Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 20 Lin Tian, ​​you don’t follow martial ethics!

Chapter 20 Lin Tian, ​​you don’t follow martial ethics!


When the King of Ultra came to everyone, he turned directly to Zero and said.

"Since you lose, then go back with Lin Tian."

Zero just snorted coldly and did not refuse.

this child.
  The Ultra King was a little helpless, and then he was ready to tell Zero something.

"There's something I have to tell you."

"Seven is your father."

"At this moment, he needs your help."

Nani? ? ?

Hearing the Ultra King's words, Zero was immediately shocked.

How can this be?

Regarding Severn, Sero's memory can be said to be fresh in his mind.

Severn has always been very strict with Zero. Before, Zero thought it was the old Ultra Warrior's care for the newcomers.

Maybe it's because he is so talented that these seniors of the Space Guard should also pay more attention to him.

Especially Severn.

Sero only remembered that this guy Severin seemed to pay great attention to him in the past.

Just like every time he entered the plasma spark tower before, Severn would appear to stop him.

For the last time, he almost touched the plasma spark.

At that time, Severn suddenly appeared, arrested him with his own hands and deported him to the king's planet.

How could such a guy be his father?

How could a biological father send his biological son to such a rugged place to endure hardship? ? ?
  Seeing Sero lowering his head in deep thought, Lin Tian suddenly spoke.

"Sero, your father asked the Space Guard to expel you here because he actually wanted to train you."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Sero was stunned.

Then he saw that the old man, King of Ultra, nodded heavily.

Later, the King of Ultra told Zero about what happened that year.

"Seven, he has high hopes for you, but you are obsessed with the power of plasma sparks."

"It's always an external force, it's not your own."


The Ultra King spoke earnestly to Zero about the past dust smoke.

When Sero heard everything, he was stunned.

"It turns out he is Seven"

Zero was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and wiped his nose.

"Don't worry, I will definitely solve the crisis in the Kingdom of Light!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zero bent his knees slightly, and then rose directly into the air.

It turned into a stream of light and flew into the sky at high speed.

"Lin Tian, ​​just fly slowly, I'll go first!"

Lin Tian suddenly smiled in his heart when he saw Zero who was already far away in the air.

The next second, a huge fireball suddenly chased Zero at an extremely fast speed.

It's EX Zeton's fireball!
  Zero didn't react in time and was hit directly by this move.

The body immediately fell towards the ground.


Zero was extremely speechless.

Just now, he just wanted to laugh at Lin Tian. Who would have thought that Lin Tian would be so sinister.

It was at this moment that Lin Tian took Lei and passed by the fallen Zero.

"Sero, let's take a step first."

Looking at the two tiny figures running away at great speed.

Zero quickly controlled his body and stopped falling.

  Lin Tian, ​​you don’t follow martial ethics! ! !
  at the same time.

The first generation, Severn, and Mebius have transformed into Ultra Warriors and arrived at the Monster Graveyard.

When they arrived, Beria had summoned an army of hundreds of monsters!

There was a black cloud above the ground.

An arrogant laughter came from the ground.

"Monsters! Follow me and fight again!"

"I will take you to conquer the entire universe!"

That was Beria's voice.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, three red lights instantly flowed across the sky and landed on the ground not far away.

It was the original Ultraman, Ultraman Seven, and Ultraman Mebius.

"Ultra warrior? How boring."

When Beria saw these three guys, he sneered a few times.

He carried the ultimate combat instrument and swung it violently.

"Monsters, destroy them for me!"

the next moment.

All the monsters rushed towards the first generation, Severn and the others. They were instantly shocked when they saw the plasma sparks behind Beria.

"Mebius! Go get the energy core back!!!"

"We cover you!"

As soon as the words fell, Seven and the first generation flew directly into the group of monsters that came to stop them.

The first generation Ultraman and Ultraman Seven were both experienced in many battles and had full combat experience.

Although there were many enemies on the opposite side at the moment, they were not at a disadvantage in a short period of time.

One person stopped a dozen monsters.

Each of them was able to cope with the siege of more than a dozen monsters.

His body is light and he keeps dodging.

Occasionally, he can even kill a monster or two.

However, those who besiege them are still a minority.

More monsters all went to intercept Membius who was charging towards Belia.

Seeing this, Membius directly drew the Membius lightsaber.

The golden lightsaber kept slashing among the monsters.

However, there are simply too many monsters.

Even though Membius kept slashing with all his strength, he still didn't make much progress.

"Damn it, there are too many enemies!!!"

At this time, Beria squatted in front of the plasma sparks, quietly watching the battle in front of him.

It's like watching a good show.

in the universe.

Lin Tian and Lei were on their way.

Sero has also caught up at this moment.

"Lin Tian, ​​I heard that you didn't have the ability to fight before?"

"Why do you suddenly have the power to summon monsters?"

Zero felt bored and suddenly asked.

Lin Tian didn't hide anything and directly told Sero the truth.

Sero was shocked after hearing this.

Reblondo ancestry? ? ?
  Isn't this exactly the same as Beria?

Lei was also shocked.

Who would have thought that it would only take less than a day for Lin Tian to awaken to Rebrando's bloodline.

To be able to be so powerful!

It also has two terrifying monsters, EX Gomora and EX Zeton.

Nima! ! !

How on earth is this done?

Lei directly made everyone stupid.

Why wasn't he so relaxed after awakening to the Reblondo bloodline?

Comparing people to each other can really make people angry.

"Then who is this guy?"

Sero looked at Lei beside Lin Tian.

Lei said directly: "My name is Lei, and I am Leonix on Earth."


That seems to be where Severn has been.

This guy is also a Leonix? ? ?

Zero was slightly shocked.

At this moment, Lin Tian and Sero were suddenly stunned.

"The monster cemetery seems to have erupted with extremely terrifying energy!"

Lin Tian nodded.

"It seems like a fight has already begun."

"We have to speed up!"

Urgent situation!
  After saying that, Lin Tian and Sero accelerated directly towards the monster cemetery.

"Mebius! Be careful!"

Severn, who was being besieged by monsters, suddenly called out a reminder.

Suddenly, a reptile-like monster sneaked up from behind Mebius, who was among the monsters.

He was about to bite Membius' calf.

"It seems that the real battle has just begun now!"

At this moment, a beam of destruction suddenly fell from the sky.

  The reptile monster was instantly reduced to rubble.

Sanao looked up instantly.

It was actually an Ultra Warrior with a blue and red body!

That's Ultraman Dyna!
  "Mebius! We are here to help too!"

At the same time, an aviation battleship suddenly rushed in.

It's the Panlong!
  (End of this chapter)

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