Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 36 Try your best to get SpaceQ and Hyperjetton teleportation!

Chapter 36 Try your best to get SpaceQ and Hyperjetton teleportation!
  Lin Tian looked at the countless mechanical Ultra brothers in the picture, feeling extremely excited.

But Leo and Zero were extremely worried.

With their power, they may be able to kill the five mechanical Ultra Brothers in front of them again.

Even if a few more teams come, it won't be a big problem.

But the problem is, there are not many teams behind Herodia!
  There are too many to count! ! !

Leo and Zero stood there blankly, shocked in their hearts.

Several humans on the Panlong were immediately in a panic.

"How come there are so many Ultra Brothers?"

"It's over, it's over, it's over now."

"Thunder! We definitely can't defeat it, why don't we retreat?"

"Oh, I shouldn't have come here in the first place!"

"This is too scary. How about we go back to the Kingdom of Light with Lin Tian and others to bring in reinforcements?"


At this moment, Herodia couldn't help laughing in the holographic projection.

Even though she couldn't hear the sounds inside the Panlong, she could still imagine that those humans were probably panicking at this moment.

After all, what they have to face is their own mechanical Ultra Legion!

So many stations!

Ruling the universe is a piece of cake!

What's more, I still have those two guys!

"How about I give you a chance to escape alive?"

"Boy, as long as you hand over this monster in front of you, I will spare your life."

Herodia naturally said this to Lin Tian.

Herodia had just witnessed the prototype of Dark Lopusgo Morant.

The strength is too strong!

She had to get him!
  If it can be researched, countless dark Lopsgo Morantes can be created.

Then who can stop her from ruling the multiverse?

However, after hearing Herodia's words, Lin Tian sneered.

"Helodia, do you want this monster of mine?"

"Then do you want to ask his friends if they are willing?"

After finishing his words, Lin Tian directly raised the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Another ray of light came out of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and landed next to EX Morant.

It’s none other than EX Jay Ponton! ! !
  Herodia was the one whose eyes widened instantly.

Nani? ? ?

What kind of monster is this? Why have I never seen it before? ? ?
  It seems that his strength is no less than that of EX brother Morant!

Before Herodia could react, Lin Tian had already waved the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

"EX Jay Ponton, destroy them!"

Lin Tian's voice fell.

EX Jay Ponton's body instantly turned into smoke and disappeared.

Before Herodia could react, EX Jay Ponton appeared directly in front of the five mechanical Ultra brothers.

The huge tail rushed directly towards the mechanical Seven.


For an instant.

The mechanical Saiwen had no time to react, and was directly pierced by the tail spear.

Leo felt so happy when he saw this scene!

It has to be Lin Tian’s monster!
  Kill instantly with one hit!

This is not finished.

EX Jay Ponton used his tail to directly lift the mechanical Seven's body and wave it left and right a few times.

The other four mechanical Ultra brothers were directly knocked away.

"EX Jay Ponton! Hit the flames to destroy the light!"

The moment these mechanical Ultra brothers flew out, Lin Tian directly gave the order.

Three terrifying purple destructive rays of light shot out directly from EX Jie Ponton's three big mouths.

In an instant, it hit the first generation of the machine, the machine Zoffie, and the machine Jack.

boom! ! !
  The three mechanical Ultra brothers were directly bombarded into scum.

The mechanical Seven, which had long lost its power and response, was also thrown away by EX Jay Ponton.

The only remaining mechanical Ace quickly struggled to his feet after falling heavily to the ground, condensing an eight-point light wheel.

After the eight-point light wheel was formed, it was thrown directly towards Monster No. 2 by Mechanical Ace.

Lin Tian sneered and was too lazy to move at all.

The eight-point light wheel flew straight to EX Jay Ponton's face.

However, EX Jay Ponton did not panic at all.

He opened his mouth sharply towards the eight-point light wheel.                        Ka! ! !
  In just a moment, the eight-point light wheel was directly held in EX Jay Ponton's mouth!

The next second, EX Jie Ponton swallowed it like a snack.

The terrifying eight-point light wheel was actually used as a snack by EX Jay Ponton! ! !

How can this be?

This small group of mechanical Ultra Brothers were wiped out by EX Jay Ponton in the blink of an eye!
  So strong! ! !

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

The mechanical Ultra brothers, who are comparable in strength to their own bodies, are so vulnerable in front of Lin Tian's EX Jay Ponton!

This strong one is too fake!

Herodia in the base was immediately stunned.

How can this guy be so scary?
  Herodia suddenly panicked.

"Quick! Send all the guys out!"

"I'm going to kill that guy!"

"His monster is mine!!!"

After hearing Herodia's order, several researchers in the main control room started operating directly on the console.

Herodia seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and added with a roar: "By the way, let those two guys out too!!!"


Hearing this, one of the subordinates was stunned.

He hesitated and said: "Lord Herodia, that giant and monster haven't fully accepted our control, is it possible?"

However, before he finished speaking, Herodia waved her hand directly.

"do not worry!"

"They are all equipped with armor devices and will not lose control!"

Hearing what Herodia said, these subordinates had no choice but to continue their manipulation.

For an instant.

All the squares where the mechanical Ultra Brothers were located in the entire base began to open their doors.

The rumbling continued.

Even the eyes of Dark Lopusero and Dark Lopusgo Morant, who were in the center, lit up.

The energy device on the chest also gradually lights up and is constantly being recharged.

outside the base.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Herodia's reaction on the screen.

Is this guy crazy? ! !
  He actually wants to send out all the mechanical Ultra Brothers! ! !

Seeing that the mechanical Ultra brothers were constantly waking up, Leo and everyone on the Panlong suddenly became desperate.

Even Zero was a little nervous and speechless at the moment.

If there were only a hundred of these Ultra Brothers, maybe they could still fight.

But there are thousands of them in this base! ! !
  How the hell do you fight this? ? ?
  The next second, almost everyone's eyes shifted to Lin Tian.

If there is really going to be a fight, then I am afraid that Lin Tian will be their only hope of victory! ! !

After all, Lin Tian is a terrifying existence with thousands of monsters! ! !

"Lin Tian, ​​I'm afraid I have to rely on you next!"

On the ground, Lei also raised his head and shouted.

Lin Tian nodded and was about to say something.

But a very familiar voice sounded in his mind.

[Your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument feels the help from others, is very proud, and takes the initiative to offer skills to your monster! 】

[Your EX brother Morant has acquired the skill——Super Death SpaceQ! 】

[Your EX Jayponton acquires the skill - Hypa Jayton Teleportation! 】

When Lin Tian heard this voice, he felt numb!
  What the hell! ! !


As long as there is a well-meaning Leonix like Lei, my EX Ultimate Battle Instrument will be much more powerful!
  next second.

The majestic information suddenly poured into Lin Tian's mind.

The first skill actually directly upgraded EX Morant's super death flame into Ace's most terrifying ultimate move - super death spaceQ! ! !

That is a powerful special move that contains the power of the universe! ! !
  Coupled with the terrifying flames of EX brother Morant himself.

The lethality is even comparable to that of the miraculous light of the universe! ! !
  Damn it!
  Isn’t it so cool? ? ?
  As for the second one!
  That’s even more awesome!
  It directly upgraded EX Jetton's teleportation ability to Hypa Jetton's teleportation! ! !
  You must know that EX Jay Ponton's teleportation intelligence can be regarded as a single linear movement, and there is a distance limit. Generally speaking, although it is fast, it is not very powerful.

This Hyperjetton's teleportation is different!

Nima! ! !

This is a teleportation that can teleport to a designated location! ! !
  Even behind your back!
  As long as EX Jie Ponton makes a thought, he can immediately distort the space and reach it instantly! ! !
  It’s so cool! ! !

At this time, a swarm of mechanical Ultra Warriors gradually flew from the horizon in the distance.

Lin Tian sneered.

"EX brother Morant, EX Jay Ponton."

"Destroy them!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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