Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 47 Hyperjetton’s skill: Dark Fireball!

Chapter 47 Hyperjetton’s skill: Dark Fireball!
  In the blink of an eye, countless light spots suddenly lit up nearby.

That's a space jump node!

What followed was a huge dark warship!
  "The situation is not good!!!"

In the Iron Warrior spacecraft, James Robert's voice suddenly came out.

"That's the Belial Legion!!!"

After hearing James Bert's words, everyone was instantly shocked.

Is it the Belial Army? ? ?
  They all looked towards the fleet.


Each ship has a large dark red pattern on it.

That is Beria's Ultra signature! ! !

How did they get here? !
  Could it be that they came from the planet Anu to hunt them down? ? ?
  Or is their purpose itself the pirates of fire?

"James, light the fire and be ready to leave here at any time!"

Aimee Lana sat directly on her seat.

You must be prepared for everything! ! !
  Red Lotus Flame was also particularly shocked.

This is bad!

He was sure that the Belial Legion was coming for their Fire Pirates.

Facing such a large number of enemies, he himself was fine.

If you can't beat him, you can run away at any time.

But what should the three captains do?
  "Hi everybody!"

Just then, a sharp voice came.

Like a drake's throat.

I saw the top of the battleship at the head of the fleet.

A black figure stood there with hands spread out.

It seemed like he was saying hello politely to everyone in the Pirates of Fire.

Lin Tian's mouth twitched slightly.

This Dark Gona is really pretending.

"I am the staff officer of the Belial Empire Army, Dark Gona."

Dark Gona slowly introduced himself.

"Pirates of Fire, I finally found you."


The Belial Empire Army is here to encircle and suppress the Pirates of Fire.

After all, the Pirates of Fire are one of the few powerful forces in the universe that opposes Beria.

"How courageous you are to dare to go against our Imperial Army."

"Little ones, give it to me!"

As Dark Gona spoke, he suddenly waved his hands forward.

With the command from the staff, all the fleets of the Belia Imperial Army instantly opened their top hatches.

A series of dark steel figures emerged from it, and they all rushed towards the ship of the Pirate of Fire! ! !
  It’s all Regionoid! ! !
  Look at the black mass rushing across the sky, the number of them is simply countless!

At this time, the three pirate brothers in the Fire Pirate Ship quickly shouted: "Let's go quickly——"

The first order given by the three brothers was to make the Red Lotus Flame retreat? !
  Red Lotus Flame was slightly stunned.

In this case, retreat is indeed normal.

Because when they fought against the Beria Army before, they just hit and run.

Guerrilla tactics!
  you know.

Only in this way can we fight hard.

But right now, none of their affiliated fleets are here.

Apart from the bird-like spaceship, they were the only ship in the entire Sea of ​​Flames.

The situation is clear.

Definitely can't beat it!
  Red Lotus Flame couldn't help but look up at Lin Tian, ​​who was above EX brother Morant next door.

This guy looked up at Beria's fleet at this moment, his expression was calm, without any fear.

This guy doesn't even want to escape, how can he escape? !
  "Princess Emerana, let's retreat too."

Among the Iron Warriors, James also said slowly.

"The number of enemies is too large, and it is not wise to fight head-on."

Emerana nodded, her face a little heavy.

She was about to tell Lin Tian through James's loudspeaker equipment.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly grabbed Lan's arm.

"Hey, Zero, you are also an Ultra warrior, right? Why don't you go help Lin Tian and the others?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Amy Lana was also slightly startled.

Yes, Zero is also a warrior from the same place as Lin Tian! .

Cerro, Red Lotus Flame, plus Lin Tian’s two monsters!
  In this case, there should be a fight.

However, Lan's body was suddenly taken over by Zero.

Sero lazily came to the wall and leaned against it.

He smiled disdainfully.

"Don't worry, that guy Lin Tian is not so vulnerable yet."

The scene not long ago appeared in Sero's mind. "These Regionoids are just like weaklings, what do they mean?"

"Some time ago, Lin Tian killed more than 10,000 mechanical Ultra Warriors by himself!"

"These guys are nothing to Lin Tian."

More than 10,000 mechanical Ultra Warriors? ? ?

Emerana and Xiaozhi's mouths suddenly opened wide.

This is too exaggerated! ! !
  Is this guy Lin Tian really that powerful?

Although they don't know what kind of Ultra Warriors exist.

However, being able to kill more than 10,000 animals is enough to know Lin Tian's strength.

Thinking of this, Amy Lana and Xiao Zhi looked excitedly at Lin Tian below.

His eyes were full of adoration and expectation.

Lin Tian didn't know that Sero praised him.

He felt extremely happy at the moment.

So many enemies! ! !
  This is too cool!

The EX Ultimate Combat Instrument can give him a big fight again.

Moreover, he really doesn't know what his current combat strength is.

How easy would it be for one person to deal with the entire Belial Army?

He didn't know.

So he couldn't wait to give it a try.

Lin Tian thought about it.

EX brother Morant immediately sprayed out a super death flame.

The terrifying blue flames continued to sweep Regio Noide in all directions.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of enemies instantly exploded into dregs and disappeared into the universe.

The dense phalanx immediately cleared an area.

Only then did Red Lotus Flame react and shouted towards the Pirate of Fire.

"Captain, you retreat first!"

After saying that, he also rushed out to fight.

The flames above his head burst out.


He must not lose to this guy Lin Tian!

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help but smile.

What a straightforward and fiery guy.

Without further ado, Lin Tian went back to his own cleaning tasks.

Mind a move.

EX Brother Morant and EX Jay Ponton all began to spray terrifying energy beams around them.

Every time the two monsters use their skills, a large piece of Regionoide will explode.

It can range from dozens to hundreds.

Nearly a thousand units were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

The sky is filled with flames.

Lin Tian actually had the ability to kill all enemies at once, but he did not do so.

Because now he just wants to experience this feeling of almost personal combat! ! !

So cool! ! !
  Every attack seemed to be fired by him.

Killing a Regionoid is as easy as crushing an ant!
  Compared with Lin Tian's side, the attack effect of the Red Lotus Flame is much weaker.


He was filled with rage.

Why is this guy so strong! ! !
  Also, why are there more and more of these robots?
  This can't be finished at all! ! !
  "Fire! There are many more in their spaceship!"

Suddenly, the voice of Boss Garu came.

Red Lotus Flame turned around and saw that the Fire Pirate's ship had turned around and left.

What he said just now was the captain's heartfelt message to him.

Red Lotus Flame looked at the Belial Empire Army, and then at the blue sea of ​​flames below.

He made up his mind instantly.

"Hey! Lin Tian, ​​right?"

"What you want is on the Mirror Star!"

After saying that, blazing flames suddenly appeared all over his body, and he immediately dived down.

He wasn't going to tell everyone what he was going to do.

Lin Tian knew it clearly.

This guy is going to detonate the entire sea of ​​flames.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

[Your EX Ultimate Combat Instrument felt very unhappy when it saw someone wanting to sacrifice. Wherever I am, I need your sacrifice! 】

[Your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument actively offers skills to your EX Jay Ponton - Dark Fireball! 】

(End of this chapter)

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