Chapter 23 Beleudra appears!

Nani? ? ?

This is the end? ? ?
  Beria, who controlled hundreds of monsters, was just solved by Lin Tian? ? ?

Everyone was shocked when they saw Beria's body flying upside down and falling into the depths of the canyon in the distance.

So strong! ! !

They were completely confused at the moment.

I originally thought that the battle with Beria would be an unprecedented battle.

The results of it?
  Lin Tian solved Beria by himself.

I am Nima! ! !
  Do you want to be so fake? ? ?

At this moment.

All the monsters stopped attacking.

They seemed to have lost control.

He stood there shaking his head, not knowing what to do.

Seeing this, Severn also hurriedly came to gather with his companions.

In the battle just now, he also saw Zero walking smoothly among the monsters.

Although the combat effectiveness is obviously not as good as Lin Tian's monster, it is still very good.

At least, among the new generation, Zero is already at the top.

Of course, except Lin Tian!

"Sero, you have grown up."

Severn stared at his son blankly and wanted to raise his hand to touch him.

However, at this moment, Zero didn't seem to realize that his father had already come to him.

He just said angrily: "Humph! Lin Tian is so lucky!!!"

"If it were me, I could beat that guy Beria away!"

Although he said this, Zero was also shocked in his heart.

Lin Tian's current strength is indeed very powerful.

no! ! !

I will definitely continue to get stronger and defeat this guy Lin Tian sooner or later!

Seeing his son's aggressive look, Sero sighed helplessly.

Yes, I still haven’t grown up.

"Lei, that guy is so strong!"

At this time, the members of the ZAP team, led by Captain Hinata, also left the Panlong and came to Lei's side.

Ray nodded solemnly.

"Yes, he is strong!"

He was slightly shocked.

Same with Leonix.

Although his Gomora is slightly stronger than ordinary monsters, that's all.

But this guy Lin Tian, ​​is this too scary? ? ?
  When we first met, this guy already had EX Gomora and EX Zeton! ! !

Now, during the on-the-spot battle, he actually conquered one of the opponent's Tyrants!


Just after conquering it, it evolved into EX Tyrant! ! !
  If that's all, forget it.

Lin Tiante actually managed to fuse EX Gomora and EX Tyrant! ! !

For a moment, Ray only felt that as Leonix, this was too unfair.

At this moment, two red figures suddenly fell from the sky.

It's Leo and Astra! ! !

"Lin Tian, ​​Sero, how is the situation?"

As soon as they landed, they found that all the monsters stayed on the ground without moving.

I was suddenly confused.

What's going on?

Before Lin Tian could speak, Sero stepped forward directly to Leo and talked about what had just happened.

After hearing this, Leo and the two were immediately shocked.

Astra was even more heartbroken.

Nani? ? ?

Lin Tian solved that guy Beria by himself? ? ?
  The monster not far ahead that exudes a terrifying aura is actually Lin Tian's? ? ?

It's terrible!
  Astra suddenly remembered what the old man, the Ultra King, said.

He nodded immediately.

It is indeed what the king said, a hope that is stronger than Cero!

"Lin Tian."

Astra immediately lowered his head and looked at Lin Tian. “You have just awakened the Leonix bloodline and you are already so powerful.”

"I don't know where I will reach the top in the future. No wonder Wang Hui said that among the new generation of the Kingdom of Light, you are a more powerful being than Bi Luo."

Nani? ? ?

Astra said it calmly, but it made the boy Zero immediately angry.

Nima! ! !

What do you mean?
  We haven't known each other for a long time, so why should we say that he, Cerro, is not as good as Lin Tian?
  Mr. Ultra King, is this too biased? !
  Sero looked at Lin Tian fiercely.

Just wait, Lin Tian, ​​sooner or later I will surpass you! ! !

Lin Tian himself didn't pay too much attention to Astra's words.

He was just a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the old man, King of Ultra, noticed me before they met.


At this moment, he was paying more attention to his body.

As EX Gomorra and EX Jayton successfully merged into EX Gomorante, the ultimate combat instrument also continuously fed back power to Lin Tian after the successful fusion.

This is too cool! ! !
  The ultimate combat instrument can not only subdue and even evolve monsters for you very confidently.

It can also feed the monster's power back to itself in the same proportion, making itself stronger.

Cool! ! !
  It's so cool! ! !
  Lin Tian tried to clench his fists.


There was a crisp sound between the joints.

Lin Tian felt the power within his body.

With his current strength, he could easily break a mountain with just his bare hands.

Just when Lin Tian was pleasantly surprised, the ultimate combat device suddenly shook.

Lin Tian looked up at EX brother Morant with enlightenment.

I saw this big guy staring at me expectantly.

His hands were constantly waving, full of fighting spirit.

Lin Tian immediately understood its meaning.

"You haven't had enough of it yet, have you?"

Lin Tian smiled.

The Ultra warriors beside him were also stunned for a moment.

  You've beaten Beria to death, haven't you had enough? ? ?
  This monster is so terrifying!
  Just when everyone was shocked, Lin Tian spoke again.

"Don't worry, wait, you will be able to enjoy it later."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, EX brother Morant was stunned.

The small eyes revealed great doubts.

Leo, Seven and other Ultra warriors on the side were also stunned.

What do you mean?
  Hasn't Beria been driven into the lava by you?
  These monsters have also lost control and have no fighting spirit.

Will you be able to enjoy the game later?

Who to hit?
  Zhongao was stunned for a while.

Just when they were wondering, the entire monster cemetery suddenly shook violently.

The ground shook violently, and many nearby mountains shattered.

what happened? ? ?

Zhongao shook for a while and hurriedly flew up and floated in the air.

While Zhongao was puzzled, the bodies of those monsters that were still alive suddenly glowed with a faint light.

A Dawson blue light group is also constantly emerging from under the ground.

These light groups, together with the monsters, all floated into the sky.

Finally, he suddenly rushed into the huge canyon ahead.

Below is the magma where Beria died! ! !
  Not long after, a figure that covered the sky and sun emerged directly from the canyon.

It was a huge guy whose body was made from the fusion of hundreds of monsters.

There are two wings on the back and two horns on the top of the head.

It’s none other than the Hundred-Body Monster—Beleudra! ! !
  And Beria's body is on top of that head! ! !
  "Jie Jie Jie!"

"Lin Tian, ​​I will not be defeated so easily!"

"You're just one or two monsters!"

"How do you fight me?!"

Beria laughed sarcastically and mocked.

However, facing his ridicule, Lin Tian only gently raised the ultimate combat instrument.

He sneered and gave the order directly.

"Okay, EX brother Morant! Come on! It's time to show your strongest strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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