Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 176 Lin Tian: Mengya, how should you thank me?

Chapter 176 Lin Tian: Mengya, how should you thank me?

Finally, I no longer have to be tortured by Zero.

Asakura Riku and Toba Ryuha's chests continued to rise and fall.

The tragic scene when I was trained by that guy Zero was still lingering in my mind!

Damn it! ! !

This guy is so cruel!

Riku Asakura considers himself to be more or less a newcomer.

According to the plot in the TV series.

Aren’t the seniors supposed to take more care of the newcomers and be gentle and gentle?

Will he no longer need to receive training from Zero in the future?

Too much torturous.

They were just happy for a while, but Lin Tian went on to say something.

"That's it for today, we'll continue tomorrow."

Nani? ? ?

Asakura Lu felt despair in his heart.

No, no! ! !

You two!

Are they still human?

Is it fun to destroy a new guy?

Are you happy?

I am not happy! ! !

Look at what you look like. Is this a human thing? ? ?

But Toba Raiha didn't have many thoughts at the moment.

She had made up her mind.

Now there are two strong men who can teach her like this!

She must learn more skills!

With more powerful abilities, she can take revenge on that guy! ! !

Although she would complain, she would persevere no matter how difficult the training was tomorrow.

Because she wants revenge!

"Okay, let's just take a shower and go to bed."

Under Lin Tian's instructions, Asakura Riku and Toba Raiha were finally relieved and hurriedly went to take a bath and go to bed.

That night, they slept so peacefully.

But early the next morning, Lin Tian woke them up one by one.

Asakura Riku and Toba Raiha were carried into the main control room by Lin Tian like little chickens.

"What are you doing——"

The two of them were on the verge of tears.

Even if the training is hard and tiring, why don't you let people have a good sleep?

But the first words Lin Tian spoke made the two of them instantly energetic.

"It's not that I don't want you to sleep, it's mainly because that guy Zero is too enthusiastic."

G? ? ?

Riku Asakura and Raiha Toba woke up instantly.

Nani? ? ?

"Mr. Zero?"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then looked around Lin Tian, ​​but they didn't see Iga Rijin's figure.

At this moment, a pair of big hands patted their shoulders.

Igauri's head poked out from between the two like a ghost.

"Good morning, everyone, are you ready for today's devil training?"

Sero has already thought about it and is going to take them to outdoor training today.

We also have to get a jeep in advance.

Lin Tian was also a little helpless when he saw Sero's mischievous appearance.

Anyway, Zero has suffered a lot from following him, so it would be nice to let him torture the newcomer.

Apart from being a bad guy, Zero's physical skills are pretty good.

It would be good for these two guys to learn from Zero.

It just so happened that he could save himself some trouble.

at this time.

The high-tech bracelet on Lin Tian's wrist suddenly vibrated.

He was slightly startled.

Litru Star?

So fast?

Lin Tian was slightly stunned.

Unexpectedly, Fushii De K is quite efficient.

Asked him to speed up the progress, he actually came one every day.

Not bad.

Boy, I'm optimistic about you.

Lin Tian raised his bracelet and looked at its location, then spoke directly to interrupt Sero.

"Sero, let's put the training aside for now."

"Another Litru Star appears."

After saying that, Lin Tian disappeared directly. Sero looked at Lin Tian who disappeared in frustration.

Damn it!

Torturing newcomers is such a good morning entertainment.

In the city, somewhere.

On a narrow path.

Mengya carried a weak pet box in her hand and rushed towards the direction of the AIB base.

She lifted the pet and looked at the guy inside.

It was a creature that looked like a hair ball.

"What do you think you look like? A dog?"

Just as Mengya stared closely at the little fur ball in the pet box, the surrounding ground suddenly began to tremble.

"Nani? What happened???"

The woman among them hugged the pet box in panic, raised her head and looked around.

Could it be an earthquake?

As the earthquake felt stronger and stronger, a huge one-horned monster appeared in the city.

When Mengya saw the unicorn monster, she was instantly panicked.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh why monsters appear every day! ! !

Just when she was panicking, the little fur ball in the pet box also took advantage of the chaos and broke open the door frame of the pet box and rushed out, jumped a few times and slipped away.

"not good!"

Seeing the little fur ball slipping away, Mengya felt extremely sad for a moment.

Today's mission seems to be in vain again.

At this moment, the one-horned monster suddenly walked towards Mengya.

Every time the soles of the feet fell, the ground shook violently.

Mengya has seen the data of this monster in the database.

This one-horned monster is none other than the underground monster Astron! ! !

But why does this guy wake up from the ground now? ? ?

Astrom kept walking around the city, seeming to be looking for something.

Finally, it came directly to the alley where Mengya was and glanced at the ground casually.

Finally, its eyes were fixed on Mengya.

Or rather, he was staring at the pet box that Mengya was holding tightly.

There seems to be some special energy involved in it.

Astrom suddenly raised his head and roared, then raised his big foot and stepped on the ground where Mengya was.


At this time, a car suddenly stopped at the intersection of the alley.

Zena rushed out of the car and wanted to run towards Mengya.

Seeing the big feet getting closer and closer to the ground, both Zena and Moya felt despair.

In the blink of an eye, there are still hundreds of meters away.

Zena was too late to save Moeya.

"Damn it——"

Zena roared, seemingly distressed by his powerlessness.

at this time.

Astrom's big feet suddenly stopped falling.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Zena stopped running.

Mengya also looked up at a figure that suddenly appeared.

I saw one person suddenly appear.

A stick-like weapon shining with golden light was raised high and pressed against the soles of Asteron's feet.

It easily withstood the weight of Astrom's entire body.

In his hand, he was holding a small creature.

It was the little fur ball that had just escaped.

Mengya's throat rolled unconsciously.

It's Lin Tian.

How could it be him? ? ?

This guy Lin Tian has such terrifying power! ! !

How is this possible?

Mengya suddenly remembered what Mr. Zena said about Lin Tian.

Could it be that those are all true? ? ?

Moreover, judging from the scene in front of me.

Lin Tian not only has so many powerful monsters.

His own strength is also extremely terrifying! ! !

Lin Tian felt relaxed all over.

He smiled: "How are you going to thank me?"

(End of this chapter)

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