Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 45 The bloodline evolves again! Princess blushes!

Chapter 45 The bloodline evolves again! Princess blushes!

The scene in front of me suddenly changed.

Brothers Lin Tian and Lan came directly to a strange place.

This seems to be a corridor.

There are high-tech mechanical instruments everywhere.

In front of them was a piece of transparent glass.

Through the glass, they could see that they were moving away from planet Anu!

"Where are we?"

"It's so cool here."

The two Lan brothers were immediately curious about this place.

However, Lin Tian was extremely dull.

He knew that they had been teleported in by the Iron Warrior James.

It should be in James Robert's cabin right now.

In other words, that woman is about to appear.

"Come on, let's go ahead and take a look."

Lin Tian said lightly, and then took the lead to walk towards the front of the corridor.

The two brothers followed closely behind.

After a while, they came to an iron gate.

The iron door was tightly closed, as if something extremely important was hidden inside.

When they arrived at the iron gate, the iron gate immediately opened and closed to both sides.

The situation inside the iron gate was also revealed to the three of them.

I saw a huge cockpit inside the iron door.

The space is quite spacious, and directly in front is an extremely spacious glass, which is filled with all kinds of precise data.

And in the center of the entire cockpit.

There is an extremely tall spacious chair.

A woman with long hair was vaguely visible sitting in the chair, with her back to them.

When the iron door opened, the spacious chair slowly turned around.

I saw a long-haired woman wearing a white dress sitting in the chair.

Noble, dignified.

And this is none other than Amy Lana!
  "Are you the controller of that monster?"

Aimee Lana looked at Lin Tian and the others, mainly staring at Lin Tian.

Looking at this extremely handsome young man, Amy Lana couldn't help but blush.

"Can you tell me how you control the monster?"

Hearing Aimee Lana's doubts, Lin Tian also calmly explained to him about the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Hearing that Lin Tian could control monsters with the EX ultimate combat device, he immediately became even more admired.

  Lin Tian had already walked to the cockpit at this time.

The two Lan brothers also walked in closely behind.

"Who the hell are you?"

Lan was the first to question Emerana.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred.

Two red lightning bolts suddenly shot out from both sides of the door, directly binding their bodies.


"what are you up to!"

"Let us go!!!"

Being suddenly tied up like this, the two brothers were naturally panicked.

A steady voice sounded directly in the cockpit.

"Princess, as promised before, I will erase their memories."

Hearing this voice, Lin Tian immediately knew that it was James Robert speaking.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, turned around and raised his wrist, and then manipulated the bracelet on his wrist a few times.

  At this moment, the red lightning that bound the two brothers disappeared without a trace.


James was immediately shocked!
  Just now, his system suddenly went out of control and released its restraints on its own!
  "How did you do this? I'm not your monster!"

Hearing the robot's incredible voice, Lan sneered.


"Lin Tian is a genius scientist from our Kingdom of Light. What does this little thing mean?"

The one speaking now is Zero.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Sero immediately regretted it.

and many more!

Why am I praising him? ? ?
  Damn! ! !
  I said it subconsciously! ! !


"You are so rude!!!" Amy Lana suddenly shouted angrily.

James also knew that he was too presumptuous, so he could only say: "I'm sorry, Your Highness."

"your Highness???"

Sero and Xiao Zhi were stunned when they heard what James called the woman.

Lin Tian also smiled and said at this time: "You are Princess Emerana, right?"

The woman was suddenly shocked.

How did he know my identity?
  Lin Tian seemed to have seen through Amy Lana's thoughts.

He said calmly: "I know something about your royal family."

"Since you can pilot this Iron Warrior, your identity is obvious."

It turned out to be the case.

Aimee Lana put away her worries.

Lin Tian also introduced Amy Lana with a smile.

"I am Lin Tian, ​​he is Sero, currently living in Lan's body."

"The two of us are warriors from another universe."

It turned out to be the case.

Emerana nodded thoughtfully.

Zero was the first to say, "Princess Emerana, right? What is going on?"

Emerana said slowly: "I am Emerana Lulute Esmeralda."

"My planet was also attacked by Caesar Belial."


Aimee Lana's face was heavy and she slowly told her origins.

Later, she played the video of Caesar Belial's invasion of Esmeralda through James' screen.

"Now, we must find the Shield of Palagi! Only then can we hope to defeat that guy!"

Xiaozhi suddenly said.

"That's just a weak and vague legend!"

Jamesbert said calmly.

"That's not a legend!!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly became excited.

"Father said that the Shield of Palagi is real!!!"

Just as James was about to retort, Lin Tian said: "That is indeed not a legend."

Lin Tian's words shocked everyone.

Emerana quickly requested: "Lin Tian, ​​if you find the Shield of Palagi, can you help us defeat Beria?"

"You are our only hope!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi also put the diamond-shaped fragment on his chest into Lin Tian's hand.

"Brother Lin Tian, ​​please!"

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment and was about to say something.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument feels unprecedented energy and is very excited. Your Leonix bloodline has a new evolution! 】

Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

The next second, he suddenly felt the blood power in his body boiling violently.

All powers seem to be gradually increasing!

The most amazing situation is that I seem to be more related to the monsters in the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument!

It's like being able to share consciousness? ? ?

In other words, when he controls monsters to fight in the future, he will no longer be a spectator and manipulator!
  Instead, it’s as if you’re actually there and fighting in person! ! !
  This is so cool! ! !

Originally, he thought he could only control monsters to fight, but now after evolving, it is equivalent to him fighting monsters together! ! !

This will be a brand new experience! ! ! !

My EX Ultimate Battle Instrument is so impressive!
  I really want to try it quickly!

"In that case, where is the Shield of Palagi? Let's find it quickly!!!"

Sero said impatiently.

When Xiao Zhi heard his brother's doubts, he was immediately excited: "The Pirate of Fire knows where it is!!!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded quietly.

Although he knew the specific location of Noah's Temple.

However, it seems good to go and have fun with the Red Lotus Flame?

Maybe the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument can compete again.

By the way, he can also try the battle after evolution!

"In that case, let's set off!!!"

"Target, Pirate of Fire!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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