Chapter 154 The ultimate monster snake!

The long-haired young man was instantly shocked.

The one who appeared in the cage was naturally Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked quietly at the sloppy long-haired young man in front of him.

"Jagula, Jagula, do you have to get yourself into this field?"

Lin Tian said helplessly.

The imprisoned long-haired young man in front of him is naturally Jakula, who has been separated for some time! ! !

And this is the Earth from Orb's original drama! ! !

Jakula smiled sadly.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you here to see my joke?"

His current appearance of being imprisoned by humans does seem like a joke.

But at this juncture, Jagula tilted his head after finishing his words.

He showed an almost crazy smile.

Somewhat morbid.

Lin Tian just smiled, raised his hand and fired a ball of energy from the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, hitting the cage.

next second.


A big hole was blown out of the cage in an instant.

The Jagula inside was not damaged at all.

How could human technology be able to withstand the attack of the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument?

Lin Tian went directly in to untie Jia Gula and brought him to the ground.

They appear directly above the ground.

Only then did Lin Tian let go of Jia Gula's shoulders.

Jakula seemed a little surprised at this moment.

Faced with Jia Gula's surprise, Lin Tian seemed unusually calm.

He pointed at the black-red evil energy that was still gathering.

"Did you create that Moge Ultimate Snake?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Jagula was slightly startled.

How does this guy know about the Moge Ultimate Serpent? ? ?

Although he was shocked, Jagula still nodded.

But then, he shook his head again.

"You can't say I did it."

"The resurrection of the Moge Ultimate Serpent is entirely the fault of human beings."

"This is the ultimate darkness."

"Lin Tian, ​​I advise you not to interfere."

"Otherwise, you may die without a burial place."

Jakula kept sneering in his heart.

The Moge Ultimate Serpent was the most terrifying darkness he had ever seen.

Even Lin Tian may not be able to defeat the Moge Ultimate Serpent, right?

Death without a burial place?

Hearing these words, Lin Tian suddenly smiled.

It is true that those who do not know should not be feared.

But Lin Tian was too lazy to explain to Jia Gula.

He couldn't tell Jagula that to him, this Mog Ultimate Snake was just a little monster that could be killed easily, right?

"Where's that little girl who was following you before?"

Lin Tian suddenly asked.

He remembered that Yu Yan had left the planet Ganon with Jagula.

When Yuyan was mentioned, the cold expression on Jiagu La's face suddenly softened a lot.

"She was left on a certain planet by me and is working hard to practice."

Practicing hard?

Lin Tian was slightly startled.

The hard practice that Jagula mentioned was not about fighting some small monsters, right? ? ?

Suddenly it seemed very possible.

After all, Jagula himself is such a ruthless person.

While the two were discussing, the black-red evil energy suddenly stopped condensing towards the sky.

The overwhelming black cloud in the sky began to surge suddenly.

The next second, a purple thunder and lightning shot directly from the vortex in the center!

When a thunder-like sword appears in the sky, the big snake will wake up.

This is recorded in Taiping's "Fengtu Ji".

Now, the scary guy finally recovered.

Purple thunder and lightning suddenly hit the ground.

The blazing flames instantly covered the sky.

All the surrounding buildings were destroyed.

After the fire gradually faded, the huge figure was revealed. It was a huge monster covered with tentacles.

A huge head extended from the front of the endless tentacles.

Gritting his teeth.

It was as if everything would be destroyed under these two rows of fangs.

This is the ultimate giant snake of Moge! ! !

"The evil consequences caused by humans themselves should be borne by humans themselves."

Jagula beside Lin Tian suddenly said coldly.

Lin Tian didn't care about him, but looked at the Moge Ultimate Serpent.

This thing is quite strong.

If Lin Tian remembers correctly, this guy should have all the skills of the Demon King Beast.

Once the Moge Ultimate Serpent was resurrected, it began to wreak havoc on the surrounding cities.

Its hands suddenly rose.

In the next second, countless blue lightning energy balls appeared around his body and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

bang bang bang! ! !

The fire continued.

At the same time, the dark clouds above the head were shaken by a storm like a tornado.

The strong wind made the whole world begin to shake.

The whole city instantly became as bleak as purgatory.

"Humanity will continue to evolve, and humanity will also be destroyed by its own hands."

Jakura started his own theory again.

In fact, Jakura really doesn't like humans very much.

He himself is not a human being from Earth.

He hates these guys who have countless greedy desires in their hearts.

Of course, he hated Kai the most.

It’s Hong Kai who talks about justice all day long! ! !

Lin Tian still ignored him.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky and descended rapidly.

It's Zero! ! !

Lin Tian gave special instructions to Sero and Glizza before leaving.

As soon as the Moge Ultimate Serpent starts destroying, take action to stop it!

Zero tried his best and used this flying kick to hit the Mog Ultimate Serpent.

The Mog Ultimate Serpent couldn't react in time, and was hit by Zero's blow just as it raised its head!

The huge body instantly rolled over.

boom! ! !

The Moge Ultimate Serpent's body rolled over and hit several buildings at the same time.

Suddenly it was in ruins.


As soon as he saw his figure, Jagula was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this guy still followed Lin Tian like a follower.

How can this guy become stronger if he keeps relying on Lin Tian?

Zero kicked over the Moge Ultimate Snake and landed firmly on the ground.

He raised his hand and scratched his nose.

"Do you feel comfortable with this kick from me?"

Zero suddenly jumped on the spot with excitement.

This kick is so refreshing!

At this time, the space around Zero also began to distort.

Gliza's body also emerged directly from the spatial distortion.

The moment Gliza appeared, Jagula immediately froze on the spot.

Although he has never seen Gliza, he can feel a pressure from Gliza that is not inferior to the ultimate snake of Moge.

What kind of monster is this? ? ?

If it was just the Ultimate Demonic Snake before, Jagula would have no pressure at all.

In the worst case, just run away.

Anyway, he doesn't care whether the people on this earth live or die.

But now another terrifying monster appears! ! !

It's a bit hard to say now.

"Where on earth did this guy come from?"

Jakula couldn't help but asked in shock.

"Lin Tiansang, Zero can't deal with these two monsters by himself, why don't you do it?"

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Tian aside.

The situation at hand is not too good for Zero.

The Moge Ultimate Serpent is enough for Zero to endure.

Another monster appears that can distort space.

Zero can't handle it.

(End of this chapter)

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