Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 24 EX Brother Morant vs. Beludora! EX ultimate battle instrument!

Chapter 24 EX Brother Morant vs. Beludora! EX ultimate battle instrument!
  Lin Tian's voice fell.

Before EX brother Morant could move, that kid Cerro rushed out first!

"Beria, I will be your opponent!!!"

He shouted and flew towards Beleudra.

The starting point is a Zero Beam Ray! ! !
  The green beam of light shot directly towards Belial, who was on Beludora's head.

However, Beleudra only slowly raised her arm.

The Zero beam ray hit Beleudra's arm directly.


Zero's concentrated beam of light only sparked a trace of sparks on the arm of the case!

It's enough to show the strength of Beleudra's physical defense!
  Nani? ? ?

Shiro was shocked.

He was about to attack again, but Beleudra's arm swung directly towards him.

Although the speed is slow, the area is too wide.

Zero had nowhere to hide, and was immediately knocked away by an arm——


Zero screamed and disappeared.


Severn and Leo were suddenly shocked.

This guy Zero is really too impulsive! ! !

He didn't even find out any details about the enemy, but he directly used his skills to attack in the face!
  "Astra! Let's go!!!"

Leo greeted his brother directly.

Astra nodded immediately.

The two brothers flew up and landed on Beleudra's body.

As soon as they landed there, the monsters outside Beleudra's body started to attack them.

Too many.

Even Leo and Astra, who are fighting masters, are somewhat stretched at the moment.

Not long after, Astra was the first to be hugged tightly by several monsters.

Can't move.

Beleudra's big mouth took this opportunity to target Astra.

A black-red light was emitted directly from Beleudra's big mouth.

It hit Astra almost instantly.

Astra's body immediately flew out and landed heavily on the ground in the distance.


Leo was shocked when he saw his brother being blown away.

The monsters surrounding Leo also took advantage of this moment to emit light.

Leo was a little unable to react in time, and his body was also knocked away.


At this moment, Dana suddenly flew up, with his hands directly stacked on his chest.

A blue beam of destruction burst out directly.

"Solgett Rays!!!"

Not only that, Mebius and the first-generation Ultraman on the side also launched their own skills.

"Mombim Ray!"

"Eight-point light wheel!"

The three attacks burst out directly.

However, Beleudra just raised her arm again and blocked them all.

At the same time, he also slapped his arm directly towards the Ultra Warriors.

Puff puff!
  In just a moment, the Ultra warriors were slapped away with a palm.

Severn hurried forward and helped all his companions up.

At this time, they were extremely weak, and the red lights on their chests turned on.

They were so vulnerable in front of this Beleudra.

How can this be good?


Severn suddenly screamed in shock.

Suddenly, Beleudra pointed her big mouth at them.

In front of that big mouth, terrifying energy suddenly began to accumulate.

It seems like all the monsters are providing energy for this attack.

The gradual execution energy gradually condensed into a blood-red light ball in front of Beleudra's mouth.

This ball of light is getting bigger and bigger.

The energy contained is also getting more and more terrifying.

"Leo! Let's stop him."

At this moment, Zero suddenly appeared next to Leo.

The two immediately nodded together, and then bent their knees together.

The next second, the two flew up and jumped into the air.

A blazing flame ignited on Liao's feet.

They took these two flames and kicked Belia directly at Beleudra's head. However, Beleudra didn't bother to care about their attack at all.

He just dispatched the two monsters on his shoulders and each fired two terrifying rays of destruction.

These two destruction rays directly hit the bodies of Zero and Leo.

The two men's attacks came to an abrupt end, and their bodies fell heavily to the ground.

It was at this moment that the energy ball in Beleudra's mouth finally accumulated.

A blood-red thick ray burst out directly.

Looking at that area, everyone might be submerged in an instant!

"It's over!!!"

Everyone except Lin Tian was shocked.

No one can stop such a terrifying attack!

There is not much energy left in their bodies at this moment.

It was impossible to block this blow.

The blood-red thick ray arrived in front of all the Ultra warriors in the blink of an eye.

At this critical moment.

A huge figure more than sixty meters tall suddenly blocked everyone.

boom! ! !
  A loud bang!
  The figure that suddenly blocked them suddenly blocked Beludora's attack.

Severn and the others were stunned.

When they slowly opened their eyes, they realized that the person standing in front of them was Lin Tian's EX brother Morant! ! !

How can this be?

Although they had never seen this kind of monster before, how could this one monster alone be able to compete with the energy of hundreds of monsters in Belial?

Wait, what is this monster doing?
  Seven, the first generation and others suddenly discovered something.

Lin Tian's EX brother Morant was standing in front of them at this moment, and the pentagonal organ in his abdomen suddenly opened.

There seemed to be waves of suction coming out.

All of Beleudra's energy seemed to be swallowed up by that organ at this time!


How can it be?

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian's monster was so powerful.

He blocked this terrifying attack by himself!

When Beludora was completely swallowed by this move, Severn and the others quickly struggled to get up.

"Lin Tian, ​​it's all thanks to you."

"Yeah yeah."

"If it weren't for you, we would all be doomed."


Listening to the praises of the Ultra Warriors, Lin Tian felt extremely happy at the moment.

At the same time, the blood in his body was extremely boiling.

In such a terrifying battle, Belial's Beludora should be able to give her ultimate battle instrument another shot, right?
  Thinking of this, he directly spoke provocatively: "Beria, your attack is a bit itchy."

When Beria, who was far away in the sky, heard Lin Tian's words, he was so angry that he wanted to crush the ant to death immediately.

"I'll kill you!!!"

Beria roared angrily, then raised his huge palm and slapped Lin Tian.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian directly raised the ultimate combat device and waved it lightly.

"EX brother Morant, use super gravity to press hard!!!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, the two corners of EX brother Morant's head bloomed with extremely dazzling purple light, and suddenly there were waves of transparent fluctuations all over his body, starting from it, and spurting out into the distance!

Under this wave of fluctuation, Beleudra's body suddenly sank.

The huge slap that was originally going to hit Lin Tian and EX brother Morant also lost its balance due to body misalignment and hit the hill nearby!
  see this scene.

Beria's eyes were full of shock and disbelief!

How is this going?

what just happened?
  How could this little monster, which was only over 60 meters tall, release such terrifying pressure?

Seeing that Beludora's attack failed to hit Lin Tian and EX Go Morant at all, Ultra warriors such as Zero and Seven were extremely shocked.

How many terrifying abilities does Lin Tian's monster have?

This is too scary!
  At this moment, Beleudra, who had been controlled by Beria, stabilized her body.

There were constant low-level roars coming from Beria's mouth.

"Damn guy!"

"Don't think that some heretics can defeat me!"

"I can kill you in one breath!"

After hearing Beria's words, Lin Fan just smiled lightly.

"is it?"

"Then you kill one and let me see?"

The atmosphere was extremely tense at the moment.

Beria was also angry and was about to attack.

However, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Lin Tian's heart.

[Your Ultimate Combat Instrument is very unhappy. A guy with a mere counterfeit dares to be so arrogant. He took a deep breath and took the initiative to evolve into an EX Ultimate Combat Instrument! 】

Lin Tian:! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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