Chapter 172 The Legendary God of Monsters

Lin Tian suddenly felt a little sorry for the old guys in the Kingdom of Light.

Was he a little too harsh on the kid?

So that he can finally be so relaxed now?

After Zero attacked, the two instantly fought together.

At this moment, Asakura Lu suddenly came to Lin Tian.

He looked at Zena doubtfully.

"Sir, how do you know about Lin Tian and Sero?"

At this moment, Asakura Lu was extremely confused.

He didn't quite understand.

Since this man got out of a car with Sister Mengya, he must know him.

Logically speaking, he should be human, right?

But how can a human being know what is going on in the universe? ? ?

Isn't this a bit outrageous?

Seeing Asakura Riku's curious baby look with a frown on his face, Zena didn't know how to answer, so he simply ignored it.

Mengya, however, hurriedly stood between the two.

"Xiao Lu, haha, this is my boss."

"You have to know, sister, I work in an insurance company now."

"Insurance companies, you know, can be linked to everything."

"It's normal for my boss to sometimes hear about external things."

Asakura Riku was stunned.

"Mengya, are you working as an insurance salesman?"

Mengya immediately smiled and nodded.


But just after nodding, Mengya was slightly startled.

Insurance salesmen are indeed fake identities they use to hide their true identities.

But how did Asakura Lu know?

Asakura Lu was also confused at this moment.

Lin Tian really got it right.

Lin Tian was eating and felt a little irritated when he heard their chattering.

"Oh, aren't you from AIB?"

"Who is out and about these days without a fake identity?"

Lin Tianping said these two sentences calmly.

But when Zena and Mengya heard it, they were suddenly shocked.

Zena even took out a high-tech pistol from his waist and pointed it at Lin Tian.

"Who are you? How do you know this?"

What Zena can be sure of now is that this guy is definitely a cosmic being.

Their AIB has registered all the aliens who have invaded the earth.

Some cosmonauts who illegally break into the earth without registering will also be hunted by them.

But they had never seen any information about the human-looking guy in front of them.

Able to escape their surveillance and directly enter the earth.

All I can say is, this guy is terrifying.

Lin Tian raised his head and glanced at Zena slightly.

"I advise you not to point your gun at me."

"who are you?"

Zena did not compromise.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Lin Tian was also a little helpless.

"If you didn't just say that Zero was here, would I definitely be there?"

"How come I'm standing in front of you and you don't recognize me?"

Nani? ? ?

Zena was instantly shocked.

Zena hurriedly looked at each other with Mengya next to him, as if to make sure he heard correctly.

If you heard me correctly, what this guy just said was:

He is Lin Tian! ! !

How can this be? ? ?

How could this lazy guy in front of me, who was still eating like a human being, be the Lin Tian who dominated the entire universe? ? ?

"You guy! What nonsense are you talking about?"

Zena suddenly became furious for some reason.

"You said you are Lin Tian, ​​what evidence do you have?"

"Lin Tian, ​​the Lord of Skywalker, is my idol. How could he be someone like you?"

This time, Lin Tian was stunned.


Am I actually Zena's idol?

Isn't this too outrageous?

Lin Tian was too lazy to explain to Zena's question.


I am who I am, what proof do I need?

Why should I prove it to you?

It's hilarious.

Lin Tian thought this in his heart, and the next second, he disappeared directly from the place at an extremely fast speed.

"Nani???" "Where has he gone?"

The target suddenly disappeared, and Zena was suddenly stunned.

At this time, Mengya suddenly pointed to the battlefield.

"Where is he!!!"

Zero and King Airey are fighting fiercely.

And a figure suddenly flashed above King Airei's head.

It was Lin Tian who had just disappeared in front of their eyes.

How can this be? ? ?

How could this guy be so fast? ? ?

Lin Tian naturally didn't know the shock in their hearts.

After he reached the top of King Ailei's head, he stepped directly on the head of King Ailei.

At this time, King Airei was about to attack Zero personally.

The next moment, King Airei was stunned.

In just the blink of an eye, Lin Tian and King Ailei disappeared into the city.

Although Sero had long been accustomed to Lin Tian's sudden movements, he couldn't help but be stunned at this moment.

In a daze, Lin Tian appeared on Sero's shoulder again.

After King Airei, Zero also disappeared directly into the city.

The city immediately returned to its previous tranquility.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

The situation suddenly lost control, and Zena became furious.

At this moment, some information came from his earphones.

It was the location information sent by the intelligence agent in their control center.

He ran directly towards the car.

"Mengya, get in the car quickly, Zero and the others have gone to the mountains to the west of the city."

Nani? ? ?

Asakura Riku and Moeya were both stunned.

How can this be?

In just the blink of an eye, those two huge targets were moved from the city to the mountains more than ten kilometers away? ? ?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Only Toba Kuruha was in a dull mood at the moment.

After all, she had already experienced Lin Tian's teleportation skills.

"Xiao Lu, go home quickly!"

As soon as Mengya got into the passenger seat of the car, a man and a woman came in from behind the car.

It was Riku Asakura and Raiha Toba.


Mengya was slightly startled.

Asakura Lu quickly explained: "Please, just take us with you."

Mengya looked embarrassed, and she turned to look at Zena.

Zena didn't speak, but directly locked the door and started the car.

After pressing the accelerator, the car sped out.

On the way, a voice suddenly came from Mengya's earphones.

It was Zena talking to her telepathically.

Mengya nodded silently after listening.

Moya then turned directly to look at Asakura Riku and Toba Kuriha in the back seat.

"Xiao Lu, how did you meet that guy just now?"

That guy just now?

Asakura Riku and Toba Raiha looked at each other, a little confused.

"Oh, you're talking about Lin Tian, ​​right?"

At this moment, Zena suddenly said: "He is definitely not Lin Tian!"

This time, Asakura Riku and Toba Raiha were stunned.

"Mr. Boss, why are you so sure he is not Lin Tian?"

Asakura Lu was really confused, so he simply asked directly.

Although I don't know what kind of strange organization AIB is, since Mengya has joined it, he must not be a bad person.

But why does he not believe that Lin Tian is Lin Tian?

Hearing Asakura Riku's doubts, Zena couldn't help but ponder for a while.

"Lin Tian is the legendary god of monsters!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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