Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 38 Who said I only have 2 monsters? !

Chapter 38 Who said I only have two monsters? !
  At this moment.

The battlefield ahead was completely charred and black.

No enemy could survive the indiscriminate bombardment of EX Go Morant and EX Jay Ponton.

There seemed to be some purple and blue flames still burning in the field.

It was gradually extinguished under the breeze.


At this moment, Zero and Leo were all shocked and speechless.

  too strong! ! !
  Damn it! They are no longer on the same level at all.

Since Lin Tian can control two monsters to easily kill 1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers, it is probably also very easy to kill 1000 Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light.

Leo was immediately numb.

Now he couldn't help but feel a little too happy.

Fortunately, Lin Tian is one of his own.

Not the kind of guys from the Reblondo Planet who are ambitious and want to rule the universe.

Otherwise, the Kingdom of Light may be in catastrophe.

Once Lin Tian takes action, probably no one in the entire Kingdom of Light can resist him except Wang.

Except Leo.

Sero, Lei, and many other members of the Panlong crew were too shocked to speak at this moment.

Their hearts are now like a turbulent wave, surging and boiling crazily.

Especially Zero.

If it were before, he and Leo would never believe that except for the King of Ultra, how could anyone be able to single-handedly defeat thousands of mechanical Ultra brothers! ! !

But now?


There is one right in front of you!
  Today, not only did they believe it, they also witnessed it with their own eyes!

How could this not shock them?

How the hell can this not surprise them?


Everyone is numb.

In the past, Sero thought that if he worked hard, he might be able to catch up with Lin Tian's speed of evolution and strength.

But now.
  Catch up with him?
  Just think about it.

"Woohoo!!! Lin Tian, ​​you are so awesome!!!"

After the whole world was silent for a while, it was suddenly broken by the cheers of a team member of the Panlong.

With this shout, others immediately cheered.

"Lin Tian is so awesome!"

"Lei, you learn from others! Look how strong their monsters are!"

"You can't say that, our Gomora is also very strong, right?"

"Oh, it's not as strong as Lin Tian's monster anyway!"

"Maybe we can help Gomora evolve to that level in the future!"

"That will happen later. The most important thing now is... Lin Tian, ​​you are so awesome!"


Hearing his teammates starting to fight in the Panlong, Lei smiled with a headache.

Lin Tian had also landed at this moment and landed next to Lei.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are so strong!"

Lei said slowly, his eyes full of yearning.

Hearing this, Lin Tian felt a little embarrassed.

He smiled lightly.

"It's quite strong."

"But Lei, you and Gomora will also be this strong in the future."

Everyone understands the mutual compliments.

At this moment, Leo also walked over.

"Lin Tian, ​​I didn't expect your monster to become stronger again."

"What happened to that super death spaceQ that your EX brother Morant fired earlier?"

"I remember isn't this Ace's ultimate kill?"

"The energy used in this move is the purest source of power in the universe. I will not admit my mistake."

"How can your EX brother Morant do this?"

Hearing Leo's doubts, Lin Tian was helpless.

Immediately, he found a reason to excuse Leo.

Zero, who was far away, also flew over at this time and landed on the ground.

Looking at Lin Tian chatting and laughing with everyone.

Zero snorted coldly.

"Not bad, Lin Tian."

"I didn't expect you to be so strong now."

"Don't be lazy, or I will catch up with you soon!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but look at Zero with a smile.

Race Rabbit is really the toughest from the beginning to the end.

In fact, although Zero was a little dissatisfied, he admired Lin Tian a little in his heart this time.

1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers.     Even if it is Thasero, it may be difficult to completely eliminate it.

At the same time, within the base.

When Herodia saw that all her thousands of mechanical Ultra Brothers were destroyed, she sat down on the stool.

Then she stood up angrily and slapped the console in front of her.


Herodia roared angrily.

"Go! Hurry!"

"Send both of those guys out!"


"And take off their dark armor devices!"

"I'm going to use the two of them to kill all those guys!!!"

After hearing Herodia's words, several of his subordinates suddenly became worried.

"Sir, this."

Before they finished speaking, Herodia turned back and glared at them.

"Untie me!"

"It's really getting out of control. Just catch them back when the time comes!"

"Send me another 1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers."

"I want to see if they will be crushed into scum by my legion now!!!"

"The power is enough to destroy the entire universe, how can they fight?!"

"No, what is that?"

On the surface, Lei suddenly pointed to the horizon in the distance and wondered.

Everyone was still talking, but suddenly it continued, and they suddenly looked directly towards the horizon in the distance.

I saw two huge figures moving towards this side at a rapid speed.

The speed is so fast that it far exceeds those mechanical Ultra brothers just now.

In the blink of an eye, the two huge figures fell in front of everyone.

Zero and Leo were slightly stunned.

Aren't these the Dark Lopusero and Dark Lopusgo Morante who escaped on the King's Planet before? ? ?
  Lin Tiangang is ready to command the monster to fight.

Leo and Zero on the side rushed forward.

"Lin Tian, ​​please replenish your strength and leave these two guys to us!"

  Hearing this, Lin Tian felt a little embarrassed.

His monsters don't need physical strength at all.

Leo instantly started fighting against Dark Lopsgo Morant.

Zero also instantly struggled with his impostor.

Upon seeing this, Lei directly controlled Gomora and rushed towards Dark Lops Gomorante.

A battle broke out instantly between the two battlefields.

Zero and Dark Lopus Zero are about the same strength.

In close combat, after dozens of moves, no one side could gain the upper hand.

On the other hand, look at Leo and his friends.

Leo and Gomora besieged Dark Lops Gomorant together.

In a two-on-one situation, they actually couldn't beat them!
  Under the attack of Dark Lopsgo Morant, the two continued to retreat.

Powerful force shook their bodies.

Everyone was stunned.

Damn it!
  This is just a fake!

The counterfeit products are so awesome, how strong should the original version be? ? ?
  Just now.

In the distance, a large group of mechanical Ultra Brothers appeared once again on the horizon.

It seems that they are here to support the two Dark Lops.

In the large holographic projection screen on the top of the mountain.

Herodia also immediately started shouting.


"I'll give you another 1000 Mechanical Ultra Brothers!"

"I see what you do!"

Herodia was immediately extremely proud.

Such terrifying strength to crush.

Who can stop it?
  However, at this moment.

Lin Tian raised the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand and smiled lightly at Herodia on the big screen.

"Who said I only have two monsters?"

Lin Tian's voice fell.

next second.

A dazzling light suddenly lit up in the ring at the other end of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

This light instantly illuminated the world before Lin Tiansheng.

After the light dimmed, a scalp-numbing scene happened.

Above the ground, there was also a vast expanse of darkness.

Nothing more than this.
  They are all extremely ferocious monsters at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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