Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 26 Save the Kingdom of Light! EX Zeton’s new evolution route!

Chapter 26 Save the Kingdom of Light! EX Zeton’s new evolution route!


Looking at the soaring fire, all the creatures except Lin Tian couldn't help being shocked.

This Nima.
  It's too scary.

At this moment, they suddenly felt sorry for that guy Beria.

If the ten hundred-bodied monsters controlled by Lin Tian were to deal with them, I am afraid that any one of them could easily kill them.

Let alone ten?
  That guy Belia was bombarded by ten hundred-body monsters, and he was probably dead.

There is no need to worry about the words he said before he died.

"This guy is so strong!"

At this moment, the ZAP team members on the ground were filled with shock.

In addition to the surprise of victory in the battle, there was also some panic about Lin Tian.

Beria is such a scary guy, and they fought so hard.

But Beria was easily killed by Lin Tian, ​​who was the same height as them.

What if Lin Tiantian suddenly had darkness in his heart one day and took these monsters to rule the universe?
  Just thinking about them is terrifying.

By then, I'm afraid no one will be able to stop Lin Tian.

"Luckily this guy is a buddy."

Everyone immediately nodded in unison.

Lei did not speak.

He just looked at Lin Tian's back quietly in the distance.

This guy is so strong!

The same is Leonix, this guy is really much stronger than me.

I don’t know if there will be a day in the future when I can surpass him?
  The hearts of Leo, Seven and other Ultra warriors were beating wildly at this moment.

Lin Tian's talent is too terrifying.

It’s only been a day since I woke up!

He can control so many monsters and easily kill veteran warriors like Beria.

At the moment, Lin Tian looks like a Raybrando star!

Not only them, Zero was also stunned in place at this moment.

Lin Tian is really getting stronger and stronger.

How many other tricks does he have that I don't know about?
  Can I still catch up with him?

At this moment, Zero suddenly doubted his own power.

Just by yourself, how much effort will it take to surpass this guy?

Suddenly, Zero clenched his fists as if he had made up his mind.


After this matter is completely over, I must find Leo for special training to death! ! !

Oh shit! ! !

Lin Tian has become so strong now, he must have reached a bottleneck period.

I must take advantage of this period to work hard to death!

I can't believe it!
  Lin Tian doesn't even have an Ultra body, how can I still catch up with him? ? ?

How could Lin Tian know what these people were thinking at this time?

As the fire slowly disappeared, Lin Tian waved the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument slightly.

The ten hundred-body monsters immediately looked up to the sky and roared for a while.

The next second, they each disintegrated, scattered into countless light groups, and submerged into the ground again.

And EX brother Morant and EX Jayden also flew directly back to Lin Tian's EX ultimate combat instrument.

After the light they transformed into penetrated the transparent crystal, their bodies appeared directly in the crystal.

The crystal is like two small pieces of heaven and earth embedded at both ends of the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument. It has a huge capacity and can accommodate 1000 monsters.

Then Lin Tian flew up and came directly to the eyes of Zhongao.

"Everyone, luckily you have lived up to your fate."

Seeing Lin Tian return, Chudai and Seven quickly expressed their gratitude to Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​it's really thanks to you this time."

"Without you, we probably wouldn't be able to defeat Beria."

"Yeah yeah."

"With you in the Kingdom of Light, everything will be worry-free."    "."

Facing the praise from Zhongao, Lin Tian was not too proud.

He just looked down at the plasma sparks.

"Now that the war is over, let's quickly send the plasma spark back to the Kingdom of Light."

"This is the most important thing right now. If it's too late, there will inevitably be accidents."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Zhongao nodded instantly.

After a moment.

Plasma spark tower.

Lin Tian and Sero have arrived on the overpass.

In front of you is the groove where the plasma spark is placed.

At this moment, Taro, who was completely frozen, still kept holding his chest tightly.

Taylor is a worthy warrior.

Use your own life to protect the last bit of light in the Kingdom of Light.

It was also thanks to the first generation of Taro and Severn that they had the power to fight.

Although this battle with Beria was almost solved by Lin Tian alone, Taylor is still very important in the hearts of the Austrians.

Lin Tian jumped up and came directly to the groove.

He looked at the groove in front of him and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

No wonder that guy Beria wants to get the energy of plasma sparks so much.

The energy of plasma sparks is really terrifying.

As long as he has this, Lin Tian can use plasma sparks to continuously create an army of monsters.

This alone is enough to show how terrifying it is.

It's hard not to be heartbroken.

But Lin Tian thought about it and threw the light ball in his hand into the groove.

Although this thing has strong energy, it is completely unnecessary.

After all, this is an external force.

After all, people still have to rely on themselves.

Moreover, Lin Tian also believes that compared to plasma sparks, his EX ultimate combat instrument will become stronger! ! !

Maybe he will experience many battles in the future.

And his EX ultimate battle instrument will continue to evolve with the number of battles, and it will also gain more energy for himself! ! !
  By that time, Lin Tian believed that the energy of the plasma spark would not be able to penetrate the eyes of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument!
  It's good, and so am I!

Lin Tian suddenly remembered a certain advertising line from his previous life.

That's really what happened.

The second the small ball of light fell into the groove, the plasma spark instantly returned to its original appearance and was firmly inserted into the groove.

The energy of the plasma spark also instantly spread to the surroundings with the groove as the center.

All the ice is melting rapidly.

The darkness is gradually illuminated by light.

Taro was the first to be rescued from the ice by the energy of the plasma spark.

The moment the energy lamps in his eyes and chest lit up, Taylor stumbled and almost fell.

After he stabilized his body, his chest continued to rise and fall.

After feeling for a moment that his body was gradually recovering, Tyro suddenly looked at Lin Tian and Sero with satisfaction.

"It looks like you succeeded."

Not just Taro, the father of Ultra, the mother of Ultra, Eddie, a member of the Space Guard
  In the following time, all Ultra Warriors were gradually unblocked.

The entire Kingdom of Light began to regain its light.

When all the Ultra warriors recovered, under the guidance of the Ultra King, they immediately gathered under the building of the Space Guard headquarters.

A burst of cheers.

Lin Tian was standing on a platform from a distance, looking down.

It's great, the Kingdom of Light is back to its original appearance.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded again.

[Your EX Ultimate Fighter was very moved when he saw you saving a planet, and tearfully presented you with the new evolutionary route of EX Jayton! 】

Lin Tian:! ?

(End of this chapter)

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