Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 41 Lin Tian saves the Kingdom of Light! Beria Universe!

Chapter 41 Lin Tian saves the Kingdom of Light! Beria Universe!
  At this moment.

After hearing the news, Lin Tian was very surprised.

So fast?
  Unexpectedly, just after destroying the mechanical Ultra Brothers here, the plot of the Belial Galaxy Empire would start directly?
  In the original plot, Lin Tian remembered that it would take a while before the dark giant would invade the Kingdom of Light.

But now that he had just pushed the dark Lopusero into the first dimension, the dark giant began to invade.

This progress is too fast.

However, when Lin Tian thought about it, he suddenly felt relieved.

The space they are currently in is originally in dimensional turbulence.

Factors such as the flow of time may have changed somewhat here.

They have been here for a day, and a long time may have passed outside.

That's just right.

Now that the plot of the Belial Galactic Empire has begun, he can go to that universe smoothly.

Lin Tian couldn't help but recall what happened in that universe in the original plot.

Crisis abounds, but opportunity abounds.

When I go to that universe, maybe my EX Ultimate Battle Instrument will be even more impressive there?

Moreover, there is Noah in that universe!
  Will any miracle happen then?
  Lin Tian suddenly became extremely excited when he thought of this.

"I didn't expect that a dark giant would invade the Kingdom of Light!"

Leo said with a heavy heart.

How long has the Kingdom of Light been peaceful?

He was targeted again!

What happened during this time?
  Where did these dark giants come from?

Doubts kept popping up in Leo's heart.

"Leo, if that's the case, let's return to the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible."

Sero looked anxious on the side.

"Yes, Leo."

Lei also came to Liang'ao at this time and looked at Lin Tian aside.

"Lin Tian, ​​please go back to the Kingdom of Light to help. We have to go back to perform our mission!"

Lin Tian nodded.

Afterwards, everyone on the Panlong said goodbye to Lin Tian and the others.

Directly piloted the Panlong and flew into space.

"Lin Tian."

At this time, Leo suddenly lowered his head and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"What do you think?"

Lin Tian said almost without hesitation: "The matter here is almost over, there is no more trouble."

"Let's return to the Kingdom of Light. Our companions need our help."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Leo and Sero nodded immediately.

Afterwards, Lin Tian took the lead and flew towards the universe.

Leo and Zero followed closely.

This place is still some distance away from the Kingdom of Light.

Gotta hurry up.

country of light.

At this moment, the originally bright and peaceful city of the Kingdom of Light was filled with black smoke.

There are signs of energy bombardment and explosion everywhere.

Several one-eyed spaceships that stood upside down like cones were constantly firing beams from the one-eye to bombard the city.

The artillery fire continued.

In the city, the people of the Kingdom of Light were forced to fight against some dark giants.

Those dark giants were suddenly the Dark Lopusero and Dark Lopusgo Morant that Lin Tian and the others had just destroyed.

But this time it is no longer as simple as one or two.

But hordes of dark giants!
  They continue to attack the people of the Kingdom of Light. Under the overwhelming strength, even with the support of the Space Guard, it seems to be somewhat useless.

Under the Space Guard building.

There are also several battlefields with a lot of movement.

It's four Ultra brothers!
  Zoffie, Seven, Jack, and Ace each faced off against a Dark Lopus Cero and a Dark Lopus Gomorant!

The powerful strength makes them, those who have been famous for a long time, somewhat helpless!

"How can these guys be so scary!!!"

Zoffi knocked away the two Dark Lops in front of him.

Then he launched a light wheel towards Severn for support!
  The light wheel hit two of Severn's opponents, and Severn had the opportunity to escape and come to Zoffie.

The two were back to back, relying on each other, and were immediately surrounded by four Dark Lops.

"Damn it! Who created these guys!"

"It's actually modeled after Cerro and Lin Tian's EX brother Morant!"

"This strength is almost the same as the original body!"

Looking at Dark Lopusero and Dark Lopusgo Morant who were once again surrounding them, Severn felt a little uncomfortable.

"I wonder how Lin Tian and Sero are doing?"

Hearing Severn's worries, Zuo Fei said helplessly: "They should have received Ultra's signature and rushed back."


"The strength of these guys is almost the same as their own bodies. Even if they come back, I'm afraid they won't be able to change the situation much."


Zoffie wanted to continue to say something, but the Dark Lopsero and Dark Lopsgo Morant suddenly opened their hands towards them. The terrifying energy source on his chest suddenly began to accumulate energy.

Judging from the intensity of the energy alone, if these four attacks were launched at the same time, Zoffie and Seven would probably be seriously injured and killed!

Just when the two of them were still thinking about countermeasures, suddenly!

An extremely terrifying seven-color spark destructive light shot down from the universe.

These seven-colored sparks of destructive light shot directly in front of the Space Guard building.

Directly kill all the dark giants.

Even the four Dark Lops that surrounded Zoffie and Severn were all reduced to rubbish.


So strong!

"Did I read it correctly just now?"

"That light seems to be the miraculous light of the universe???"

The Ultra brothers were stunned.

Damn it!
  Isn't this the super-kill after they fused their power to Taylor?
  Many Ultra warriors quickly turned their attention to Taro.

However, they were dumbfounded.

Taylor is currently fighting the enemy on the ground.

That miraculous light of the universe was not emitted by him at all!

What exactly is going on?

In the midst of doubt, they looked up to the sky.

At this sight, everyone was stunned.

I saw a dark figure in the sky falling.

There are one or two thousand figures!
  Half Ultra Brothers!

Half of them were monsters that Lin Tian had conquered before!

The most important thing is that the person leading these guys turned out to be an extremely familiar guy.

Super Taro! ! !

What the hell!

It's numb, everyone is numb.

How come there are so many Ultra brothers?
  And where did Super Taro come from?
  As soon as these Ultra brothers and monsters landed on the ground, they spontaneously started fighting with the dark giants.

The situation reversed in an instant.

Super Tyro was even more powerful than ten, directly destroying those dark giants in a crushing situation.

Just when everyone was confused, Lin Tian, ​​Zero and Leo also landed directly from the sky.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you back?!"

All the Ultra brothers were immediately overjoyed.

"What's going on with these guys?"

These guys are naturally referring to Lin Tian's Super Tyro and those Ultra brothers.

After hearing the questioning, Lin Tian smiled and told the origins of these guys.


At this time, everyone was a little unable to react.


Are you telling me that these Ultra Brothers and that Super Tyro are all machines? ? ?

They created these mechanical corps, but you conquered them? ? ?
  That Super Tyro is now your Lin Tian's pet? ? ?
  How long has it been since I last saw Lin Tian? Not only has his strength increased, but the number of individuals he can control has also increased from 1000 to 2000? ? ?


This is too outrageous! ! !
  After hearing this, Taylor, who was still fighting, felt a little miserable and couldn't express his feelings.

With the addition of Lin Tian's army, in just a few breaths, all the dark giants and the one-eyed spacecraft were completely destroyed.

Super Tyro directly grabbed a fragmented body of Dark Lopsero and came to Lin Tian.

"Where the hell did these guys come from?"

"Who on earth has such terrifying power to create them?"

Zoffie and the other Ultra warriors looked at the stumps thrown to the ground by the mechanical Super Tyro and couldn't help but become worried.

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but smile.

Then Lin Tian looked directly at Ultraman Eddie on the side.

"Eddie, please detect the energy source on this guy's chest."

Zhongao was slightly startled.

What is this going to do?
  Without saying a word, Ultraman Eddie came directly to the body and squatted down.

He placed his hands on the energy source and quietly sensed it.

next second.

Bloom in a hurry.

The green crystal in the energy source suddenly released a thin red line, shooting far away in a certain direction of the universe.

"what is this?"

All the Austrians couldn't help but become confused.

It was at this moment that Lin Tian stood up and smiled.

"The direction this red line points to."

"This is the universe where Beria exists!"

(End of this chapter)

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