Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 46 Beat up the Red Lotus Flame! Belial's army is coming!

Chapter 46 Beat up the Red Lotus Flame! Belial's army is coming!

In the vast universe, there is such a star field.

The entire star field contains a large amount of methane.

All the methane is densely gathered together, glowing with a deep blue light.

It irradiated the entire Sea of ​​Flame Star Territory like a blue fire tornado.

Lin Tian and others were riding the Iron Warrior and were staying in this star field at this moment.

The Iron Warrior turned off the flames and no longer had any kinetic energy.

"Are those guys really doing this?"

Lan patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder and said doubtfully.

Xiaozhi nodded with great conviction.

Pirates of Fire.

They are a group of people who love freedom.

He is a lawless person who travels in the infinite vast universe.

Their leaders are the three pirate brothers.

"What father said is absolutely correct."

Xiaozhi was extremely excited at this time.

Only the Pirates of Fire know the location of the Shield of Palagi.

His father had already told him this information.

But no one believed this legend, they just thought it was a story to coax children.

Their planet also does not have the kind of technology that can jump through time and space and travel through the universe.

So in these years, Xiaozhi has no way to prove his preparation for this matter!
  Suddenly, Xiaozhi jumped up excitedly and pointed outside!

Hearing Xiao Zhi's excited voice, everyone looked out.


A huge ball of flame light shuttled from a distance like a shooting star.

In the flames, there was actually a huge ship.

It's countless times bigger than the Iron Samurai.

At the head of the ship, a giant man full of foodies sat there casually.

The legs were hanging in the air and shaking wildly, feeling carefree.

"I am the Warrior of Fire, Red Lotus Flame~"

An extremely loud singing voice came, with a very strange tune.

The ship arrived not far from the Iron Warrior and suddenly stopped.

The flames also slowly dissipated.

The red lotus flames on the bow sang for a while, then turned to look at the cockpit.

"Hey, Captain!"

At his call, dozens of pirates came out of the cockpit window.

The leaders were three middle-aged and elderly pirates.

"We are the three pirate brothers!"




The boss, Garu, is a one-eyed dragon who wears an eyepatch.

He raised his sword and pointed it at the Iron Warrior.

"A strange guy actually appeared in our field?"

Kiru on the side squinted and looked at it, his mustache suddenly curled up.

He said solemnly: "It seems that they are not Beria's army!"

The third brother, Guru, grinned and said, "You actually barged in without even saying hello???"

The singing of the three brothers made the red lotus flames on the bow stand up.

He raised his hand and pointed at the Iron Warrior.

"Where are you sacred?"

"Believe it or not, I will burn you into roast chicken???"

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Inside Iron Samurai.

“How rude!!!”

James' voice said angrily.

Lin Tian was also very helpless.

This guy really has a hot temper as his name suggests.

"I'm going to negotiate with them."

Lin Tian said.

At this time, Sero suddenly raised his hand and pressed Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​let me teach this guy a lesson!"

Lin Tian smiled helplessly.

"You go?"

"Zero, I control the monster to fight without consuming energy at all."

"What about you? Energy is lost every time you use it."

"Once the three transformation opportunities are used up, they are gone, right?"

Depend on!
  After listening to Lin Tian's words, Sero suddenly felt like scolding his mother.

This hateful guy!
  Every sentence stabbed him in the heart.

So strong.

At this moment, Amy Lana is completely Lin Tian's little crush.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and took out the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

He swung it sharply.

The body turned directly into a ball of blue light and flew out of the Iron Warrior's cabin.

The next second, the light faded.

Lin Tian directly summoned EX Brother Morant, stepped on EX Brother Morant's head and flew towards that direction.

"Lin Tian. So handsome."

When Emerana saw this scene, she immediately became extremely admired and envious.

When Sero heard this, he immediately felt extremely aggrieved.

If you want me to fuck you, I can be so handsome!

When Lin Tian rode his EX brother Morant to the Pirates of Fire, everyone in the Pirates of Fire could see clearly the face of the monster Lin Tian was stepping on.

Red Lotus Flame was instantly shocked.

Damn it!
  Isn’t this the Dark Lops of the Belial Army? ! !
  EX brother Morant stopped slowly.

Lin Tian straightened up and said with a slow smile: "We have no ill intentions. I am Lin Tian and we are here."

Lin Tian didn't finish his words.

The red lotus flame in the distance suddenly flew towards this side with a kick.

Seeing this scene, the princess and others in the Iron Warrior immediately panicked. It’s over!

Red Lotus Flame actually carried out a sneak attack without respecting martial ethics! ! !
  Seeing that Lin Tian's EX brother Morant was about to be kicked away by the Red Lotus Flame.

Lin Tian suddenly smiled at this time.

He has long been prepared.

Lin Tian calmly raised the EX ultimate combat instrument.

The next second, a ray of light suddenly emerged from the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, blocking EX Morant's face.

boom! ! !
  The red lotus flame kicked firmly on the light.

There was a muffled sound.

Red Lotus Flame was immediately shocked.

The next second, his body was directly pushed out by the light.

The heavy force caused his body to smash directly towards the Fire Pirate's spaceship.

Red Lotus Flame quickly stabilized his body and controlled his balance.

Only then did he stop not far from the spaceship, without accidentally damaging his own spaceship.

However, Red Lotus Flame was still shocked at this moment.

That guy in the light is so strong! ! !

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the light slowly dimmed.

The figure inside was also revealed.

It’s none other than EX Jay Ponton! ! !
  Seeing EX Jay Ponton appear, the princess and others in Iron Samurai were also shocked.

How can this be?

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian actually had a monster! ! !

Lin Tian was extremely excited at the moment.

It’s so cool to have a common consciousness!

After he summoned EX Morant and EX Jay Ponton, it was as if he was fighting in person.

The time when EX Jie Ponton resisted the red lotus flame just now, Lin Tian seemed to be there in person.

All the feelings coming from EX Jay Ponton were fed back to him!
  In this way, fighting will be more comfortable!

I didn’t expect that sharing consciousness has such benefits!

Thinking of this, Lin Tian suddenly became eager to try.

"Since words don't make sense, let me use my fists to convince you first."

Lin Tian thought about it.

EX brother Morant directly condensed a huge blue flame in his mouth and smashed it towards the red lotus flame!

Red Lotus Flame was immediately frightened and ran away.


Is this guy also playing with fire?
  However, this is not the end.

Under Lin Tian's control, EX Jie Ponton twisted violently and disappeared immediately.

The next second, his body appeared in front of the red lotus flame.

Red Lotus Flame couldn't brake in time and was about to hit EX Jay Ponton.

At this moment, EX Jie Ponton directly raised his palm and aimed it at Red Lotus Flame's chest and slapped him!

  Under the terrifying effect of the strange power, Red Lotus Flame's body was directly slapped and fell downwards.

boom! ! ! !

Hongyan Yanyan's body instantly hit a huge meteorite.

Everyone watching this battle was shocked!
  Red Lotus Flame is also a long-established warrior.


Didn't he even have time to react under Lin Tian's monster attack?

Red Lotus Flame struggled to get up from the ground.

"Damn it! Me"

He was about to fight back, but was suddenly stunned.

He saw Lin Tian's two monsters appearing directly in front of him.

The two big mouths have already accumulated terrifying energy.

As long as the red lotus flame moves, the energy will hit him immediately! ! !

Lin Tian was standing on top of EX brother Morant at this time, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

Seeing this scene, Red Lotus Flame had no intention of resisting.

"Stop!!! I give up—"

This guy actually gave in! ! !

"You're so handsome, Brother Lin Tian!"

Xiaozhi jumped excitedly in the cabin.

Emerana's eyes were also shining with excitement.

The three pirate brothers also sighed slightly at this time.

"There are not many guys who can make him admit defeat."


Lin Tian smiled and looked at the red lotus flame.

It would be great to admit defeat early. This Dabi Dou won't have to suffer.

"What on earth are you here for?"

Seeing these two monsters put away their energy, Red Lotus Flame asked in frustration.

Oh shit!

These two monsters are too scary!

Playing with fire, he can't compare to EX brother Morant.

In a competition of strength, this EX Jie Ponton's big performance made his head buzz.

How does this play?
  "We are looking for the Shield of Palagi, tell me its location."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Red Lotus Flame was slightly startled.

Then, he sighed and said, "Without the key to unlocking the seal, it's meaningless."

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Lin Tian slowly took out a piece of fragment from his body.

The diamond-shaped fragments connected by ropes floated quietly in his hands.

It was exactly what Xiaozhi gave him just now.

Red Lotus Flame was suddenly startled.

  Does this guy really exist?

"Alas, the Shield of Palagi is here."

He was about to tell Lin Tian the location.

The sudden change.

shhhhhh! ! !
  In the starry sky far away in the Sea of ​​Flames, there are constantly jumping lights in space.

"That's the Belial Legion!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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