Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 32 Swallowing plasma sparks! Immortal!

Chapter 32 Swallowing plasma sparks! Immortal!

When several people saw the figure that suddenly fell, they were immediately surprised.

It's Ultraman Ace!

Why is this guy here?


"How did you come?"

Leo came directly to Ace and asked doubtfully.

Ace nodded directly, then turned and walked towards Lin Tian.

When he came to Lin Tian, ​​he took something out from behind him.

It was a pillar of light that was emitting light.

"Lin Tian, ​​the captain asked me to give this to you."

"I hope you can make good use of its power!"

Plasma Spark! ! !
  Ace actually brought the plasma spark here! ! !

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian felt extremely happy for an instant.

Originally, he thought that if he asked for plasma sparks from the Kingdom of Light, those old guys from the Space Guard wouldn't give them to him.

Unexpectedly, he actually asked Ace to give it to him now?

This surprised Lin Tian.

Is it possible that the guys from the Space Guard know that there are many plasma sparks under the plasma spark tower?

Otherwise, how could he have given the plasma spark to himself so easily?
  Not only Lin Tian, ​​but also Leo and Astra were shocked.

What the hell!

That's a plasma spark!
  The Artificial Sun of the Land of Light! ! !

The captain actually decided to give the plasma spark to Lin Tian? ? ?
  In addition to the two brothers, Cero on the side was also dumbfounded.

What the hell!

I'm jealous--

Everyone in Zero is numb.

No, brother!
  Why was he expelled from the Kingdom of Light and came to this King's Planet to be beaten for so long? ? ?
  Isn't it because he was young and frivolous and thought that he could control the power of plasma sparks and wanted to contact plasma sparks? ? ?

Nima! ! !

Why was he exiled to this King's Planet without even touching a plasma spark himself?

Now this plasma spark was given directly to Lin Tian? ? ?
  What the hell!

People are more mad than people!

How could this make him not envious?
  How can you keep him from being angry?
  Depend on! ! !
  Sero felt very unhappy.

But he still didn't say these words after all.

Because he knew that this plasma spark was really won by Lin Tian with his own strength.

The captain asked Ace to send plasma sparks, and he gave them voluntarily.

There's really nothing to say.

Leo and Ace naturally didn't notice Zero's aggrieved look.

Leo was extremely worried at this moment.

"Ace, you brought the plasma spark here, wouldn't that be the Kingdom of Light?"

He still very clearly remembered how the Kingdom of Light fell into a complete freeze after losing its plasma spark.

At this moment, the plasma spark is here, the kingdom of light
  Ace seemed to have known that Leo would ask this question.

He was just about to explain, but Lin Tian said directly: "Nothing will happen to the Kingdom of Light."

"The power of plasma sparks is not lacking in the Kingdom of Light."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Eston looked at him in surprise.

It seems that Lin Tian has learned a lot in the Science and Technology Bureau over the years.

Lin Tian also knew this secret that only Hikali knew before.

It is really surprising.

"Yes, nothing will happen to the Kingdom of Light. Don't worry, Leo."

As soon as he finished speaking, he directly inserted the plasma spark in his hand on the ground in front of Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​it's yours."

Lin Tian looked at the giant thing in front of him and felt a little excited.

The plasma spark belongs to him!

Lin Tian waved directly.

The EX Ultimate Combat Instrument instantly appeared in his hand.

Lin Tian turned his arm and pointed directly at the dazzling light at the top of the pillar in front of him with one end of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

next second.

A familiar voice appeared directly in his mind.

【Ding! ! ! ]    【Your EX ultimate battle instrument feels the huge energy, is very excited, and devours it without hesitation! 】

As the system finished speaking, a blue light emitted directly from the top of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

The blue light expanded almost instantly.

In just an instant, the plasma sparks at the top of the pillar were directly enveloped.

Then, everyone seemed to hear the sound of swallowing jujube.


The moment the sound sounded, everyone only saw the blue light carrying plasma sparks shrinking directly into the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

[Your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument takes a sudden breath, your monster's physical energy recovery speed is +200%, your monster's power is increased by +200%, and your monster will never die! 】

Cool! ! !
  Lin Tian felt extremely happy when he heard the results fed back by the system.

Lin Tian instantly felt that the power of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument was increasing geometrically.

The monsters in the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument were also extremely excited, and their power surged.

Physical recovery speed is 200%!

What concept?
  From then on, his monster became immortal! ! !
  Even if he is dying, he will be able to appear again immediately after putting in the combat instrument!

Not only that.

After the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument swallowed the plasma sparks, all the ordinary monsters in the container at the other end of the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument were materialized in that moment.

All have regained their original strength.

They are no longer the kind of soul-reborn war scum they used to be.

Moreover, his EX brother Morant and EX Jay Ponton have also been greatly improved.

At this moment, they were shouting excitedly in the battle instrument, as if they were extremely looking forward to the next battle!
  Full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian was immediately excited.

In this way, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Even if they face Beria's army in the future, there will be no pressure.

I don’t know that the opponent’s legions are getting smaller and smaller as they fight.

But his own monster will always remain invincible and immortal.

Lin Tian was trembling with excitement.

Ace, Leo and others on the side were dumbfounded.

The moment they saw the plasma spark energy disappear, they were stunned.

What a huge plasma spark!
  You were so cool that you swallowed it? ? ?

Nima! ! !

Don’t you need any shocking scenes?
  Just like swallowing a meatball, swallowed? ? ?

At this moment, the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument finally swallowed up all the energy.

Lin Tian himself also received feedback from his strength.

The Leonix armor all over his body continued to emerge, and many mysterious lines appeared on the plain blue and silver armor at first.

Even though he didn't move much at the moment, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from his whole body.

At this moment, Lin Tian was like a mysterious warrior, filled with tremendous power.

At this time, Leo was completely autistic.

Now Lin Tian seems to be able to compete with the Ultra Warriors with his own strength alone.

What's more, he has so many terrifying monsters.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but sigh.

"Lin Tian, ​​since you have become so powerful, I will leave it to you to give Zero the special training."

"Astra, let's go find the king."

As soon as the words fell, the two Leo brothers flew up and flew towards another section of the King Star.

Ace also nodded towards Lin Tian, ​​and then returned to the Kingdom of Light.

Only Lin Tian and Sero were left.

At this time, Lin Tian removed all the Leonix armor, and then looked at Zero with a smirk.

Seeing Lin Tian's aunty smile, Sero shuddered all over.

Nima! ! !

Would you use a thousand monsters to train me? ? ?
  Say goodbye?
  Zero was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran away.

Who can carry 1000 monsters?

He looked at Zero who flew far away in the blink of an eye.

Lin Tian directly waved the EX ultimate combat instrument.

Two huge figures appeared directly in front of him, and then chased after Zero.

"EX Brother Morant, EX Jay Ponton, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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