Chapter 29 Training Zero! Fight Leo!

All the Ultra Warriors were stupid.

No, brother.

The battle in the monster graveyard.

Isn’t that guy Beria already killed by your 1000 monsters?
  Thinking about it, the Ultra warriors felt that Beria must have been very aggrieved at that time.

I originally thought that my hundreds of monsters could completely crush the situation, but Lin Tian's guy just showed up with 1000 monsters.

Sure enough!

But what do Lin Tian's words mean now?
  Beria's army? ? ?

Where did the army come from? ? ?
  At this moment, everyone from the Space Guard also came to Lin Tian.

Facing Lin Tian's words, they were very confused.

Looking at the many huge figures surrounding him, Lin Tian felt a little helpless.

He said calmly: "Everyone, I'm afraid that guy Beria will not die so easily."

It would be nice if Beria was just Beria.

It's a pity that he still has the soul of a Reblondo star in his body.

With this thing around, Beria would probably come back again no matter how many times he died.

Lin Tian suddenly felt a little unfair.

Of course, I just feel it’s unfair to Ray and those Leonix people.

Also as Leonix, Ray and the others will die as long as they are defeated.

This guy Beria can be resurrected countless times.

It's really unfair.

Lin Tian couldn't help but recall the original plot in his mind.

After this battle, Beria went directly to other universes and established his own Dark Galactic Empire there.

And he also created an extremely terrifying army.

He led his army of darkness to burn, kill, and loot everywhere, committing all kinds of evil.

Finally, he wanted to teleport all those armies to the Kingdom of Light and invade the Kingdom of Light.

The greater danger is yet to come.

Lin Tian sighed slightly.

Maybe when the time comes to fight together, my EX Ultimate Battle Instrument will be even more competitive in that universe?
  After all, what he has to face then is Beria's entire dark empire.

Moreover, there is that guy Noah
  I don’t know if there will be any opportunity to make the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument live up to its reputation a few more times.

As soon as Lin Tian thought of this, his heart was filled with expectations.

However, the Ultra Father and other Ultra warriors felt very worried.

After listening to Lin Tian's words, they immediately felt that Beria was a hidden danger.

After all, if Beria is really not dead, then the threat from the Kingdom of Light may still exist.

"Lin Tian, ​​do you know where that guy Beria is?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian suddenly fell silent.

He really didn't know the answer to this question.

After all, even he wouldn't know the coordinates of that universe very well if he had never been there.

Suddenly Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

He reminded himself of the beginning of the plot of Belial Galactic Empire, and it seemed that a dark Lopsero was involved in the subsequent series of plots.

The place where this Dark Lopus Cero first appeared was where Leo and Cero trained, the King's Planet.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian nodded directly.

"Maybe we can find the answer on King Planet!"

"It's just that I'm afraid it will take some time to know its location."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Leo nodded immediately.

"Okay, in that case, Lin Tian, ​​please come with me to King Star."

"While we are waiting for Beria to appear, we can just train this kid Zero."

Leo suddenly raised his arms and clenched his fists.

Full of confidence.

This was something he had already planned.

After all, only Zero among the new generation can carry the banner of the Kingdom of Light.

Although Lin Tian is more powerful than Bi Luo, it uses the power of Leonix after all.

Ultra warriors still need to have a leader of their own.

As for this leader, it seems that only Zero can be the one at the moment.

Although this guy Zero is much stronger than before, it still seems to be somewhat lacking.

So Leo originally planned to train Zero to death after the end of time!

We must make him a few levels stronger! ! !
  However, when Zero heard what Leo said, he immediately became anxious.

No, why?
  I'm so strong, why do I need this guy Lin Tian to train me?     Are you kidding me?

Leo, what do you mean?

Zero suddenly turned his head disdainfully.

If Leo were asked to continue training him, he would agree without saying a word.

Leo actually invited Lin Tian to train him? ? ?

Make me feel right?

Zero snorted arrogantly.

"I don't want to be trained by Lin Tian."

"I can become stronger myself!!!"

Sero snorted a few times.

However, no one seemed to care about his words at this moment.

No one even looked at Zero.

Just ignore him.

Facing Leo's invitation, Lin Tian nodded slightly.

Training Zero?
  This is also quite interesting.

Just in time to have some fun in my spare time.

Seeing Lin Tian agree, Leo nodded directly.

Finally, he took the lead and flew into space.

"In that case, let's go now."

Looking at Leo walking away, Lin Tian kicked off his legs and followed him directly.

By the time Zero reacted, he could only see two small black dots.


The Cyro people are stupid.

No, can you at least seek my opinion?

Just because Lin Tian is a hero doesn't mean he has exclusive power.

Nima! ! !

As soon as Lin Tian left, the entire Ultra Conference ended.

All Ultra warriors left individually.

Zero stood alone on the high platform, looking at the scattered figures below.

At this moment, a red figure suddenly landed behind him.

It was Ultraman Seven.

Zero suddenly seemed to feel something, raised his head suddenly, and then turned around.

At this moment, father and son met.

"Son, you've grown up."

When Seven saw Sero, he couldn't help but sigh.

Upon hearing this, Zero rushed up and hugged his father.

"Zero, go train with Leo."

At such a tender moment, Severn suddenly spoke.

Zero was stunned for a moment, then asked in confusion: "Father, Leo said you have a special training method, what is it?"

Hearing this, Seven was slightly startled for a moment, then he smiled and spoke.

"Nothing, just jeep training."

King Star.

At this moment, Lin Tian and Leo have landed here.

Even Astra has caught up with him, but the figure of Zero has not been seen yet. It should be a while yet.

"Lin Tian, ​​how strong is your monster?"

Leo asked suddenly feeling itchy.

But I clearly remember the battle in the Monster Cemetery, how terrifying EX Morant was!

After hearing Leo's words, Lin Tian didn't bother to explain.

He directly took out the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

A ray of light instantly fell in front of Leo.

"I want to know, then why don't you try it yourself and find out?"

Seeing the figure revealed after the light faded, Leo and the Astra people were stunned.


We are talking about EX brother Morant! ! !

Why do you have another terrifying monster here? ? ?
  (End of this chapter)

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