Chapter 153 Goodbye Jagula

"and many more!"

At this moment, Zero seemed to suddenly realize something.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian."

"Why stop us from attacking Griza???"

Only then did he remember that after Lin Tian controlled EX Jet and threw their two bodies into nothingness, only Grizza benefited!

Is it

"Lin Tian! Are you controlled by this guy???"

Sero looked at Lin Tian in shock.

How can this be?

Lin Tian, ​​who was unbeatable in his heart, was actually controlled by Gliza?

Grizza does seem to have evolved into a new form.

Is controlling others Glizza's new skill? ? ?

Lin Tian seemed to know what Sero was thinking.

He suddenly showed an extremely helpless expression.

This kid Zero has a really big brain.

Lin Tian raised his finger and pointed at Griza.

"He is my monster now."

As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, Gliza seemed to sense something and quickly bent towards Zero and Ax.

It's like saying hello.

Lin Tian's words were nothing to Gliza.

Those humans who couldn't understand the conversation between them were nothing.

But Zero and Ax were extremely shocked at this moment.

Damn it! ! !

Lin Tian!

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

That's the villain Glizza!

You said he is your monster now? ? ?

How on earth did you conquer Griza? ? ?

What the hell!

At this moment, all three perspectives in the hearts of Zero and Aix collapsed.

Especially Zero.

He knew his father had several capsule monsters.

But those are just monsters with relatively average combat power!

What level is the Griza in front of me?

The combat power is terrifying!

It even has the skill of nothingness!

Where can Capsule Monster compare?

But Lin Tian turned out to be...

Conquered him? ? ?

Seeing the shocked looks of Zero and Ax, Lin Tian raised his hand helplessly.

EX Jet came directly between them and patted their shoulders.

It directly pulled them back from the void.

"so amazing!"

Inside Ax's body.

Dadi said with some surprise.

This was the first time he experienced traveling between nothingness and reality.

After being pulled out of nothingness by EX Jet, he was immediately filled with admiration.

Even Akers himself looked at Lin Tian with admiration.

Lin Tian is so strong!

That Gliza couldn't defeat him even with all his strength.

Has become his monster?

It's incredible.

At this moment, Lin Tian was suddenly stunned.

He looked into space.

A terrifying evil energy suddenly erupted from a certain universe.

"It's really endless."

Lin Tian complained helplessly.

During this period, why are you having trouble one after another?

"What endless?"

Zero asked doubtfully.

Lin Tian shook his head.


"Sero, it's time for us to go."

After the words fell, Lin Tian directly put away EX Jet and Gliza.

Flying towards space.

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Sero nodded immediately.

Then he waved to Aix and followed him directly.

When the two came to space, Lin Tian directly opened the space-time channel.

He quickly got in.

Sero looked at Lin Tian who had entered the space-time channel with some confusion from behind.

What's happening?

Why is Lin Tian so anxious?

Zero shook his head helplessly, and then followed in.

"Why is it the earth again???" When Zero followed Lin Tian and rushed out of the time and space channel, he couldn't help but complained.

He really couldn't understand why the earth in all universes was so prone to accidents.


The space-time channel was closed instantly.

This time they have traveled back to the original multidimensional universe.

It's just that in this universe, they seem to have never been here.

Lin Tian felt the terrifying evil aura.

Almost instantly he discovered the location of the evil aura.

At the same time, he also discovered something interesting.

"I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance."

Now that they have appeared on this earth, is this evil energy...

Hearing Lin Tian's emotion, Sero was stunned.

"An acquaintance? Who is it?"

Lin Tian did not answer, but flew towards the earth.

In desperation, Zero could only fly over with Lin Tianyi.

When Lin Tian took Cero to the sky where the evil aura was, Cero was immediately shocked.

The tall signal tower below was actually wrapped in an extremely evil black and red aura.

The black and red energy seemed to come out of the ground.

Keep rushing towards the sky through the signal tower.

At this moment, a swirling cloud has formed.

Blocked all light.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

Zero was shocked.

He could feel the terror of the evil aura.

The strength is definitely not weak!

OK! There's another fight to be had!

At this moment, Lin Tian watched quietly as the black-red evil energy continued to condense in the air.

It is indeed this guy! ! !

At the same time, he felt the breath of the two acquaintances again.

He waved his hand.

A ray of light immediately emerged from the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

It's Glizza!

I just conquered him, wouldn't it be a pity if I don't use him now?

"Zero, Grizza."

Lin Tian suddenly turned his head and said to them.

"Stay here and don't move. When the thing below comes out, stop it."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Sero was suddenly confused.

"What? Lin Tian, ​​what about you?"

"I'm going to meet a friend."

After saying this, Lin Tian flew directly to a building on the ground at a high speed.

At this moment.

Underneath a certain building.

Here is a dark place.

There is no light around, only a glass cage in the center emits light.

The rest was all darkness.

And in that glass cage, a young man with ragged clothes and messy long hair was imprisoned there.

He is an extremely terrifying guy to humans, and he is being imprisoned in this underground cage at the moment.

The glass cage is specially made.

The shackles on the young men are even more specially made.

No matter how terrifying he was before, there is nothing he can do now.

In addition to the young man, there were two human guards standing outside the cage.

He held a powerful energy gun in his hand.

At this moment, the entire underground suddenly lit up with an extremely dazzling light.

The two guards immediately covered their eyes and became panicked.

The same goes for young men in prison.



In the basement, two screams sounded one after another.

"who is it???"

The long-haired young man reacted almost instantly.

Someone has invaded! ! !

As his words fell, the dazzling light slowly dimmed.

A young man appeared in front of him with a weapon in his hand.

"You are Lin Tian!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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