Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 40 So impressive! Mechanical Super Tyro! ! !

Chapter 40 So impressive! Mechanical Super Tyro! ! !
  【Ding! 】

[Your EX ultimate battle instrument sees you killing everyone, it’s extremely exciting! 】

[Hereby present one to you, the Mechanical Super Tyro! ! ! 】

Hear the voices in your head.

Lin Tian was immediately stunned.

What the hell!

Didn’t my EX Ultimate Battle Instrument just compete with me?

Now you have achieved success again? ? ?

This is too cool!

Knew it!
  Fighting with this guy Lei, there are more and more opportunities to compete with the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

Just this reward.
  Recalling the voice of the system in his mind just now, Lin Tian was stunned.

The EX Ultimate Battle Instrument directly presented a mechanical Super Tyro? ? ?

Lin Tianren was numb!

You know, that's the mechanical Super Tyro! ! !
  Super Tyro, what kind of existence is that? ? ?

When Ultraman Tyro was protecting the earth, he successfully evolved into Super Tyro by integrating all the powers of the five Ultra Brothers.

Extremely powerful.

The combat strength alone is probably dozens of times higher than Taylor's own strength now.

His physical strength is probably about the same as that of his EX brother Morant.

The most terrifying thing is Super Taro's final move.

That is the miracle light of the universe! ! !

Beings that can easily kill powerful monsters like Zhou Da and even King Gurant.

The miracle light of the universe is so powerful that not even the absorbing black hole of Hypajton can contain it.

You can see how terrifying it is.

Now, his EX ultimate battle instrument actually presents the mechanical Super Tyro? ? ?

  Too Nima cool!
  at the same time.

Above the sky, Dark Lopusero was aiming at Lin Tian and had already accumulated terrifying energy.

Leo and Zero's people quickly looked up.

Just by looking at it, they could detect the terrifying energy in Dark Lopusero's chest.

And when they saw that Dark Lopusero's target turned out to be Lin Tian, ​​they were immediately shocked!
  "not good!"

"Lin Tian! Run away!"

"Damn it, don't even think about it!"


The alliance between Leo and Zero flew towards Dark Lopus Zero, trying to stop him from launching an attack.

within the base.

Herodia also looked at Lin Tian who was about to be killed by Dark Lopsero in the picture with a proud look on her face.


"Aren't you amazing?"

"Can't you summon monsters to fight?"

"Aren't you awesome?"

"Keep pretending!"

"Let me see if you die this time!!!"

Herodia felt extremely happy at this moment.

She knows the power of Dark Lopusero best.

Once a dimensional storm is launched, no living thing will be able to stay alive in this world.

Either die or be exiled to another dimension!
  After this dimensional storm is launched, even the two most powerful monsters of this guy can't even think of resisting it!
  Not to mention this guy himself.

How can he stop Lin Tian, ​​who is as small as an ant?
  Thinking of this, Herodia suddenly laughed more and more wildly and unscrupulously.


At this most critical moment where life is at stake.

Lin Tian smiled.

His face was calm and his smile was soothing.

There seems to be a hint of pride?

Herodia was stunned.

What is this guy proud of?
  He was still smiling when death was imminent? ? ?

next second.

Everyone was stunned.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tian.

As soon as this figure appeared, Leo and Zero stopped immediately.

He looked at that figure in shock.

Even Lei and Herodia were speechless with their mouths wide open at this moment.

His eyes were so wide that they almost popped out of his head.

I saw that the figure was extremely familiar.

It's Ultraman Taro! ! !

"No, that's not right!"

"This isn't Taylor!"

Leo realized something was wrong almost instantly.

The Tyro who appeared in front of Lin Tian was bursting with terrifying pure energy, extremely powerful.

There are still circles of golden circles around the waist.

It is somewhat similar to those mechanical Ultra brothers.

And the energy in him was extremely familiar to Leo and Zero.

Damn it!
  Isn't this Taro's Super Taro form? ? ? That is a super powerful form that combines the energy of the six Ultra Brothers!
  But the question is, why is he here?
  In other words, where did this Taylor, who was not Taylor, come from?
  How could Lin Tian care about the surprise in their hearts.

At this moment, Dark Lopusero has turned the terrifying energy in his chest directly into a thick dimensional storm ray and shot it out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian directly waved the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

"Super Taro! Use Cosmic Miracle Ray!"

The Super Tyro in front of him immediately gathered energy and raised his right arm forward.

Then, Taylor's body part fired an extremely thick seven-color destructive spark light directly along his right arm!
  The terrifying light shot straight towards the dimensional storm.

The two collided almost instantly.

  In an instant, the world changed.

The two energies continued to collide, exuding a terrifying aura.

No matter how powerful the dimensional storm is, it is still no match for the miraculous light of the universe.

The seven-colored sparks of destruction light directly suppressed the darkness, and Lopusero's dimensional storm continued to shoot towards his body.

next second!
  boom! ! !
  The terrifying seven-color spark destruction light directly penetrated Dark Lopusero's body.

At the same time, the energy crystal on his chest was also destroyed.

The moment the energy crystal is destroyed, the energy is released.

It actually tore a dimensional channel directly high in the sky.

Inside is an endless twisting whirlpool.

An extremely terrifying suction force suddenly came from the different dimension space.

Dark Lopusero's body was about to be sucked in.

"Don't think you'll win just like this!"

Dark Lopusero, who had never spoken a word, actually spoke!

"The entire universe is in a period of turmoil! The countdown to terror and despair has begun!"

"Soon, there will be a huge force coming from our universe"

Dark Lopusero chattered.

However, before he finished speaking, his body was directly sucked into that dimension.

Subsequently, the large dimensional crack also closed instantly.

  Unparalleled silence!
  Everyone's eyes were filled with shock, and their hearts were beating wildly.

This is the end? ? ?
  No, it's not over yet.

Mechanical Super Tyro is still releasing the miraculous light of the universe, and its energy has not shrunk.

With Lin Tian's EX ultimate combat device waving.

The mechanical Super Tyro directly turned around and scanned the battlefield below.

In the blink of an eye.

All the mechanical Ultra Brothers on the entire battlefield, even the Dark Lopsgo Morante.

All destroyed! ! !

After completing all this, Lin Tianze turned his head and looked at the projection in the distance.

Seeing Lin Tian's gaze coming over, Herodia was instantly horrified and trembling.

The subordinates quickly packed their things and prepared to escape.

However, Lin Tian had no intention of letting them go.

"Destroy them!"

As Lin Tian's words fell.

Mechanical Super Tyro, 1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers, and the 1000 monsters directly turned their directions and emitted their own light towards the huge mountain.

For an instant.

The whole world is lit up by all the light.

It's like a new world has been created.

  The mountain where Herodia was located was immediately razed to the ground.

Flames shot into the sky. , and even rushed into space.

After Lin Tian used the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument to put away all the guys, this battle was considered to be over.

When Lin Tian fell to the ground, Leo, Sero and Lei came to greet him with cheers.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are too good!"

"With your level of strength, you can rule the universe!"

"This is too handsome!"

"Lin Tian, ​​you are so strong!"


Everyone kept praising Lin Tian.

Sero just stood aside and said nothing.

But Leo was a little worried.

Leo came to Lin Tian and said calmly: "Lin Tian was blasted into a different dimension, so isn't this clue broken?"

Hearing Leo's worry, Lin Tian shook his head.

"It's okay, don't worry."


Lin Tian was about to say something when a special signature suddenly appeared in the sky.

Officially signed by Ultra!

Leo looked at it carefully and read out the contents of the signature.


"The Kingdom of Light has been invaded by the dark giant. The situation is urgent. We must go back quickly!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Good guy.

Is this the beginning of the plot of the Belial Galactic Empire?

 Sorry for being late. The author has the flu and is feeling very uncomfortable. I’m so sorry! By the way, thank you to all the readers and dads for your tips!
  (End of this chapter)

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