Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 34 Dark Lops Cerogo Morant! Mechanical Ultra Brothers!

Chapter 34 Dark Lops Cerogo Morant! Mechanical Ultra Brothers!

Is there a clue about Beria? ? ?

Upon hearing Lin Tian's words, Leo and Sero froze on the spot.

So fast? ? ?
  They've only been to King Star for a few days, haven't they?
  Zero and Leo were all dumbfounded.

Did the clues about Beria come so soon?
  "Lin Tian, ​​what on earth is going on?"

Upon hearing Leo's inquiry, Lin Tian directly told the truth.

"The two guys just now were copied from Cerro and my EX brother Morant."

"One is Dark Lopusero, and the other is Dark Lopusgo Morante."

"The strength is very strong."

"And these two guys were just experimental subjects just now. They should be out of Beria's control now, and the control is in the hands of another force."

"As long as we catch these two imitations, we can find Beria's location."

Nani? ? ?

After hearing Lin Tian's words, everyone was stunned.

Although it is only a few sentences, it is full of information.

In just a few days, that guy Beria has actually created a robot that is as powerful as Cerro and EX brother Morant? ? ?

How exactly is this done?
  Also, the control of these two guys is actually in the hands of another force? ? ?
  What happened in the middle?
  How did Lin Tian know these things?
  They were confused.

These things are too outrageous.

However, Zero waved his arm directly.

"No matter what kind of guy they are, let's catch them now!"

"After finding the clues about Beria, we killed him directly!"

That's what's so good about Zero.

No matter what kind of blow you just suffered, you can pick yourself up again immediately.

Lin Tian also smiled slightly, then turned to look at Leo.

"Leo, do you want to go play together?"

Lin Tian suddenly remembered the mechanical Ultra brothers in the original plot.

Among them happens to be mechanical celestial being.

Lin Tian really wanted to see what Leo looked like when he beat up the mechanical Seven.


Upon hearing Lin Tian's invitation, Leo nodded immediately.

"In that case, let's chase him quickly!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he flew directly towards the sky.

Leo and Zero glanced at the Ultra King and Astra, and then followed them.

When the three came to the universe, they followed the energy reactions of Dark Lopus Sero and Dark Lopus Gomorante.

After a while, they saw an extremely strange space entrance.

It exudes a mysterious space atmosphere, which is very absurd.

Lin Tian did not hesitate and flew directly into the space.

Zero and Leo looked at each other and followed closely.

When they entered this space, they found that the scene around them seemed extremely distorted.

All factors are very confusing.

It's as if this space is connected to many other universes.

"Something's wrong."

Leo scanned the scene around him.

He always felt that there was something strange about this space.

Lin Tian was very calm.

Next, they just need to find the location of the planet and wait for them.
  Planet Cheney.

On the desolate surface, a huge mountain rises high.

And in this mountain, there is a huge research base.


Suddenly, the entire research base remembered the sound of sirens.

In the main control room in the base, a man in uniform quickly ran to the main control desk.

In front of him stood a woman wearing leather clothes.

This woman is the commander of the entire base, Herodia.

"Lord Herodia, an abnormal energy source has been detected in the subspace!"

Herodia frowned slightly.

She looked up at the sky above the entire main control room.

I saw it in the inner wall above the entire base.

Countless mechanical Ultra Warriors are embedded in the inner wall, extremely quiet.

Right in the middle of them. Two huge dark figures were bound by some pipes, exuding a terrifying aura.

There are two bright energy sources on the chest.

"Send a team out and kill them."

Herodia said with a chuckle.


The man nodded and responded.

Then, he went directly to the console and pressed a few buttons.

Under his control, the eyes of several mechanical Ultra Warriors connected in the inner wall above them lit up.

"There's an exit!"

In a strange space.

Zero suddenly discovered an exit ahead.

Outside the exit, a planet exuding a desolate atmosphere floated there.

It's Planet Cheney!

found it!
  Lin Tian smiled slightly, and then took the lead to fly out of the space.

When the three landed on the surface of the planet Cheney, they discovered that the planet was extremely desolate and there was no sign of any living things.

"This planet is so weird!"

Leo felt a little heavy.

For some reason, he always felt that this planet was a little weird.

"There does seem to be the aura of those two guys here."

Zero felt the energy molecules in the air.

There was definitely an energy response from those two guys.

It's just that some of them are too thin, and it's impossible to find where they are going.

Just when the three of them were confused, a confused shadow suddenly appeared on the horizon in the distance.
  There seemed to be light coming from behind.

When the shadow flew closer, they realized that it turned out to be a spaceship! ! !
  And, so familiar!
  "That's the Panlong of Lei's team!!!"

That spaceship is the Panlong that just departed not long ago! ! !

At this time, Panlong also flew in front of them.

"Lin Tian? Zero? And Leo???"

At this moment, a voice also came from the Panlong ship.

It's Captain Hinata and the others!

At this time, everyone was a little confused.


How could we meet on this desolate planet? ? ?
  "Lin Tian, ​​why are you here?"

Captain Hyuga directly used the loudspeaker in the spacecraft to shout.

Sero heard it and answered directly.

"We are here to chase two of Beria's men."

"what about you?"

"Why are you here?"

Hearing Zero's doubts, everyone in the ZAP team was about to answer.

However, something changed at this moment.

I saw a huge figure dancing under the dim sky, slowly walking towards them side by side.


In just a moment, everyone became alert.

On such a desolate planet, there are five huge guys.

Whether they are friends or foes is unclear.

How could they not be vigilant?
  Lin Tian was very plain.

He knew it was those guys who were coming.

But Zero and Leo quickly got into fighting postures at this moment.

Very vigilant.

Even the Panlong turned its bow at this moment and aimed at the five figures.

However, when the five figures got closer and closer, Zero and Leo were stunned.

As the distance gets closer, the five figures become clearer and clearer.

Zero and Leo blurted out almost at the same time.



(End of this chapter)

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