Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 42 Across the Universe? Come out, the 4th dimensional monster!

Chapter 42 Across the Universe? Come out, the fourth-dimensional monster!
  Nani? ? ?

Everyone was stunned when they heard Lin Tian's words.

The direction this red line points to is Beria's universe? ? ?

That guy Beria is really not dead? !

They were all extremely shocked at this moment.

Unexpectedly, after the battle in the monster cemetery, Beria actually did not die completely as Lin Tian said.

Now he has escaped to another universe and created so many dark giants to invade the Kingdom of Light!

What kind of opportunity gave Beria such strength?

How did Beria create these powerful dark giants?

The strength of Black Pusserlo and Dark Lopsgo Morant is obvious to all.

very powerful!
  Hard to beat!

How exactly all this was done, they didn't know.

At this moment, Leo suddenly realized something.

"Could it be that the clue that Lin Tian said you wanted to wait for before was the energy core in Dark Lopsero's body???"

Lin Tian had said at the beginning that Beria's clues would come to them.

In connection with today's invasion of the Kingdom of Light by the army of darkness, it is not difficult to imagine that this should be what Lin Tian was talking about.

Lin Tian nodded immediately.

"Yes, with this thing, we can follow the red line to find the coordinates of the universe where Beria is located."

"Then just kill him and that's it."

Lin Tian said lightly.

However, at this moment, a steady voice came.

"But now there is a problem before us."

Zhongao looked up and saw Ultra's father slowly landing.

"Traveling through the universe requires an extremely large amount of energy."

"Even if we gather the power of the entire Kingdom of Light, we can only send one person there!"

Nani? ? ?

This time, everyone was stunned.

Can you only send one person there?

If you want to compete with Beria's power and only send one person there, it may be difficult to win!

If you really can only send one person there, then you must choose the most powerful person to go to that universe!
  Thinking of this, all the Austrians turned their heads and looked at Lin Tian.

Seeing this scene, Zero suddenly became unconvinced.

"Captain, just let me go!"

"I will definitely destroy that guy Beria!"

However, as soon as Zero finished speaking, Severn directly grabbed his arm.

"What are you kidding about?!"

"If I can only send one person there, it must be Lin Tian!"

"Everything Lin Tian says is much stronger than you!"

  Hearing this, Zero was immediately very unhappy.

But he also knew that this was indeed true.

After all, the incident of Lin Tian resisting the mechanical army in that different dimension space not long ago is still vivid in his mind.

Damn it, can I just look at Lin Tian’s back? !
  At this moment, Lin Tian waved his hand indifferently.

"It's okay, don't worry."

"Just use your energy to send Zero."

"My EX Ultimate Battle Instrument contains a monster that can control dimensions, Bruton. I can use it to travel to that universe!"

Speaking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help but recall that in the original plot, Zero was directly sucked into the fourth-dimensional space by Bruton and went to another universe.

Although the monster Bruton doesn't seem to have much fighting power, sometimes this special ability is quite useful.

Just like this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a little happy.


So cool!
  It’s good to have more monsters, and all kinds of weird abilities emerge in endlessly!
  Who knows when it will be of great use!

I hope that this time I can go to Noah’s universe and let all my monsters have a good fight! ! !
  Lin Tian was extremely happy here.

But Severn and Leo were indeed extremely surprised when they heard Lin Tian's words.

Bruton? ? ?
  They couldn't help but search for information about this monster in their minds.

This guy seems to be able to open dimensional space and travel to other universes.

I didn't expect that Lin Tian's EX Ultimate Combat Instrument would have such a monster!

"Lin Tian, ​​do you really have that kind of fourth-dimensional monster???"

Leo asked doubtfully.

Lin Tian nodded.

He turned around and looked at the mechanical Ultra Brothers and monsters in the distance.

The EX Ultimate Combat Instrument is held in a casual wave of the hand.

All the mechanical Ultra brothers and monsters turned into light and got into Lin Tian's EX ultimate combat instrument.

Including Mechanical Super Tyro!

Mechanical Super Tyro directly turned into a red light ball and disappeared into the other end where EX Morant and EX Jay Ponton were. On the entire ground, there was only a huge "object" more than sixty meters high!
  The overall shape of the object is like a huge sphere.

It has no arms and legs, and its whole body is covered with large, seemingly square holes, facing carelessly in all directions.

The color of the body is half blue and half red.

In addition, circles and circles of plaid patterns wrap around its body.

Not even an eye could be seen in his body.

If it hadn't trembled like breathing from time to time, everyone would have thought it was just a huge pile of stone.

Is this the so-called fourth-dimensional space monster Bruton? ? ?

Lin Tian nodded directly, confirming their thoughts.

Zhongao was instantly shocked.

Lin Tian is really getting stronger and stronger.

The abilities possessed by monsters are also becoming more and more diverse.

"In that case, let's send Zero there first."

The father of Ultra saw that Lin Tian had already figured out his own way to travel through the universe, so he said no more.

Not long after, the Ultra Father summoned all the Ultra warriors in the Kingdom of Light to the square below the Space Guard.

The dense crowd looked up.

While Ultra's father was still explaining the situation to his people, Severn also came to Zero and handed a bracelet to Zero.

Sero put the bracelet on his hand without saying a word.

Looking at Sero's young and energetic appearance, Seven couldn't help but feel worried.

"Sero, this is the Ultra Bracelet."

"It contains the plasma spark energy we prepared for you. This energy is enough for you to use it three times in that universe."

"We can clearly see every consumption here."

As he spoke, Severn pointed to the three huge crystal stones outside the Space Guard building.

The three crystal stones symbolize Zero's remaining transformation opportunities.

Today, the three crystal stones are still full of light.

Lin Tian was also beside them at this time.

"Don't worry, Severn."

Lin Tian smiled directly, and then flew into the air.

"As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to your son."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Seven also nodded.

Lin Tian is so powerful, nothing serious will happen to his son.

Maybe I can get a good experience with Zero.

Sero also nodded, and then flew up to Lin Tian's side.

At this moment, the father of Ultra said loudly: "Everyone from the Kingdom of Light, please hand over our light to Ultraman Zero!"

As the words fell, countless rays of light shot directly onto Zero's body.

A light shield emitting mysterious red light formed directly outside of Zero's body.

next second.

This light mask directly carried Zero's body and flew into the universe at a rapid speed! ! !

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian also took out the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and directly summoned Bruton.

Bruton spit out a burst of energy and immediately formed a dimensional channel.

Lin Tian turned his head and glanced at Zhongao, then got in directly.

The moment Lin Tian came out of the dimensional channel.

The scene in front of me changes with time!

The world suddenly changed.

I saw that there were huge spheres one after another in all directions!

Even for the Kingdom of Light, the size seems a bit undersized in front of these spheres.

There are countless such huge spheres in this space, it’s impossible to count them!
  Is this the multidimensional universe?
  Lin Tian was immediately stunned.

What the hell!

This is too vast! ! !

Zero hasn't left the original universe yet.

But Lin Tian had already seen the red line extending from the huge sphere behind him, connecting to a universe in the distance.

Seeing this, Lin Tian followed directly without saying a word.

When he came outside the cosmic sphere connected by the red line, he immediately rushed in.


A muffled sound.

Lin Tian came to a universe again.

There are many stars, countless stars, and it is vast and boundless.

This is also the universe.

However, he has now arrived in Beria's universe.

That is.
  Noah universe! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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