Chapter 43 Planet Anu! Save Xiaozhi!
  Planet Anu.

It has always been a peaceful and peaceful planet, and it is no different today.


at a certain moment.

A photon cannon bomb suddenly hit the ground.

boom! ! !
  In an instant, dust was flying and black smoke was raging.

Planet Anu suddenly fell into disaster.

While the Anu natives were panicking, more than ten huge spaceships slowly descended from space to high altitudes.

These dark spaceships all have a red Ultra signature engraved on their hulls.

That is Beria's special mark! ! !

And these are Beria's Dark Empire fleet! ! !
  After these spacecraft stopped steadily.

Several huge figures also jumped directly from the spacecraft.

It hit the ground heavily.

They were some huge robots, nearly sixty meters tall.

One-eyed, sharp and terrifying all over.

There is a long and narrow square barrel on each hand.

"not good!!!"

"It's Regio Noide!!!"

When the indigenous people saw these monsters, they immediately ran away in fear.

The people at the only nearby mining camp immediately fled like frightened ants.

The reason why I am so scared is because whenever this Regionoid appears.

This planet is facing catastrophe! ! !


After those Regionoids landed on the ground, they each fired a ray cannon directly from the red line eye! ! !

boom! ! !
  Just for a moment!

The mining area was directly blasted into pieces! ! !
  Some of the aborigines who had no time to escape were immediately killed by this bombardment.

Afterwards, Regio Noide continued to bombard the ground everywhere.

It is going to turn this place into a hell on earth!

"it's all over--"

among the crowd.

A desperate voice suddenly came out.

This sound immediately attracted the attention of a Regionoid.

He looked down towards the source of the sound.

I saw an old woman on crutches with tears in her eyes and her voice hoarse.

It was as if everything had fallen into despair.

The helpless look makes people feel distressed just by looking at him.

However, Regionoid's mission is to destroy.

Destroy everything!
  Reggio Noide slowly raised his huge feet.

Then, he stepped directly on the old woman!
  Just when the soles of Regio Noide's feet were just beginning to fall, a dozen tiny rays of light suddenly hit him.

The sparks kept going.

The next second, a very small aircraft passed in front of him at extremely high speed.

Reggio Noide's eyes were immediately attracted to the retreating small spaceship.

Then he chased directly towards the guy.

Seeing that the old woman was out of danger, the nearby aborigines breathed a sigh of relief.

An aboriginal companion even rushed up and helped the old woman away.

Boom boom boom!
  In the distance, on the hillside.

The fire kept lighting up.

The Regio Noide pursued the small spaceship and continuously attacked it with artillery fire.

The pilot skills of the small spaceship seem to be very good.

Never been hit by any shell!

in the cabin.

"Xiao Zhi——"

A young man in his twenties with long curly hair shouted.

This young man is called Lan.

He is the EX ultimate battle instrument controller of this spaceship.

He controlled the cannon barrel on the top of the spacecraft and continuously fired bombardments at Regionoid behind him.

"Xiao Zhi, we are about to be caught up!!!"

The Xiaozhi he spoke of was a little boy in his early ten years.

Xiaozhi smiled proudly.

"Don't worry, brother, I did it on purpose!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he drove the spaceship directly to the top of the hill.

Regionoid had no thoughts of his own, so he naturally followed the enemy.

When he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Xiao Zhi directly released all the power and let the spacecraft fall downwards after reaching the top. Reggio Noide followed closely behind.

However, underneath that is magma.

At the moment when the spacecraft was about to fall into the magma, Xiao Zhi directly raised the power to full capacity.

The spacecraft raised its bow again.

And Regio Noide's reaction speed was not as fast as anyone else's.

He rushed directly into the magma!
  In an instant, a wave of water rose from the hot magma.

Xiao Zhi's spaceship also skittered across the surface of the magma and flew towards the rocky slope ahead.

When the spacecraft stopped on the ground, the two brothers came outside the spacecraft and looked at the magma below.

They immediately high-fived each other excitedly!

"Beautiful job!!!"

However, before the two of them were happy for a few seconds, a drill suddenly came out from under the ground!

The bodies of the two brothers were immediately knocked away.

After rolling a few times on the ground in the distance, Xiaozhi was about to fall into the cliff ahead.

At the critical moment, Lan finally caught him with his hands!
  The two brothers were hanging on the edge of the cliff.

Below, there is terrifying magma!

"Brother, you are bleeding!"

Xiao Zhi's body was hanging in the air, and some blood flowed from Lan's arm.

Regio Noide, who emerged from the ground, also looked over with eager eyes.

The situation is extremely critical!
  Under the ground.

A giant bird-shaped spaceship is hidden in the core of the earth.

"Iron Samurai! Let's go save them!"

In the spaceship, a woman in a white dress said to the screen.

On the screen, it was Lan and Xiaozhi who were about to fall off the cliff.


A serious voice suddenly sounded in the spaceship.

"My job is to keep you safe."

"If we go out, we will be exposed!!!"

After hearing James Robert's answer, the woman suddenly had no choice.

Hope they can save the day.
  above the surface.

Regio Noed suddenly hit the cliff where Lan and Xiaoji were.

The huge drill bit directly cut off the cliff.

The bodies of Lan and Xiaozhi also flew out under the huge impact.

The lava is about to fall.

"Iron Samurai! I'm going to save them!"

The woman underground immediately became anxious when she saw this scene.

If we don't save them, these two people will die! ! !

"You can save them, but after saving them, you have to erase their memories and then dump them on any planet."

The woman knew that James was thinking about her safety.

"it is good!!!"

She agreed immediately without saying a word.

Flames suddenly burst out from the tail of the bird-shaped spacecraft, and it was ready to set off to rescue people!
  At this time, the mutation protrudes.

above the sky.

A huge white light suddenly fell down and directly enveloped the brothers and landed on the ground.

When the two brothers were placed on the ground by this "uninvited guest", they immediately raised their heads and looked towards him.

I see.

There seemed to be a huge figure in the light group.

A pair of giant wings flapped slowly behind him.

The guy in the light group faced Regio Noide directly, and a terrifying huge flame spurted out directly.

boom! ! !
  Just for a moment.

Regio Noide was turned into scum!
  At this time.

The light also slowly dissipated.

The figure inside was also revealed.

However, when they saw this guy's appearance, they were immediately confused.

  Isn't this the Dark Lopsgo Morant of the Belial Army? ! !

For an instant.

Panic spread directly into everyone's hearts.

The brothers Lan and Xiaozhi hugged each other tightly, shivering.

It's over, it's over, I'm going to die here! ! !
  Yet at this moment.

Above the sky, two streams of light suddenly fell and landed next to the monster.

It's Lin Tian and Sero! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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