Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 48 Destroy the world! completely annihilated! Head to the Mirror Star!

Chapter 48 Destroy the world! completely annihilated! Head to the Mirror Star!
  [Your EX Ultimate Combat Instrument felt very unhappy when it saw someone wanting to sacrifice. Wherever I am, I need your sacrifice! 】

[Your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument actively offers skills to your EX Jay Ponton - Dark Fireball! 】

Hearing this, Lin Tian was stunned.

Can this damn guy live up to his expectations? ? ?
  Lin Tian never expected that under such circumstances, the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument would be able to live up to his expectations!
  And this dark fireball
  If Lin Tian remembers correctly, this should be Hyperjedon's skill, right?

It seems to be the strongest nirvana!

Unexpectedly, EX Ultimate Combat Instrument actually provided such terrifying skills to EX Jay Ponton!
  Thinking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help but look forward to it.

Now that he can acquire Hyperjetton's skills, is it really possible for EX Jepenton to evolve into Hyperjetton in the future?
  Do not!

With the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument around, how could Hyperjetton be the end of EX Jepenton?

With the help of EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, EX Jay Ponton can definitely evolve into an existence even more terrifying than Hypa Jayton! ! !

Lin Tian felt extremely happy when he thought of this.

At the same time, a stream of information also entered Lin Tian's mind from the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

EX Jay Ponton also learned this skill simultaneously.

It is indeed a dark fireball!

EX Jay Ponton can actually use all his energy to launch fireballs similar to the Dark Fireball, but the power of the Dark Fireball is ten times higher! ! !
  It's enough to see how terrifying it is.

Cool! ! !
  Just now.

Red Lotus's body was burning with terrifying flames, and the flames were already rushing towards the Dark Legion of Belial.

However, Lin Tian directly controlled EX Jie Ponton to teleport in front of the Red Lotus Flame.

Red Lotus Flame stopped suddenly and was slightly stunned.

Then he turned to look at Lin Tian.

"What are you stopping me for?"

Hearing his doubts, Lin Tian just smiled softly.

"There is no need for such pointless self-sacrifice on your part."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Red Lotus Flame was stunned.


What the hell are you talking about?


If he didn't detonate the Sea of ​​Flame like this, would he let them be besieged and die here by the Belial Army?
  Does Lin Tian know what a dangerous situation he is in now?

Red Lotus Flame was about to say something.

However, Lin Tian was the first to move.

Lin Tian exhaled slightly.

The next second, an understatement slowly came out of his mouth.

"EX Jay Ponton, destroy them!"

"Use the Dark Fireball!!!"

At this moment, the entire space seemed to be silent.

Only Lin Tian's words spread in everyone's ears.

next second.

Red Lotus Flame felt that the aura of EX Jie Ponton suddenly changed when he was alive.

Endless pressure immediately spread from his body.

EX Jay Ponton floated directly in front of Red Lotus Flame, with his hands spread wide.

The huge tail behind him was swaying wildly.

A loud roar came directly from EX Jie Ponton's mouth.

Then, a black energy ball suddenly appeared in EX Jie Ponton's mouth.

The energy ball was enveloped in terrifying dark red flames.

This black-red energy fireball seems to contain extremely terrifying power.

In the blink of an eye, it expanded to the same size as EX Jay Ponton's body.

Lin Tian also closed his eyes tightly at this moment.

When EX Jay Ponton releases energy and accumulates the dark fireball, his body also surges with power.


At this moment, the Leonix blood in Lin Tian's body was also extremely turbulent.

EX Jay Ponton resonated directly with Lin Tian.

The dark fireball, which was originally the same size as EX Jay Ponton's body, has expanded again!
  In the end, it grew to twice the size of EX Jay Ponton's body! ! !
  In just a moment, EX Jie Ponton erupted the huge fireball directly under the push of Lin Tian.


After the terrifying dark fireball was launched, everything in its path was burned to ashes.

Even the space seems to be torn apart.

It's scary!
  Those Regionoids who were close to the dark fireball turned into dregs.

This is not finished.

The huge dark fireball shot directly towards the sea of ​​flames below.

When the huge fireball submerged into the sea of ​​flames.

The entire space seemed to stop for a moment.

next second.

boom! ! !
  The entire Sea of ​​Flame was directly detonated by the dark fireball.
  The terrifying flames swept upward like a whirlpool.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Although the Sea of ​​Flame is entirely composed of methane, it is very difficult to ignite it by oneself.

Even the Red Lotus Flame needs to be ignited with all its power to explode it.

And what about Lin Tian?

Just controlling the monster to launch a fireball directly exploded the entire sea of ​​flames.

What the hell!
  It's too outrageous! ! !

In an instant, the terrifying flames swept directly up.

All the warships of Belia's Dark Legion were instantly engulfed in flames.

At the same time, monstrous flames rushed towards Lin Tian and the others.


Everyone was shocked instantly.

The flames swept through so fast that they had no time to escape.

at this time.

The scene in front of everyone suddenly changed.

In the blink of an eye, they were far away from the sea of ​​flames and out of the scope of the explosion. what happened?
  Red Lotus Flame was stunned.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look.

Lin Tian saw two monsters floating next to him.

Next to it is the bird-like steel warrior.

Lin Tian's EX Jie Ponton's palm was still grasping his arm.

Red Lotus Flame couldn't help but recall what happened just now.

At that moment, EX Jay Ponton seemed to grab his arm immediately.

He appeared here the next second? ? ?
  Princess Emerana and Zero were also stunned.

The Iron Warrior James was even more shocked at the moment.

It is the only mechanical body, and the spacecraft's recorder naturally records what just happened.

From the record just now, James clearly saw that Lin Tian's EX Jie Pontun teleported them one by one out of the explosion range.

this moment.

Everyone is numb.

How could Lin Tian be so powerful?
  Not only was he able to ignite the Sea of ​​Flames with one person, but he was also able to destroy all the Belial Legions!
  And his monster can move at such a speed!

This is too terrible! ! !

Zero was also extremely shocked and had not yet reacted.

Lin Tian. Is it possible for me to catch up with him?
  far away.

Beyond the flames of the explosion.

A black figure fled crazily into the distance.

This is Dark Gona!
  Dark Gona only had shock and horror in her heart at this time.

That human!

what's going on? ? ?
  Such a small guy actually destroyed all the battleships with one person! ! !

The most important thing is that he actually has two terrifying monsters! ! !

escape! ! !
  Must escape!
  He is His Majesty the Emperor's most capable subordinate!

You absolutely cannot die here! ! !

Lin Tian, ​​who was standing above EX brother Morant, had already noticed the fleeing figure.

He smiled slightly.

Mind a move.

EX Jay Ponton disappeared directly on the spot.

This is the benefit he now shares with the monster consciousness.

There is no need to deliberately control it at all.

Just a thought can make the monster take action immediately.

This scene directly stunned the Red Lotus Flame.

Did Lin Tian's EX Jay Ponton teleport just now? ? ?
  Could it be that he teleported himself to such a far place just now?
  Only then did Red Lotus Flame react.

at the same time.

EX Jie Pontun teleported directly in front of Dark Gona.

The three big mouths directly erupted with terrifying flames.


In an instant, Dark Gona didn't even have time to say anything, and was directly killed on the spot.


Everyone is numb.

The leader of the Belial Legion, Dark Gona, was killed just like that?
  Red Lotus Flame was extremely shocked.

Only now did he realize that Lin Tian had not lied just now.

What he was trying to do was really a pointless sacrifice.

Because Lin Tian can destroy these guys with just a raise of his hand! ! !

It’s really scary!
  "knock off!"

Lin Tian smiled softly, and EX Jie Ponton also teleported back to him.

"How can you be so strong!"

Red Lotus Flame was immediately excited and came to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled and ignored it, but asked: "We are going to the Heart of the Mirror next to find the Shield of Palagi."

"What about you?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Red Lotus Flame was also slightly startled.

"Forget it, go ahead."

Red Lotus Flame suddenly waved his hand.

"I still want to protect the captain and the others."

"You are here to find the Shield of Palagi to destroy the Belial Empire, right?"

Lin Tian nodded and answered simply.

"Don't worry, go look for it. When the time comes for the decisive battle, you alone will definitely not be enough."

The red lotus flame hammered his chest.

"Then, leave the matter of finding reinforcements to us, the Fire Pirates!"

After saying that, Red Lotus Flame chased directly towards their Fire Pirates' spaceship.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian was also helpless.

He had a thought in his mind.

The two monsters immediately disappeared and returned to the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

next second.

He himself also returned to the cockpit of the Iron Warrior.

Seeing him coming back, Emerana and others immediately came forward excitedly.

"Lin Tian, ​​you're back!"

Lin Tian nodded.

Then, he looked at the vast universe.

"Let's go, let's go to the Mirror Star!"


I am coming!
  (End of this chapter)

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