Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 30 Torturing Leo Astra, Cero comes and gets beaten!

Chapter 30 Torturing Leo Astra, Cero comes and gets beaten!

Leo and Astra were stunned when they saw the monster appearing in front of them.

They originally thought that the one Lin Tian summoned would be EX Go Morant who appeared in the monster graveyard battle.

The one they want to challenge is also EX brother Morant.

After all, the strength of Monster No. 1 was obvious to all.

Leo was always a little unwilling to fight Monster No. 1 in person.

That's what I just said.

But who would have thought that what Lin Tian summoned turned out to be a completely unfamiliar monster? ? ?

Leo was very sure that among the 1000 monsters that appeared in the field at that time, there was absolutely no figure of the monster in front of him.

How did Lin Tian get this monster?
  Leo and the Astra were dumbfounded.

Could it be that two monsters were fused together?
  The monster summoned by Lin Tian in front of him was the combined demon king beast Jie Ponton!

Leo and Astra wanted to test the strength of his monster, but why didn't Lin Tian himself want to see it?
  So he directly summoned the Combined Demon King Beast Jay Ponton, who had never experienced a single battle.

The two Leo brothers carefully observed the huge combined demon king beast Jie Ponton in front of them.

He seems to be slightly smaller than EX brother Morant.

But the energy contained also looks extremely terrifying.

Judging from its physical appearance, it seems to have a symbol of Lin Tian's original EX Jayton.

But looking at the two big mouths on both sides of the head, they look a bit like Ponton.

Could it be that after Lin Tian conquered the 1000 monsters in the Monster Cemetery, he directly merged EX Jayton and EX Ponton into the monster in front of him? ? ?

What the hell!

This Nima is too fake!

Seeing the two brothers frozen in place, Lin Tian seemed to have guessed what they were thinking.

Tell the truth directly.

"You guessed it right, this is indeed a monster created by the fusion of EX Jayton and EX Ponton."

"His name is Fusion Demon Kingmon, EX Jay Ponton!"

Lin Tian did not say anything about the tail of the Moge snake behind Jie Ponton.

After all, the matter of Moge Orochi is very unfamiliar to Leo and the others.

It makes no sense to say it.

But as soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, Leo and the others were stunned.

Fusion Demon King Beast Jay Ponton? ? ?

What the hell!

The name also sounds extremely domineering.

Lin Tian is so scary!
  It had only been a day or two since I awakened Leonix's ability, but I already had these two terrifying fusion monsters!

They couldn't even help but think of what the King of Ultra said back then.

Lin Tian is indeed a stronger hope than Biluo.

Lin Tian in the future will definitely be able to handle all crises in the Kingdom of Light!
  Thinking of this, the two brothers looked at each other and then nodded.

The next second, Leo directly assumed a fighting posture.

However, just when Leo was about to rush forward to fight, Lin Tian suddenly spoke.

"Astra, come up with your brother."

"I also want to test the strength of my monster."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Leo and Astra suddenly felt angry for no reason in their hearts.

What an arrogant guy!

Even if you, the monster, look scary, we won’t let the two of us team up to deal with you.

good good!
  That's how you play, right?
  "Astra, let's go!"

Leo greeted directly.

The next second, the two brothers flew up and jumped into the air.

The soles of their feet suddenly burst into flames.

Lin Tian was stunned when he saw this scene.


Just use the flying kick when you come up? ? ?
  Fortunately, my monster is the Fusion Demon King Beast Jay Ponton.

Otherwise, ordinary monsters really can't resist your creation.

Looking at Leo and Atla, who were already kicking down Jiepanton with flames, Lin Tian directly waved the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

"Je Ponton, teleport!"

As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, the big feet of the two Leo brothers were already in front of him.

However, at this moment, the body of the Fusion Demon King Beast Jie Ponton suddenly turned into purple-black smoke.

Suddenly shrunk, and then disappeared.

The two brothers lost their target and their flying kicks hit the ground.

In an instant, the ground shattered into pieces and dust flew into the air.

After the two Leo brothers got up, they hurriedly turned back to back and slowly turned on the spot.

That monster is so terrifyingly fast!

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Astra, be careful!"

Leo reminded aloud.

With such a terrifying speed, if it were to attack them suddenly, it would be difficult for them to react. Astra also nodded heavily.


The figure of the combined demon king beast Jie Ponton appeared directly beside the two brothers.

Leo is truly a battle-hardened warrior.

He caught his figure immediately.

"Astra, over there!"

The two brothers rushed over almost immediately, and one of them grabbed one of Jie Ponton's arms.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian felt very calm.

This flaw was actually something he deliberately sold to Leo and Astra.

He knew that Leo and Astra were extremely good at physical skills.

The power at close range is extremely powerful.

Being so close, the two of them must use physical skills.

Just take this opportunity to test Jie Ponton's power.

Sure enough, after grabbing Jie Ponton's arms, the two brothers each carried him on their shoulders.

This is a fighting technique between the two brothers.

A killer back shot!

A fighting technique that throws the enemy's body over his back and then slams it into the ground!

Extremely lethal.

However, as the muscle strength of the two brothers continued to explode, they froze on the spot.

Nima! ! !

Can't carry it! ! !
  What the hell! ! !

The two brothers were dumbfounded.

How many enemies have they defeated with this move?

I’ve lost count.

This is the first time this happened.

They used all the explosive power of their own muscles, but they were unable to move Jie Ponton even a little bit? ? ?
  Seeing this, Lin Tian also nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad.

In fact, this is no wonder Leo and Astra.

Jie Ponton is based on the power of Moge Serpent, and adds the strange power of Jieton and Ponton.

The power is so terrifying.

The two of them alone cannot shake it.

Lin Tian gently waved the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

"Japanton, it's almost over."

When Lin Tian finished speaking, the two Leo brothers suddenly felt extremely dangerous.

They quickly wanted to let go of Jie Ponton's arms and move away.

However, Jie Ponton was restraining them tightly with his arms at this moment.

The next second, the two big mouths on both sides of Jie Ponton's head suddenly accumulated terrifying purple energy.

"Jepang's strange light!!!"

As Lin Tian shouted, two purple spiral rays of light shot out directly from the two big mouths.

Finally, he hit Leo and Astra hard on the back.

boom! ! !
  The bodies of the two brothers were immediately knocked out.

He fell heavily to the ground.

After the two brothers struggled to get up, they looked at Jie Ponton in shock.

How could this guy be so scary? ? ?
  Whether it's sheer physical strength or the intensity of the light.

They were far beyond the monsters they had seen before.

"Leo, you lost."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

When Leo heard this, he wanted to make some excuses.

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed among the people.

"I, Zero, am always the last one to show up!!!"

"How do you want to train? Come on!"

Zero had just landed, but instead of getting up directly, he squatted on the ground and acted coolly.

Just when he finished speaking and was about to stand up.

Suddenly there was a huge force on his back.

  Leo kicked Zero on the back and kicked him away.

"We do all these bells and whistles all day long!"

Sero's body hit the bottom of a hill heavily.

He stood up unsteadily from the ruins.

He looked at Leo inexplicably.

No, brother, did I provoke you? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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