Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 35 Leo beats Severn violently, Lin Tian is invincible!

Chapter 35 Leo beats Severn violently, Lin Tian is invincible!
  Looking at the five figures gradually approaching.

Everyone except Lin Tian was stunned.

Nima! ! !

The original Ultraman!
  Ultraman Zoffie!
  Jack Altman!
  Ultraman Ace, and Severn! ! !


Leo froze on the spot.

Aren't they in the Kingdom of Light? How would it appear here?

Moreover, why do the brothers all have belts made of golden circles around their waists?

What it is?
  Leo was okay, he was just stunned.

Zero was excited and wanted to step forward.

Just when he had just lifted his feet and taken two steps, Lin Tian's voice came over.

"Zero, they are fake!"

Just when Lin Tian's words fell, the five mechanical Ultra Warriors all stopped, each holding their hands on their chests.

The posture is very handsome.

Even Lin Tian couldn't help but complain after watching it.

Nima! ! !

These mechanical brothers created by Herodia are better at filling cups than they themselves are!


As soon as Lin Tian's words came out, Sero and Leo were immediately stunned.

Nima! ! !

How could these five warriors in front of me be fake?

These are obviously their Ultra brothers!

Except for a yellow circle around his waist, nothing else seems to be different.

But since Lin Tiandu said it, it must be true.

"Lin Tian, ​​what on earth is going on?"

Leo cautiously put on a fighting posture and approached Lin Tian and said doubtfully.

Lin Tian floated in the air and pointed at the Ultra brothers.

"They, like the previous Dark Lopusero and Dark Lopusgo Morant, are all imitations of the Ultra brothers from the Kingdom of Light."

"It's just that these guys were not made by Beria, but by the Salome people."

Salome people?
  Leo was slightly startled when he heard the name.

It sounded very familiar, and he had an impression that this seemed to be a planet with very advanced technology.

"Since they are fakes, let's deal with them quickly."

"Dare to imitate the Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light!"

"After killing these guys, let's hurry up and arrest that Salome star!"

When Zero heard that these guys were fake robots, he immediately became proud.

He quickly got into a fighting stance and prepared for a big fight.

However, Lin Tian reminded: "Sero, please take it easy."

"Although these guys are imitation robots, their physical strength and strength are definitely no worse than my own!"

However, how could Zero still listen at this time?
  He flew out and rushed directly towards the Ultra brothers.

Upon seeing this, the Mechanical Ultra Brothers directly sent out Mechanical Zoffie to challenge.

The two collided instantly, fists and feet colliding at close range!

Seeing this situation, Leo had no choice but to go out and fight.

He looked at the remaining four Ultra Warriors.

Immediately his eyes fell on the mechanical Seven.

Leo smiled slightly in his heart, and then rushed directly towards the mechanical Seven.

boom! ! !
  at this time.

A big mountain in the distance suddenly heard the sound of landslides and ground cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain opened and closed an iron gate from the middle.

The next second, a huge figure emerged directly from it.


Lei, who was in the Panlong, was immediately stunned.

Why is there still a Mechagomora? ? ?

Seeing the appearance of Mecha Gomora, Captain Hinata directly ordered the team members to control the Panlong to attack Mecha Gomora.

The laser fires continuously.

And the first-generation Ultraman among the Mechanical Ultra Brothers also pursued the Panlong.

"Captain! Leave Mecha Mora to me!"

A voice suddenly came from the Panlong.

Then, Lei turned into a ray of light and appeared on the ground.

He raised his arms, and Gomora was directly summoned from the battle instrument and transformed into a giant. The war is about to break out.

The first generation of machinery, on the other hand, was chasing after the Panlong.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian had no choice but to turn his attention to the remaining two mechanical Ultra Warriors.

Ace, Jack.

Lin Tian sighed helplessly, and then took out the EX ultimate combat device.

"EX brother Morant! Come on!"

EX brother Morant in the EX ultimate battle instrument is already ready to go.

Lin Tian gave an order, and EX brother Morant emerged directly from the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, and then suddenly landed on the ground.

The huge figure instantly became the focus of the audience.

Mechanical Ace and Mechanical Jack also rushed directly towards Monster One.

I have to say that EX brother Morant is as good at pulling as Lin Tian.

He remained motionless until the two guys came in front of him.

Lin Tian didn't intend to let him move.

When he saw Mechanical Ace and Mechanical Jack approaching in the blink of an eye, Lin Tian directly waved the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

"EX brother Morant, use super gravity wave!"

Just for a moment.

EX brother Morant's eyes lit up.

The three big horns on his head emitted bursts of light, shining towards the two mechanical Ultra Brothers in front of him.

next second.

boom! ! !
  The bodies of Mechanical Ace and Mechanical Jack fell vertically heavily.

It hit the ground directly!
  Under the influence of gravity, they couldn't even move and could only lie on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help but sigh.


Really weak!
  "Destroy them."

Under Lin Tian's order.

EX brother Morant flew up directly, his wings vibrating.

Then his huge body suddenly fell towards Mechanical Ace and Mechanical Jack.

  A pair of big feet stepped on them hard.

The bodies of the two Ultra Brothers were directly separated by these big feet.

His eyes instantly lost their light.

Mechanical Ace, Mechanical Jack, die!
  Lin Tian shook his head with some hesitation, and then looked at other battlefields.

When he saw Leo holding down the mechanical Seven and hammering it to death, he almost laughed out loud.

How much hatred and resentment?

I’m so fucking laughing that I can’t stop laughing, hahaha!

Leo was finally able to release the resentment he had accumulated over the years after being trained by Severn today.

at the same time.

inside the base.

Herodia's eyes were filled with shock.

What the hell! ! !

The prototype of Dark Lopsgo Morant is so terrifying? ? ?
  With just two kicks, she destroyed two of her mechanical Ultra Brothers!

What power is this?
  Herodia's eyes suddenly became uncertain.

"Send another team out!!!"

On Lin Tian's side, after EX brother Morant finished the battle, he also helped Severn and Leo to deal with other enemies.

However, just as they gathered together and prepared to discuss their next actions, five more figures flew over from the sky! ! !
  I am Nima! ! !
  Five more Ultra brothers! ! !
  It's exactly the same!
  "This thing is mass-produced!!!"

Zero and Leo were shocked.

Why is it endless! ! !
  The five mechanical Ultra brothers immediately fell in front of everyone.

At the same time, the top of the only mountain in the distance suddenly projected a huge holographic projection screen towards this side.

Herodia's figure was clearly among them.

"You ants."

"I am a Salome native, Herodia!"

"My goal is to rule the entire multiverse!!!"

"Don't try to ruin my good deeds!!!"

"I have plenty of these Ultra brothers, you can kill them as you please!"

After saying that, Herodia measured his body and revealed the shocking scene above him.

Even Lin Tian was looking at Herodia's big white legs under her short skirt on the screen. Oh no!

It’s the countless mechanical Ultra Brothers behind them!
  Lin Tian couldn't help but feel extremely hot in his heart.

If he were to face all these mechanical Ultra Warriors in one go, would his EX ultimate combat device be so hard to compete with? ? ?
  (End of this chapter)

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