Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 173 is reserved for the newcomer Geed, do you understand?

Chapter 173 is reserved for the newcomer Geed, do you understand?

Zena couldn't help but recall Lin Tian's figure in his mind.

AIB’s information base is vast.

Although there is very little information about Lin Tian, ​​everything is absolutely thrilling!

"According to rumors, he is cold, arrogant, powerful, mysterious and difficult to approach."

"It's definitely not the guy who was just careless!"

If Lin Tian were here, he would be willing to admit that he was powerful.

But indifference, arrogance, and inaccessibility. Where do we start with these points?

"Also, Lin Tian has zero tolerance for monsters. There are countless dead monster souls in his hands."

Speaking of this, Zena couldn't help but recall some things from the past.

"Our organization once had observers who went to a deserted planet."

"It's a paradise for monsters."

"According to reliable information, Lin Tian once led his subordinates to fight there."

"Our planetary observers went there and discovered something horrifying."

"All the dozens of monsters on that planet died."

"All the monsters died without their bodies intact, and their bodies were cut apart by sharp knives."

This is true.

Lin Tian would take Zero and Red Lotus Flame with them from time to time to destroy monsters in the universe.

The more opponents there are, the more excited Lin Tian becomes.

This way you can also test out the various cool skills of his monsters.


It was a bloody scene with corpses of giant beasts all over the ground.

Zena had personally seen the footage sent back by the observer.

The memory is still fresh in his mind to this day.

"Lin Tian has been fighting in the multidimensional universe for a long time. I have watched all Lin Tian's battles through observation videos."

"Lin Tian is the strongest Leonix!"

"Also the most righteous Leonix!"

"His battle instrument contains tens of thousands of terrifying monsters."

"Every single one taken out is enough to destroy the universe!"

"As far as I know, all of his opponents ended badly."

"It's like Beria who caused the Inpac crisis."

Nani? ? ?

Hearing the three words Beria, Asakura Riku and Toba Ryuha's expressions tightened slightly.

Asakura Lu hurriedly asked: "What did Lin Tian do to Beria?"

You know, although Beria is an evil warrior, he is Asakura Riku's father after all.

He naturally wanted to know more about Beria.

At this time, Zena couldn't help but let out a heavy breath.

"You must have seen the two black robots that fought Ultraman Geed a few days ago, right?"

Asakura Riku and the others were slightly startled.

Fortunately, Zena didn't know that Riku Asakura was Geed at this time.

"Saw it on TV."

Zena nodded and continued: "Those are Dark Lopusero and Dark Lopusgo Morant. The one who created them was Beria. What appeared two days ago was just a defective product. .”

Defective products? ? ?

The corners of Asakura Lu's mouth suddenly twitched slightly.

Brother, are you telling me a joke?

When he was not in his strong form, he was almost killed by the Dark Lops!

For such a powerful guy, you actually told me that it was just a defective product? ? ?

While he was stunned, he heard Zena continue to speak.

"When Beria attempted to let his dark empire control the multidimensional universe, he created countless perfect Dark Lopusero and Dark Lopusgo Morant."

"That's a replica of Ultraman Zero and Lin Tian's number one monster, Morant."

"But in the end, Lin Tian and his monster army easily killed all the Dark Lops. Even their master, Belia, was killed by Lin Tian on the spot. His body and soul disappeared."

How can this be? ? ?

Everyone was completely shocked when they heard this.

Such a terrifying defective product, just one can cause Geed to suffer a lot. Can that guy Lin Tian destroy countless perfect finished products with just one man and his monsters?

How strong is that guy?

Riku Asakura and Raiha Toba couldn't even imagine it at this moment.

Before that, Lin Tian's power may have been at the peak of normal in their perception.

But now in their eyes, this guy is completely a god, right?

God of monsters!

and also

Asakura Riku couldn't help but frown.

How terrifying must be Belial, the father who created these dark Lops?

A few kilometers away in the mountains.

Two huge figures are fighting fiercely here.

It was none other than Zero and King Airei.

King Airei constantly used his ability to release lightning to attack Zero.

Every attack was easily dodged by Zero.

Then Zero directly used King Airei as a sandbag to practice physical skills.

bang bang bang! ! !

again and again.

The fists fell on King Airei's body like raindrops.

King Airei kept screaming, followed by boundless anger.

"Sero, that's almost it."

At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​who was watching the battle on the ground in the distance, suddenly spoke.

"Give this guy some energy, I'll leave it to the newcomers to gain experience later."

If those evil Pit Stars knew that their clan's monster weapons were treated like soldiers to gain experience, I'm afraid they would be furious on the spot.


Zero easily dodged King Airei's counterattack, "Are you talking about the guy who looks a lot like Beria?"

Zero and Geed had met once before, and he was deeply impressed.

Lin Tian nodded, "He's almost here."

After saying that, Lin Tian looked at the mountain road in the distance.

Sure enough, Zena's car went around in the blink of an eye, and then it only took a few dozen seconds to reach Lin Tian's side.

When the car came to a sudden stop next to Lin Tian, ​​Zena and the others quickly got out of the car.

"Who the hell are you?"

As soon as Zeina got out of the car, he pointed a high-tech pistol at Lin Tian.

Until now, he still does not believe that Lin Tian is the so-called god in his mind.

This is absolutely impossible!

"Mr. Zena!"

Asakura Riku, Moeya and the others hurriedly tried to stop Zena.

Lin Tian didn't care what Zena thought.

Seeing that Asakura Lu had arrived, Lin Tian directly said to Sero: "Sero, you should come back soon after you have had enough fun."

At this moment, Zero was casually dodging a lightning strike from King Airei.

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Sero suddenly flew up and kicked King Airei in the chest.

King Airei's huge body flew directly backwards and hit a large mountain in the distance heavily.

It was then buried under rubble.

At this time, Zero's body suddenly turned into light and disappeared.

All the dissipated light particles finally came to the ground where everyone was and condensed again.

Igali's figure also appeared in front of them.

Nani? ? ?

Everyone was slightly stunned.

The Iga Rito in front of me is actually Ultraman Zero?

"Hello everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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