Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 37 How could the monster use Ace’s skills! Total destruction!

Chapter 37 How could the monster use Ace’s skills! Total destruction!

far away.

The originally dark sky suddenly turned dark.

A large and dense swarm of Wuyangyang kept swallowing the light and flew towards Lin Tian and the others.

You don't even have to think about it.

In the large holographic projection just now.

Herodia ordered his men to operate frantically.

These swarming guys are the mechanical Ultra Warriors just released by Herodia! ! !

Looking at this, there are actually almost a thousand units! ! !
  How can this be good?
  For a moment, Leo and Zero were silent.

They each assumed a fighting stance.

Even Lei summoned Gomora to protect the Panlong.

"It's over, you've suffered a lot now!"

In the Panlong, the team members began to panic.

"Will we die right here?"

"No, I want to go home!"

"Oh, don't worry, the Ultra Warriors are here too."

"The more than 1000 people on the opposite side are also Ultra Warriors!"

"55555, Lei! Come on!"

Hearing his companion's words, Lei nodded awkwardly.

To be honest, even as Leonix, he was under a lot of pressure at the moment.

After all, there are not two Ultra Warriors on the opposite side.

But more than 1000! ! !

Damn it!
  Who can bear it?

Lei unconsciously shifted his gaze to Lin Tian floating in mid-air.

I'm afraid now I can only place my hope on Lin Tian.

After all, Lin Tian is the strongest Leonix known now!

There are a full 1000 monsters in his battle instrument! ! !

A monster can match up with a mechanical Ultra Warrior!
  Lei was a little worried. If he remembered correctly, Lin Tian's monsters seemed to be collected from the monster cemetery, and their strength was not very good.

Is it possible to fight against these mechanical warriors?

Just when Lei was worried, a large group of mechanical Ultra Brothers had already arrived in front of everyone, landed, and kept rushing towards this side.

Lin Tian moved.

He fiercely waved the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

A strong light suddenly emitted from both ends of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Lin Tian couldn't wait to try out his newly acquired skills.

"EX brother Morant! Use super death spaceQ!"

Lin Tian shouted.

Hearing Lin Tian's voice, Leo was stunned.

Super death spaceQ?

Why does this thing sound so familiar?

next second.

Under Lin Tian's order.

EX brother Morant suddenly burst out with a terrifying momentum.

The energy wrapped around EX Go Morant's body has condensed into a gas, which is visible to the naked eye.

The three big horns on top of EX brother Morant's head lit up with terrifying and dazzling blue flashes at this moment.

These flashes slowly turned into blue flames as time went by.

It was obviously a flame, but everyone felt that the temperature of the surrounding world suddenly dropped.

How is this going?

EX brother Morant has not stopped moving.

After the flames condensed, EX brother Morant raised his head and pointed at the flames with his big mouth.

Under the influence of EX Gomo Lant's energy, those blue flames were suddenly wrapped in a transparent ball.

Within the sphere, flames flowed.

Such terrifying blue flame energy is condensed into such a small ball.

You can imagine how terrifyingly lethal it will be if it breaks out.

next moment.

EX brother Morant actually opened his mouth and took the ball of flames above his head into his mouth.

Then, it shook its head directly at the mechanical Ultra brothers.

The ball of flames shot directly towards the Mechanical Ultra Brothers.

In just half a breath, he disappeared into the huge crowd.

Time and space seemed to have become silent at this moment.

boom! ! !
  What followed was a cloud of fire rising into the sky.

The blue flames directly lit up the world.

The pillar of fire was hundreds of meters high.

Directly swallowing nearly half of the mechanical Ultra Brothers. Damn it! ! !

Seeing this scene, everyone was instantly shocked.

very scary!
  Killed nearly half of the mechanical Ultra Brothers with one move!


How terrifying would it be if this move fell on one of our own?
  Leo was even more confused at this moment.

Seeing this skill, he suddenly remembered why the super death spaceQ was so familiar.

Isn't this the ultimate kill for Ace? ? ?
  Isn't this the terrifying skill that the five Ultra brothers could only release after they fused all their energy to Ace.

This energy is like a key, opening up the source of pure energy in the universe!
  Extremely powerful.

But the question is why Lin Tian’s monster does this? ? ?

Damn it! It's a monster!
  Why would you?
  Everyone in Leo was numb.

What the hell is going on?

Everyone was extremely shocked.

However, Lin Tian is not done yet.

Under his control, EX Jay Ponton rushed directly towards the remaining mechanical Ultra brothers.

While EX Jay Ponton's body was moving, the space suddenly distorted.

It seems like a visual error has occurred.

In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared among the mechanical Ultra brothers.

The sudden teleportation naturally stunned everyone.

But EX Jay Ponton was extremely excited.

After teleporting into the enemy group, EX Jepenton's three big mouths each released terrifying purple light.

The thick tail on the back is constantly sweeping and piercing.

One move makes a little Karami.

After a crackling attack, his body twisted again and teleported away, then appeared in another place and continued to attack.

The enemy couldn't capture his position at all.

Seeing EX Jay Ponton's speed, Zero and others were stunned.

EX Jay Ponton's speed is obviously much faster than before.

And it seems that it is no longer a teleportation in a straight line.

"So strong!!!"

"Lin Tian, ​​you are so handsome!"

"It's too good!"

"Yeah, how come this guy's monster is stronger than Ray's Gomora?"


Many teammates were shocked on the Panlong.

Lei also nodded, worthy of Lin Tian.

"How come Lin Tian's monster has become stronger again?"

"It seems that Wang is right. Lin Tian is getting stronger faster than light."

Leo looked confused.

The speed at which Lin Tian becomes stronger is terrifying.

Hearing the shock of his companions around him, Zero went numb.

This Nima! ! !
  What the hell is going on?
  Seeing Lin Tian's monster displaying such power, Zero couldn't help being stunned.

This guy, is it possible for me to catch up with him?
  At the same time, within the mountain base in the distance.

Herodia sat down on the stool.


The two monsters directly destroyed most of her mechanical Ultra brothers.

And just in the space of a few breaths! ! !

What the hell is going on?
  Why is this guy's monster so scary?
  "It's over!"

Outside, Lin Tian, ​​floating in mid-air, smiled slightly.

"EX Jay Ponton, clean up the battlefield."

"Destroy the light with striking flames!!!"

At this moment, EX Jay Ponton teleported directly outside the battlefield.

The next second, his three big mouths continued to release terrifying purple light.

The luminous body on the chest directly shoots out continuous fireballs.

All the optical machines instantly hit the remaining mechanical Ultra Brothers.

As EX Jay Ponton moved his body, the explosion continued.

All the lights and fireballs also moved from left to right, directly cleaning the battlefield.

After a moment.

EX Jay Ponton stops attacking.

There is no longer a mechanical Ultra Brother with intact body on the battlefield.

This is the end.

1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers!
  Total destruction! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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