Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 39 The upper limit is increased by 1! Conquer 1 Mechanical Ultra Brother!

Chapter 39 Increase the upper limit by one thousand! Conquer a thousand mechanical Ultra Brothers!

Everyone is numb!
  At this moment, the originally deserted planet was filled with dark figures.

Half are from the mechanical Ultra Brothers Legion created by Herodia.

The other half are the 1000 monsters Lin Tian just summoned from the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument! ! !

Oh no!

To be precise, it should be 998 heads!
  The leaders, EX Morant and EX Jay Ponton, were wandering behind the monster army watching this magnificent scene.

Zero and Leo, who were fighting, were suddenly stunned.

While they continued to attack the enemies in front of them, they looked around in shock.

In the blink of an eye.

They were surrounded by monsters and mechanical Ultra Warriors each fighting.

Have they ever seen such a big scene before?
  Even Leo, who has experienced hundreds of battles, has never seen such a terrifying scene!

This is too scary!

However, seeing Lin Tian summoning his 1000 monsters, Leo and Sero felt relieved.

Now that the threat of the 1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers Legion has been resolved, they can better concentrate on dealing with the enemies in front of them.

Dark Lopes Sero!
  And Dark Lopsgo Morant!
  The members of the Panlong were already attacking the mechanical Ultra Brothers together with Lin Tian's monsters.

As for Ray.

He directly used the battle instrument to summon Litola, stepped on the back of the Litola and flew into the air.

At this moment, the dark figure covered the sky and blocked the sun.

Gomora is working with Leo to deal with Dark Lops Gomorant.

He simply couldn't control Gomora better on the ground.

"Litola, fly higher."

Ray called to Litola below him.

Lei's eyes were full of shock.

Too much.

Whether it's the mechanical Ultra brothers or Lin Tian's monsters, there are too many.

For a moment, he couldn't find Gomora's whereabouts.

There was a huge momentum on the entire battlefield, and terrifying attacks continued to emerge.

There were constant explosions.

Fierce roars came from everywhere.

within the base.

Herodia's eyes were shocked, and her pupils narrowed unconsciously.

When Lin Tian summoned the 1000 monsters, she was stunned.

Who is this guy?

Why can you control monsters?

No, we must successfully capture him alive!

Only in this way can we study his power! ! !

Just imagine if you had not only countless mechanical Ultra Brothers under your control, but also countless monsters.

Who else in the entire universe can stop her? ? ?
  A sneeze!

Outside the battlefield.

Lin Tian sneezed for no reason.

There was a slight thought in his mind.

The next second, Lin Tian's body directly carried the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and flew into the air, floating in the sky overlooking the battlefield below.

"Zi Zheng Zhen, there's still something wrong."

Lin Tian noticed that some monsters could no longer stand the fight and were about to be defeated.

He directly aimed at those monsters with the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

next second.

In the battlefield, some monsters that were about to be killed by the mechanical Ultra Brothers suddenly turned into light and rose into the air.

They all got into Lin Tian's EX ultimate combat instrument.

As Lin Tian wielded the EX ultimate combat device again.

These monsters actually reappeared on the battlefield and fought with their respective enemies again! ! !

Lin Tian just kept observing the battlefield.

As soon as a monster can no longer hold on, immediately put it into the combat instrument and release it.

  So cool!
  The recovery speed of full blood in one second is simply amazing! ! !
  In this way, his monster will not suffer casualties at all! ! !

Also looking at the battlefield from an overall perspective is Herodia in the base.

Herodia was immediately stunned.

This Nima is too fake!

Those monsters were obviously going to be killed, so why were they resurrected with full health?
  Ray was standing on top of Litola now, his face equally shocked.

What the hell!

Can you still play like this?

Lei was dumbfounded.

Why can't I do this myself?
  After his monster took back its battle instrument, it didn't recover so quickly.


Is this the correct way to open Leonix? ? ?

Under the infinite resurrection of Lintian monsters, the entire mechanical Ultra Brothers Army will soon be wiped out.

within the entire base.

People are panicking!

"Lady Herodia! That guy is the devil!"

"How could someone have such terrifying abilities?!"

"This guy is simply the king of monsters!"

"If this continues, no matter how many mechanical Ultra brothers we send, it won't help the problem!!!"

It's numb, everyone is numb.

They looked at the monsters in the picture in shock as they returned to their peak form again and again.

These monsters are like undead and cannot be killed at all.

"Don't panic!!!"

Herodia suddenly roared. Then, she said coldly: "Send out all our mechanical legions!!!"


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

All the mechanical Ultra Brothers? ? ?
  That’s a total of 10,000 units!
  It’s the inventory they have worked hard on for a long time.

If sent out
  "Send everyone out! Even if they are gone, as long as we catch those guys, are we afraid that we won't be able to build them?"

Herodia stared at Lin Tian on the screen, her smile gradually getting crazier.

On the battlefield.

All the mechanical Ultra Brothers are about to be wiped out.

However, just then!

Suddenly there was a roar from all directions in the sky.

When everyone looked up to check, they discovered it.

It’s the Mechanical Ultra Brothers again! ! !

And this time.

There are simply too many to count.

There are thousands of them in every direction!
  It's numb!

How the hell do you fight this? ? ?
  Even Lin Tian was slightly stunned when he saw this scene.

He only knew that the Salome people used the data of Dark Lops to create many mechanical Ultra Brothers.

But he didn’t expect that, Nima!

There are so many? ? ?

It seems that this number has to reach five figures, right? ? ?
  Just when Lin Tian was thinking about how to deal with it, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

【Ding! 】

[Your EX Ultimate Combat Instrument senses that your situation is very bad, and the opponent is bullying the minority with more! So very unhappy! ! ! 】

[Hereby, the maximum number of monsters in your EX Ultimate Battle Rise can be increased by 1000! ! ! 】

[You are still a little dissatisfied with the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, so I have conquered the Mechanical Ultra Brothers*1000 just for you! ! ! 】

Lin Tian: “What the hell???”


How can your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument be so successful? ? ?
  Just like that, he has a thousand mechanical Ultra Brothers? ? ?
  This is so cool! ! !
  I don’t know what the expressions of the Ultra brothers in the Kingdom of Light will be like when they see me summoning these guys in the future.
  next second.

The more than 10,000 mechanical Ultra Brothers landed directly on the ground and joined the battlefield.


The moment he landed.

One thousand of the mechanical Ultra Brothers suddenly turned back and began to instantly turn around and attack their own companions.

Each of the mechanical Ultra brothers who were subdued by Lin Tian turned around and fired a killing beam at their original companions.

Because this rebellion was too sudden.

Herodia didn't have time to order her mechanical Ultra Legion to resist.

Just for a moment.

The swarms of killing rays directly killed nearly one-third of the remaining 9000 mechanical Ultra Brothers! ! !

This scene made everyone dumbfounded.


What's going on?

Why are those guys killing their own people?


Herodia in the base had already reacted.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Check it out for me quickly!!!"

Herodia barked an order.

However, time passed by minute by minute.

Herodia's men still haven't sent back any investigation results.

They just gave a unified reply.

"The control of those 1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers has disappeared!!!"

Nani? ? ?

Herodia was confused!

"Quick! Let Dark Lops attack that guy."

"We must kill him quickly!"

At this moment, on the battlefield.

Lin Tian's monsters and mechanical Ultra brothers joined forces.

Most of the 9000 mechanical Ultra Legions were wiped out in the blink of an eye!

They were about to be wiped out before their very eyes.

at this time.

Dark Lopus Zero, who had been fighting Zero, suddenly pulled away.

He kicked Zero away.

Then the body flew directly to the sky, aiming at Lin Tian below.

next second.

The armor on Dark Lopusero's chest suddenly opened.

The white energy crystal inside was exposed.

The terrifying energy immediately began to accumulate.

Lin Tian was stunned when he saw it.

Is this going to start a big move? ? ?
  at this time.

Suddenly another familiar voice came from Lin Tian's mind.

【Ding! 】

[Your EX ultimate battle instrument sees you killing everyone, it’s extremely exciting! 】

[Hereby present one to you, the Mechanical Super Tyro! ! ! 】

Lin Tian: "????"

(End of this chapter)

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