?

The bright yellow round crystal on Gliza's head flashed.

Do not understand.

Don't understand it at all.

Just when he was extremely confused, a shocking scene happened.

Button, the volcano monster bird, took the lead.

It rushed to Lin Tian first and opened its mouth,

A fireball was instantly launched.

The huge fireball attacked Lin Tian instantly.

Lin Tian didn't even bother to hide, and still floated straight towards Griza.

One big and one small, strolling leisurely.

Gliza sneered in his heart.

It seems that he thinks highly of this guy.

But before he could be proud for a second, the huge fireball instantly flooded Lin Tian's body.

However, the next second.

The fireball actually passed directly through Lin Tian's body.

Lin Tian didn't seem to have suffered any harm, and he still looked as arrogant as before, holding his chest.

At this moment, he and EX Jet were one step closer to Grizza.

Gliza's body paused slightly.


This must be an illusion!

How could this guy pass through the fireball of Barton, the volcano monster bird?

Absolutely impossible, it must be an illusion!

Just when Gliza kept comforting himself that it was an illusion, King Red suddenly punched Lin Tian again.

Right, that is it!

Just hit him with one punch!

Gliza was very excited.

But the next second, something weird happened again.

That huge fist was about to hit Lin Tian's face.

Lin Tian's body actually passed through King Reid's fist again.

Nani? ? ?

Gliza was suddenly shocked.

I panicked all of a sudden.

How is this possible?

Whether it was an energy attack or a physical attack, this guy actually passed through them all! ! !

Could it be that.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Gliza.

"Who are you attacking?"

When Gliza heard this voice, he was shocked!

It's Lin Tian!

But why did he.

Griza turned his head dullly, and it turned out to be Lin Tian and EX Jet!

But who was King Red attacking just now?

Grizza turned his head again.

I saw that Lin Tian and EX Jet, who had just been attacked by Barton and King Red, slowly twisted and disappeared! Afterimage! ! !

How can this be? ? ?

This guy's monster is so fast?

Can even the afterimage exist for so long? !

In fact, this speed is not even the full power of EX Jet.

Today, Lin Tian's bloodline power has been fully strengthened by Noah's power.

The power of the monsters naturally increases with the tide.

It has almost grown several times.

Even Lin Tian doesn't know what other boss can be his monster's opponent.

With a thought in his mind, a ray of light suddenly shot out from his wrist and hit Gliza's body.

Gliza was instantly startled, and his body immediately twisted and appeared in the distance.

His body continued to tremble and rise.

so close!

When I was so surprised, I forgot to put my body into nothingness.

He almost gave the other party a chance to kill him!

No matter how shocked Gliza was, Lin Tian didn't bother to think about it.

His method has been accomplished, next

He just said coldly: "I will ask you again next time."

"Would you like to take the road I just gave you, or not?"

Faced with Lin Tian's questioning, Gliza had to admit.

He panicked.

Really panicked.

However, he is still somewhat confident now.

Because he has put his body into nothingness.

Even if he can't defeat this guy's monster, they can't attack him!

However, just when Griza was thinking this.

EX Jet suddenly appeared in front of Gliza.

There is a huge dark fireball in his hand!

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Gliza did not panic at all.

Come on, be pretentious!

If you can beat me, I will take your last name!

boom! ! ! !

As soon as the thought came into Gliza's mind, his whole body suddenly became numb!

The next second, he didn't even have time to feel pain.

The body was directly blasted very far away!

Nani? ? ?

Griza, who had suffered hundreds of millions of injuries, managed to stabilize his body, but his heart was surging like a stormy sea.


What exactly is going on?


Why was this guy still able to hit him even though he had clearly put his body into nothingness? ? ?

Just when Grizza was hesitant, EX Jet's body appeared again.

Lin Tian just stood on top of EX Jet's head and looked down at Grizza.

The Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand was slowly raised.

It seems like it will end him at any time!

This moment!

Gliza lowered his head almost without hesitation.

Lin Tian only heard a few calls from him.



Give in!

Seeing Gliza's appearance, Lin Tian suddenly felt quite satisfied.

It seems that this guy is really convinced now.

Lin Tian waved his hand.

The Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument directly burst out a golden light and entered Gliza's body.

At the same time, a golden light flew out of his body and landed on Lin Tian's wrist.

It is the ultimate bracelet!

Lin Tian was able to easily defeat Glizza, and he was only able to do so with the help of the Ultimate Bracelet.

Since Gliza is a non-existence, then just add some fuel and vinegar to him and turn him into something!

Palagi's Shield is a great choice!

Just now, with that blow from behind, Lin Tian directly drove the ultimate bracelet into Glizza's body.

That's how the next episode came about.

Griza is currently being baptized by the power of the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

Everyone else is stupid!

Damn it! ! !

Is it cheating? ? ?

This guy is more than just a monster like EX Jet! ! !

Through his mind, he saw the thousands of figures in the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.


Really numb!

At this moment!

Gliza also became one of these thousands of figures!

From then on, Gliza became Lin Tian's property!

(End of this chapter)

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