Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 175 Xiao Lu cried miserably, Lin Tian showed mercy

Chapter 175 Xiao Lu cried miserably, Lin Tian showed mercy

This moment!

Geed was so shocked that he couldn't move.

After all, he still lacked combat experience and suffered a big loss.

King Ailei shouted proudly when he saw this.

But when it wanted to pull out its tail, it couldn't.

It instantly became numb.

Even though Ultraman Geed was numb all over from it, he couldn't move at all.

But his hands were tightly bound together.

Moreover, his hands even exerted force unconsciously due to the electric shock.

King Airei's tail even hurt from being pinched by Ultraman Geed.

That’s ridiculous! ! !

At this moment, King Airei regretted extremely why he discharged his weapon.

It quickly put away the current.

The paralysis in Jade's body gradually disappeared.

Asakura Lu suddenly became frightened.

He grabbed King Airei's tail and turned it on the spot.

King Airei's body was spinning in circles like a big pendulum.

Finally, Geed let go of his hand.

King Airei's body flew out again and hit the mountain heavily.

at this time.

Without hesitation, Geed took off the head dart from his head and put it in the slot behind his calf.

The next moment, he squatted down slightly, and his whole body erupted with hot and fierce energy.


In an instant, a fierce flame ignited directly on his calf, and even more on his head!

Afterwards, Geed jumped directly on the spot. After reaching a high altitude, he kicked directly in the direction of King Airei! ! !

Buster head kick! ! !

King Ai Lei couldn't react at all.

This kick directly hit King Airei firmly.

boom! ! !

Just one hit! ! !

King Airei was directly killed by Ged's Buster head kick! ! !

"Ah ah ah - Xiao Lu is so handsome!!!"

Riku Asakura's number one fan girl jumped up and down on the spot.

She was so happy.

Maybe she was just shocked that Asakura Riku was Ultraman Geed.

But now, she was really happy for him.

Because the younger brother who had always needed her protection finally had his own power.

After killing King Airei, the little boy immediately released his transformation and returned to his human form.

Seeing Asakura Riku back in front of her, Mengya couldn't wait to rush up and hug him.

Just when Moya was about to step forward to express condolences to the little boy, Toba Raiha was the first to go up.

Mengya pouted when she saw this scene.


"Let's go."

Seeing that the matter was over, Lin Tian directly greeted everyone to leave.

"Oh, by the way, it's still early. Please come back with us. I have something to tell you."

It's still morning.

It's time to go to work.

Igali was suddenly embarrassed.

"But. I still have to go to work."

This is Igauri's amazing nature.

The world is not as big as his life and work.

However, Zero didn't give him a chance at all. He took off his glasses and said, "Okay!"

Half an hour later, several people finally returned to Xingyun Village.

Without saying a word, Lin Tian directly led everyone to the training room in Xingyun Village.

"Lin Tian, ​​why are you here so early in the morning?"

Riku Asakura and Raiha Toba were stunned when they saw Lin Tian leading them to the training room.

They don't usually use this place very much.

Lai Ye also trains in the main control room.

There are simply a lot of miscellaneous functions there.

You can eat, sleep, and have enough space to train.

Now I brought them here.

Could it be that this guy Lin Tian! ! !

Thinking hard.

"Don't worry, I won't train you."

Lin Tian said this with a smile.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, okay, it scared me to death.

The two of them just breathed a sigh of relief, but Zero took off his glasses and walked out.

"Lin Tian is right, he will not participate. I, Zero, will train you today."

"oh oh."

When the two heard what Zero said, they nodded immediately.

But then he reacted immediately.


This time they were completely dumbfounded.

Although they don't know how strong this guy Zero is.

But from Mr. Zena's words, we learned that this guy was the second-in-command of Skywalker.

The strength is definitely not weak!

Isn’t it too inhumane?

However, they finally felt a little more relaxed.

Although Zero looks very strong, he is probably not as perverted as Lin Tian.

Compared to Lin Tian, ​​the two of them are more willing to practice with Sero.

At least there is a chance.

If you fight against Lin Tian, ​​then...

The two couldn't help but think of Lin Tian's terrifying teleportation.

It’s scary to think about it.

Seeing that the two of them had gradually begun to accept it, Lin Tian turned around and left with a smile.

"You guys have a good practice today, I'm going to do something first."

A few hours later.


The bodies of Riku Asakura and Raiha Toba were kicked away by Sero.

"You two little guys can't do it."

Igauri, who had already taken off his glasses, laughed and mocked.

It was Sero who was in control of his body at this moment.

But then his expression suddenly changed.

"Mr. Sero, are you being too harsh?"

The person speaking at this moment was Iga Rito himself.

"You know what the hell, the enemies they will face in the future are far more cruel than the current battle."

"I've already given it up."

As soon as Zero said this, it was hard for the man with eyes to refute.

After all, Zero trained them so hard for their own good.

But Toba Laiye was a little dissatisfied at the moment.

"Forget it Xiao Lu, why do I have to go through such a cruel battle?"

Sero immediately frowned and looked at Toba Raiha.

"I'm curious why you would ask such a question?"

"Didn't that guy Lin Tian say that your enemies are Beria's minions?"

"It was Beria's minions who killed your parents."

"That guy Beria is very strong, and he doesn't even have a single bad person under his command!"

"Do you think you can take revenge now?"

Hearing what Sero said, Toba Raiha also felt a little regretful.

Indeed, his enemy is too powerful.

If you don't train hard, you won't be able to beat others.

"Come on, come on, come on."

Zero waved to the two of them again.

Riku Asakura and Raiha Toba struggled to get up in frustration.

Unexpectedly, this guy Zero is a passionate maniac.

They have been training hard with the idea that they will be tired until they die.

It started in the morning and it's now seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

It was so torturous.

It was just physically and mentally exhausting.

At this moment, the training room suddenly became bright.

"Lin Tian——"

Seeing Lin Tian return, Asakura Riku and Toba Raiha suddenly felt like saviors. .

This guy Zero is so inhuman.

Lin Tian seemed to have guessed the current state of the two.

"Sero, it's almost time. You should go home quickly. Renren's wife and daughter are still waiting for him."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Asakura Riku and Toba Laiye immediately felt like they had received an amnesty.


(End of this chapter)

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