Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 27 EX Jay Ponton! He is the hero of the Kingdom of Light

Chapter 27 EX Jay Ponton! He is the hero of the Kingdom of Light

[Your EX Ultimate Fighter was very moved when he saw you saving a planet, and tearfully presented you with the new evolutionary route of EX Jayton! 】

When Lin Tian heard the sound of the system, he immediately went numb!
  I am Nima!
  Isn't this too exciting? !

Isn't his EX ultimate battle instrument just outstanding?

How long has it been? ? ?

Damn it, you are actually doing well again! ! !
  That’s awesome, O Laotie!

On this day alone, his EX Ultimate Combat Instrument has gained so much attention, which is really awesome.

If it continues at this speed, he won't be able to get stronger even if he wants to.

Cool! ! !
  Lin Tian was extremely pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, a stream of information instantly poured into his mind.

This information is EX Zeton’s new evolutionary path!
  Lin Tian looked at it for a while and got a rough idea.

There are four evolution routes for EX Zeton.

The first type is the Jeton Baltans.

The chest is exactly the same as Zeton, and the limbs are the same as those of the Baltans.

A pair of huge pliers looks very powerful.

This evolutionary route requires the fusion of Zeton and the Baltans. The fused new Zeton is powerful and can far surpass Ultra warriors like Zero.

But if this evolutionary line is really integrated, future advancement may become very limited.

After all, there are elements of the Baltan planet there, which directly limits the changes in his strength.

The second type is Belmont Jeddo, which is a fusion of Bemunstein and Zeton.

This evolutionary route, after the successful integration, the ability is indeed very strange.

The left hand can absorb the enemy's attack, and the right hand can reflect the same attack back to attack the enemy.

In addition, other attack abilities are also very significant.

After all, it is one of the Belial fusion beasts.

The strength is extremely terrifying.

Similar to this is the third evolutionary path.


Pedanimjeton is also one of the Belial fusion beasts.

The strength is extremely terrifying.

Lin Tian only remembered that in the original plot, Pedanimjeton's record was very impressive, and he had many skills that could powerfully suppress the Ultra Warriors.

Both of these Belial fusion beasts are very powerful.

Any one picked out alone will definitely be able to dominate in this period.

  Lin Tian couldn't help but look at the fourth evolutionary route.

Lin Tian was very familiar with this monster.

The head is completely different from Jayton and Ponton. The luminous crystals all over the body and the snake-belly-shaped arms can be seen as characteristics of Jayton.

As for the arms and the two big mouths on both sides of the head, it can be seen that these are Ponton's characteristics.

Behind him is an extremely thick and flexible tail.

That's the tail of the Moge Serpent! ! !
  This is none other than Fusion Demon King Beast Jay Ponton! ! !
  Extraordinarily powerful! ! !
  Jie Ponton can easily suppress Uub's existence.

Even compared to the previous three, it is not at all inferior.

Lin Tian was silent for a moment.

Then he directly raised his palm, and the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument was directly held in his palm.

He looked down at his EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, feeling increasingly happy.

My EX Ultimate Battle Instrument is getting more and more impressive!
  All of a sudden, he presented himself with four evolutionary routes!
  It's so cool.

But, which evolutionary path should we take?

Lin Tian couldn't help but hesitate.

The other monster required for these four evolutionary routes is all ready-made among the 1000 monsters Lin Tian collected in the monster graveyard.

As long as you choose the evolution route, you can evolve directly.

  Lin Tian suddenly remembered another Jayton's ultimate form.

It would be great if the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument could provide itself with the evolution route of Hyperjetton.

Otherwise, as long as there is such a Hyperjetton, wouldn't it be directly invincible?
  You must know that Hypajedon is a monster that even Saka has to deal with with all his strength.

Extremely powerful.

Neither Zero nor Beria is enough in front of Hyperjackton.

Lin Tian vaguely remembered the way the boy Zero was beaten by Hypa Jetton in the original plot and was unable to fight back.

Quite embarrassed.

It's a pity that the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument does not provide this evolution route.

Although there was some regret, the loss in Lin Tian's heart was still swept away.

Isn't it Hypajton?

Lin Tian believed that his EX Ultimate Combat Instrument was so good that in the future, let alone Hypa Jetun, even a more powerful existence, the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument would be able to get him for him! ! !
  Nothing to regret.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian looked at the four evolutionary routes with interest.

Although the Jeton Baltans are powerful, their ultimate strength is too limited and there is no way to go in the future.

Forget about this evolutionary route.

The Jeton Baltan star was directly rejected by Lin Tian.

Then Lin Tian looked at Belmond Jeddo and Pedanim Jeddon. Although these two Belial fusion beasts are also very powerful, they have one disadvantage.

He doesn't have Beria's power.

Even if it is really fused, the strength will probably be much lower than in the original plot.

If that's the case, then probably only.
  After thinking carefully, Lin Tian said directly: "Then let him."

"Fusion Demon King Beast Jay Ponton!!!"

The moment Lin Tian's words fell, he immediately felt Ponton being lifted out of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

The EX Ultimate Combat Instrument directly conveyed a beam of energy to Ponton. Ponton immediately changed his momentum and directly evolved into EX Ponton!

This is not finished.

After the evolution was completed, EX Ponton separated directly from the group of monsters and turned into a ball of light and rushed out of the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

The next second, he drilled directly into the other end.

In the container at that end, there were originally only EX Morant and EX Jayden.

This time, EX Ponton got directly in and bumped into EX Jayton.

The next second, the two monsters instantly turned into a ball of light and merged together.

Lin Tian could vaguely feel the intensity of their momentum.

At the same time, Lin Tian realized that the power in his body was constantly getting stronger.


Suddenly, there was a cry.

Lin Tian lowered his head and looked intently.

The light has dissipated.

A brand new monster appears next to EX brother Morant.

It's none other than Fusion Demon Kingmon EX Jay Ponton!
  Lin Tian was instantly overjoyed.

"EX brother Morant, EX Jay Ponton."

"Please take care of me in the future battles."

Hearing Lin Tian's laughter, the two monsters suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

EX Jay Ponton kept waving his whole body and sweeping his tail.

Lin Tian understood.

This guy was just born, so he wants to fight quickly!

EX brother Morant on the side was also waving his hands with interest.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly.

"Don't make any noise."

"Don't worry, if you want to fight, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"You have to give me more energy then."

Seeing the two monsters calm down, Lin Tian suddenly felt helpless.

He raised his head and looked at the endless universe, his blood boiling in his heart.

Starting today, he will experience more and more battles in the future.

Only by experiencing battle can your monster army fully grow!

His EX ultimate battle instrument can also give him more energy.

Lin Tian couldn't help but fantasize.

How cool would it be if all of my 1000 monsters turned into extremely powerful beings in the future?

At this moment, the King of Ultra, who had been speaking on Ultra Plaza, suddenly changed his words.

“This time we are able to get through the crisis all by ourselves.”

"That is our companion, the hero of the Kingdom of Light!"

After the words fell, the Ultra King raised his hand and pointed directly at Lin Tian on the high platform beside him.

All the Ultra warriors in the square below immediately looked up.


"Who is the king talking about?"

"I don't know, I didn't see anyone."

"Did the king make a mistake?"

"Qiaodou Sack, is there a human there?"


The Ultra Warriors looked up, but did not see any Ultra Warriors.

At this moment, someone finally saw Lin Tian's small body.

"That is."

"Wait, I know him!"

"Isn't that the only Lin Tian in our Kingdom of Light who doesn't have an Ultra body?"

As soon as these words came out, all the Ultra warriors in the square started to stir.

Nani? ? ?

The hero who saved the Kingdom of Light turned out to be Lin Tian without an Ultra body? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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