Chapter 21 Zero is furious, EX Tyrant!
  Monster graveyard.

With the addition of Dyna, the Ultra Warriors finally gained some resistance.

At this moment, Dana had already found Beria alone.

He flew directly to Beria.

"Beria, your opponent is me!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he attacked Beria directly.

When Beria saw Dyna flying over him, he waved the ultimate combat instrument.

A blood-red light blade attacked Dyna.

When Dana saw this, he quickly dodged to avoid it.

Beria took advantage of this opportunity, grabbed the plasma spark energy core clone and retreated several hundred meters.

There are so many monsters and they still go up to fight you personally?

I am not a fool.

Beria sneered a few times.

After inserting the plasma spark into the ground, he directly rotated the ultimate combat instrument.

Finally, he pointed at Mebius who was being beaten by the monster group.

"I've had enough fun, let's kill that guy first."

After Beria finished speaking, dozens of monsters immediately surrounded Membius.

Mebius's pressure increased instantly.

"Damn it! Panlong Missile!!!"

at this time.

Dozens of missiles with a gray streamer suddenly shot out from somewhere and headed straight for Beria.

After Beria noticed it, he quickly raised his arms to resist.

bang bang bang! ! !
  Dozens of missiles all hit Beria instantly! ! !
  In an instant, dust and smoke rose everywhere.

However, when the dust and smoke dissipated, Beria was unharmed.

He slowly lowered his arms and looked at the Panlong floating not far away.

"It's chattering, it's so noisy!"

Beria's eyes were scarlet, and he raised his hand and fired a blood-red beam of destruction from the ultimate combat instrument! ! !
  The speed of that light was so fast that the Panlong was unable to react at all.

Several members of the ZAP team were about to be wiped out.

Just when the light reached the Panlong, a figure directly blocked it! ! !

Screams came out immediately.


"Ultraman Seven!!!"

"Brother Seven!!!"

Zhongao was instantly shocked.

The one who suddenly rushed out to save the Panlong was Ultraman Seven.

Severn was hit and fell to the ground weakly in an instant.

Beria's blow directly caused him to be seriously injured and on the verge of death!

"Jie Jie Jie, poor Severn."

Beria laughed a few times while carrying the ultimate combat instrument.

Then, he directly ordered: "Monsters, stop playing around, just kill them all!!!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Beria laughed wildly with pride.

However, at this moment.

A voice came from the air.

"Beria, your laughter is too obscene."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment.

Beria suddenly raised his head and looked at the entrance to the monster cemetery in the sky.

I saw two young figures suddenly landing on the ground not far away from there.

It's Lin Tian and Lei!

"It's you again!!!"

When Beria saw Lin Tian, ​​boundless anger immediately emerged in his heart.

He also saw Lei next to Lin Tian.

"There is actually a Leonix?"

"Since you two are eager to seek death, I will help you!"

Beria laughed a few times indifferently, and then directly waved the ultimate combat instrument.

"Monsters, come on!!!"

In an instant, all the monsters abandoned their goals and attacked Lin Tian and Lei!
  Upon seeing this, Lei immediately became cautious.

He directly took out his combat device and summoned Gomora to stand in front of the two of them.

Looking forward to it!

"Not good!!!"    "The two of them will definitely not be able to defeat these hundred monsters!"

"Lin Tian, ​​Lei, run quickly!!!"

Seven and other Ultra warriors quickly worried.

They did not see Zero around Lin Tian and the others.

Could it be that that boy Zero didn't come?
  Just in the nick of time.

A cold snort suddenly came out.

Beria's heart suddenly tightened, and he quickly looked around for the figure of the visitor.

Without taking a breath, a figure fell from the sky and stood in front of Gomora.

Very strange, never seen before.

"You guy, who are you?"

Beria asked coldly.

When Cero heard Beria's question, he immediately hugged his chest proudly.

He wiped his nose and prepared to speak.

However, at this time, Lin Tian moved.

He reached out.

The ultimate combat device instantly appeared in his hands.

The next second, he waved directly.

In the ultimate battle instrument, two rays of light flashed out.

It turned into two huge figures and landed heavily next to Zero.

boom! ! !
  boom! ! !
  EX Gomora and EX Zeton suddenly landed on the ground.

The huge dust smoke directly interrupted Zero's words.

The shock caused when he landed almost knocked Zero down!
  When Sero saw these two guys appear, he immediately became very angry.

Oh shit! ! !

Lin Tian, ​​you ******! ! !

Why the hell can't you just let me finish pretending like this?

Gan! ! !
  Sero was extremely depressed.

Then, before he could react.

Lin Tian directly controlled the two monsters and rushed towards the group of monsters in front.

Seeing this, Lei also controlled Gomora to follow.

The three monsters immediately got into a fight.

"Damn guy!!!"

When Beria saw Lin Tian starting to fight back, he was extremely angry.

He waved the ultimate combat device and continuously controlled the monster to attack.

Although he also knows that the opponent's monsters are extremely powerful, he has many monsters of his own! ! !

He wants to defeat quality with quantity! ! !
  Seeing this, Severn and Membius also hurriedly attacked.

They led away two or three monsters respectively.

Fight each other.

Zero froze on the spot.

After doing this for a long time, am I the only clown? ? ?
  How could Lin Tian care about what Zero was thinking?
  He just blindly controlled EX Gomora and EX Zeton to constantly shuttle among the monsters to attack.

EX Gomora is truly the king of power.

Every swing of those big hands and tail can almost easily kill a monster!

In just a few dozen seconds, more than ten monsters were killed by it! ! !

EX Jayden is even more ferocious.

Its body kept flashing and strange powers emerged.

Although its destructive power is not as terrifying as EX Gomora, every attack can defeat a large number of monsters.

The two monsters had defeated forty or fifty Beria's monster army in the blink of an eye.

In comparison, the combat effectiveness of the Ultra Warriors was obviously much worse.

Severn and the others looked at the battle in front of them in shock.


"How come Lin Tian is so strong?"

"With him here, we can definitely stop that guy Beria!!!"


Why is Lin Tian's current combat power so terrifying? ? ?
  Just when Lin Tian was about to control the two monsters to continue attacking.


A familiar voice rang out!
  [Your ultimate combat device is very happy to receive many compliments, and proactively presents the monster to you - Tyrant! 】

[Your monster Tyrant has successfully evolved into EX Tyrant under the spur of the ultimate combat instrument! 】

[The evolution route has been unlocked. Do you want to merge the evolutions? ? 】

(End of this chapter)

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