Chapter 174 It’s not a big problem, Zero

Igali came to everyone tremblingly and said hello.

Obviously feeling a little embarrassed.

Lin Tian knew without looking that this must be Igauri's true form.

It's not something Zero can do to look timid.

Zena was confused at this moment.

He couldn't help but lower the hand holding the pistol, and then walked towards Iga Gurito.

"Mr. Zero?"

Seeing Zena's respectful look, the man with eyes was obviously stunned for a moment, and then quickly waved his hand.

"Sorry, sir, I am not Zero."

There is actually nothing wrong with what Igauri said.

But Zena was stunned after hearing this.

Do you want to hear what nonsense you are talking about?

They just watched Zero disintegrate and turn into a human being like you.

It was at this moment that Iga Liren suddenly took off his glasses and his eyes became sharp.

His tone of voice also became extremely proud.

"I am Zero, who are you? How do you know me?"


Everyone was obviously stunned.

Zena even pointed at Zero's body.

"Ah, who was this just now?"

"I have become one with this guy, and his body is now my carrier."

Sero answered without hesitation.

"By the way, who are you?"

Upon hearing Sero's question, Zena quickly introduced himself to Sero.

After the introduction, Zena quickly asked: "Mr. Zero, I heard that you and Mr. Lin Tian formed the Skywalker."

"I wonder if that adult also came to Earth with you?"

The adult was naturally talking about Lin Tian.

Zero looked at Zena as if he was looking at a big fool.

Then, he raised his finger and pointed at Lin Tian.

"No, isn't he right there?"

After Zero finished speaking, Zena took a deep breath.

If he wouldn't believe that Lin Tian was Lin Tian just now, now he has to believe it no matter what.

Because it was Zero who pointed it out to him personally.

In other words, that careless guy is really Lord Lin Tian!

And just now, he pointed a gun at the god he admired most! ! !

What the hell!

Zena felt as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were running through him at this moment.

He was stupid, completely stupid.

It's over. Now he has offended his most admired idol. What should he do?

Zena quickly thought about how to deal with it.

But at this moment.

King Airei, who had just been buried by the rubble, suddenly emerged from the rubble.


King Airei let out a strange scream, and the horns on both sides of his head continued to rotate.

Purple thunder and lightning continued to flow out from all over its body.

It seems like this guy is getting serious now.

"King Ailei is coming!"

"How to do how to do?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Seeing King Airei continuously attacking this side, Mengya suddenly panicked.

In a panic, he seemed to have completely forgotten that there were two big bosses around him, Lin Tian and Sero.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian looked directly towards Asakura Lu.

"Xiao Lu, it's your turn."

Eh? ? ?

Mengya and Zena were stunned when they heard what Lin Tian said.

Brother, aren't you an Ultra Warrior?

What's more, there is Zero next to him.

Two Ultra Warriors are here, you let a little kid get in?

What do you mean?

The two men in suits were a little confused and did not react.

Asakura Riku also smiled awkwardly at this moment.

"Do you really want to go?"

In fact, he didn't really want to reveal his identity to outsiders unless absolutely necessary.

After all, Ultraman Geed is still a bit sensitive in the eyes of humans.

Seeing Lin Tian nodded slightly, Asakura Lu also knew that he could not escape this level.

In desperation, he could only take out his sublimation device and transform directly.

The moment the light flashed out, Zena and Moya were completely stunned.


After working on it for a long time, the little kid who has always been harmless to humans and animals is actually an Ultra Warrior? ? ? After Asakura Riku turned into light, his body quickly grew in size.

It wasn't until the light dissipated that his face was revealed.

After seeing Riku Asakura's transformed appearance, Zena and Moya were as shocked as a stormy sea.

Nani? ? ?

Riku Asakura turns out to be Ultraman Geed! ! ! !

Especially Moeya.

People were immediately dumbfounded.

The boy she likes.

It turned out to be Ultraman Geed!

Isn't this too outrageous?

After Ged's transformation was completed, he directly attacked King Airei with both hands.

He flew up like a wild beast, and finally hit King Airei, spreading him to the ground.

Then he punched King Airei's body with one punch after another.

Seeing Geed's fighting style, Zero felt dizzy.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​this guy's fighting style is too disorganized. His strength is far different from Beria's."

This is true.

Although Beria met a tragic end, at his peak, he was able to suppress many Ultra warriors just by relying on his physical skills.

This shows how powerful his fighting style is.

If it were not for Lin Tian, ​​I am afraid that only the top warriors from the Kingdom of Light, such as Zero, would be able to fight him.

But although Geed is Beria's child, he obviously did not inherit this good side.

The fighting style is too barbaric.

But barbarism has its advantages.

Now King Airei is suppressed by it, unable to move.

After a burst of punches and kicks, Geed directly switched to two new capsules.

The form was also transformed in a burst of fiery red light.

"That is the power of my master and my father!"

Zero said in shock.

In the mountains.

Ultraman Geed has now transformed into a strong form.

The whole body was ignited with hot mist.

King Airei took advantage of the gap when he switched forms and raised his tail to sweep Ultraman Geed away.

Ultraman Geed's thrusters suddenly spurted out blazing flames.

He flew up directly, dodged King Airei's tail, and then landed steadily.

King Ailei took this opportunity and stood up quickly.

Continue attacking Geed with his tail.

It also specially attached a lot of extremely violent thunder and lightning energy to its tail.

Thunder and lightning is the attack method that King Airei is good at.

After feeling the power of Ged, it naturally wants to use its most powerful attack method to fight.

Obviously, Geed underestimated King Ailei.

Facing the tail carrying the lightning attack, Geed actually raised his hands to catch it.

In the end, King Airei's tail hit Geede's hands firmly.

Geed also managed to catch his tail, but did not use any energy protection.

next second.

Terrifying thunder and lightning energy was instantly derived from King Airei's tail.


Countless thunder and lightning were released between the sky and the earth visible to the naked eye.

Geed was even more shaken by the thunder and lightning.

"Is this kid a fool?"

Seeing this scene, Zero suddenly felt that iron could not make steel.

King Airei can use electric shock, which almost all Ultra warriors know.

This guy stupidly picked it up with his bare hands.

Should I call him stupid or stupid?

Lin Tian couldn't help but smile when he heard Sero's complaints.

"That's why I asked you to leave this Airei King to Ged for training."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Sero instantly understood his intention.

This guy Geed has little combat experience.

It is true that he needs to fight to temper himself.

It's good to suffer a little.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Ged can solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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