Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 31 Plasma sparks are given to Lin Tian! Leo: I'm so afraid of you!

Chapter 31 Plasma sparks are given to Lin Tian! Leo: I'm so afraid of you!
  country of light.

The conference room at the top of the Space Guard Building.

In a dark space.

With the Ultra Father as the center, all the other Ultra warriors formed a group.

This meeting was held not long after Lin Tian and Leo left.

However, no decision has been made yet.


Looking at these silent Ultra warriors around him, the father of Ultra also had a headache.

"Lin Tian wants this plasma spark. Should we give it to him or not?"

This is the theme of their meeting today.

The energy contained in the plasma spark is indeed too terrifying.

A lesson learned from the past is Beria.

Belial initially coveted the power of plasma sparks, but he was seriously burned after touching the plasma sparks himself.

It is enough to see the terror of the energy of plasma sparks.

"Captain, if you give the plasma spark to Lin Tian, ​​won't our Kingdom of Light be frozen again?"

Mebius asked doubtfully.

Although Membius and Lin Tian were comrades who lived and died together, he was still a little worried about this matter.

After all, he had witnessed with his own eyes the tragic situation of the Kingdom of Light being frozen.

Taylor also nodded slightly.

The last time the Kingdom of Light was frozen, he used his own power to protect the last bit of light.

This taste is not pleasant.

"There's nothing to worry about."

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the conference room.

Afterwards, Hikali came directly to Zhongao.

"Plasma Spark, our Kingdom of Light does not only have one."

"If we can make one, we can make hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand."

"How is it possible that the life and death of the Kingdom of Light depends on a single plasma spark?"

"Moreover, there are thousands of plasma sparks buried under the plasma spark tower."

This is one of the great secrets of the Kingdom of Light.

None of the Austrians knew this, and Hikali only found out about this after joining the Bureau of Science and Technology.


When Zhongao heard Xikali's words, he suddenly took a breath of cold air.

What the hell!

Are there thousands of plasma sparks under the plasma spark tower? ? ?
  Cow breaking!

At this moment, Taylor was immediately speechless.

Nima! ! !

Since that plasma spark is not the only one, then what the hell was I doing holding on to the last ray of light? ? ?
  Isn't this just asking for guilt?

"Although plasma sparks are not the only one, I am worried that Lin Tian will have problems after gaining the power of plasma sparks."

Ultraman Jack said in a deep voice.

In the battle at the Monster Cemetery, Chudai and Seven also saw with their own eyes that Lin Tian could harmonize the power of plasma sparks.

This is also true.

In other words, plasma sparks are indeed a big help to Lin Tian.

But now there is a big problem before them.

What Lin Tian awakened was the power of Leonix, who belonged to the bloodline of Reblondo.

Although Lin Tian is a citizen of the Kingdom of Light,...
  What if Lin Tian masters the power of plasma sparks and becomes a being like the Reblondo Planet?
  The time when the universe was ruled by the Reblondos was still fresh in their memories.

If there were another existence like the Reblondo Planet,
  "No, Captain."

Hikali was decisive at this moment.

"I have worked with Lin Tian for a long time, and he is not that kind of person."

"What he seeks is just the power to fight for the Kingdom of Light, the power to protect the peace of the universe!"

"He had many opportunities to come into contact with plasma sparks during his tenure at the Bureau of Science and Technology. He did not covet the power of plasma sparks like Beria did. Instead, he asked for it from us in an upright way."

"It's enough to show that he acts aboveboard." Hearing Xikali's words, Zhongao fell silent.

After a few breaths, the father of Ultra nodded directly.

"I believe what Hikari said."

"Give him one of these plasma sparks."

"With the plasma spark, his strength will definitely be raised to a higher level again."

"He will definitely become the biggest pillar of the Kingdom of Light in the future, and by then he may be able to face the upcoming Beria crisis."

After the father of Ultra finished speaking, all the Ultra nodded immediately.

Yes, if Beria comes again, I am afraid that only Lin Tian can stop him.

"Ace, you and Hikali go to the plasma spark tower to get a plasma spark and send it to Lin Tian."

King Star.

Cero was confused and struggled to get up from the pile of rubble.

Everyone else is stupid.

No, brother.

Did I provoke you or provoke you?

Just give me a jio when you come up? ? ?

Don't you mean training?

What do you mean?

Unilateral beating? ? ?
  Seeing Zero's aggrieved look, Leo finally felt a lot more relieved at this moment.

Cool! ! !
  It's so cool! ! !
  At this moment, Leo's unhappy mood just now being violently tortured by Lin Tian's monster was finally released at this moment.

Leo ignored Zero's aggrieved look and walked slowly to Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​where did your monster come from?"

"This strength is too strong!"

Leo did tell the truth.

The two brothers are also experienced in many battles.

But there was nothing he could do about this monster.

It's enough to show how powerful this monster is.

"No, Leo, please pay attention to me."

Seeing Leo walking directly towards Lin Tian, ​​Zero quickly wanted to ask why he came up and gave him a jio.

However, Leo ignored him, and Lin Tian ignored him.

Lin Tian looked up at Leo and smiled: "This is the combined Demon King Beast EX Jay Ponton that I made by combining EX Jayton and EX Ponton."

"In terms of strength, after the combined strength of the two of them, there will be several levels of improvement."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Leo and Astra suddenly realized.

No wonder.

The two brothers were thrown on their backs together, but the monster did not move at all.

The power of Jayton and Ponton is already terrifying.

The power of this monster is even higher than the combined power of the two of them!
  This is too scary! ! !
  "Leo, Astra, you two brothers are also very strong."

Lin Tian directly started to boast, "If you don't hold back, my Jie Ponton will definitely not be your opponent."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Leo and Astra suddenly became embarrassed.



When we were fighting just now, we were almost swearing, so why did we hold back?
  Leo and Astra couldn't help but recall the situation during the battle.

Jie Ponton's terrifying speed and strength were simply beyond the reach of the two of them.

How could he keep it?

At this moment, a stream of light suddenly fell from the sky.

Finally, it turned into a ball of light and landed in front of everyone.

It's Ultraman Ace.


(End of this chapter)

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