Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 49 Presenting Noah’s Light Factor! Temple of Noah!

Chapter 49 Presenting Noah’s Light Factor! Temple of Noah!
  "Let's go to Mirror Star!"

"Red Lotus Flame said that the Shield of Palagi is on the Mirror Star!"

Lin Tian looked at the vast universe in front of him and smiled lightly.

Mirror Star? ? ?
  Aimee Lana was stunned for a moment, and her face looked a little strange.

"what happened?"

Lin Tian smiled and said doubtfully.

In fact, he knew in his heart that Amy Lana was thinking of the "bodyguard" of their royal family.


Emerana shook her head slightly, and then gave an order to James Robert.

"In that case, then James, prepare to space jump to the Mirror Star!"

call out!
  A bright light suddenly lights up somewhere in the universe.

The Iron Warrior rushed out of the space jumping node with a brilliant stream of flames.

The light at the node exit also dimmed.

The Iron Warrior also stopped smoothly.

On both sides are rhombus-shaped crystal blocks arranged in two rows.

Quite solemn.

In front of them was a huge light mirror visible to the naked eye.

Facing them, it rotated 360 degrees.

"what is that???"

In the cockpit, Xiao Zhi looked at the light mirror outside the cabin with a shocked expression.

Having never been to the planet Anu, he was a little surprised to see such a strange scene.

There are such huge mirrors in the universe! ! !

"That's the Mirror Star."

Emerana replied.

Mirror Star?
  Both Lan and Xiaozhi were slightly startled.

Is this the Mirror Star?

It's not a planet at all, it's just a mirror.

"Look carefully again."

Lin Tian reminded at this time.

Sure enough, as the mirror turned over, a beautiful aqua blue planet appeared in their eyes.

Really a mirror star! ! !

"Yes, that's the Mirror Star."

Emerana nodded.

"Our royal ancestors once communicated with the two-dimensional people of the Mirror Star."

"The one who protects our palace is the Mirror Knight from the second dimension."

"He was a great warrior."

"His father is a two-dimensional person, and his mother is an Esmeralda."

"It's a pity that Beria attacked."

"In order to cover my escape, the Mirror Knight was captured by Belial."

At this point, Lan and Xiaozhi finally understood why Aimee Lana looked so heavy when she talked about the Mirror Star.

The bow of the Iron Warrior flashed its light several times at the mirror.

After a while, a polygonal cursor suddenly appeared on the mirror.

Then, the Iron Warrior directly lit the fire and slowly passed through the sign.

Not long after, several people got off the spacecraft and came to the ground.

The space here is very clean.

Underfoot is a vast expanse of water.

Emerana shouted into the air: "Everyone from the second dimension, we are here to find the Shield of Palagi."


A solemn voice suddenly came.

"We don't care about three-dimensional things."


"Okay, is the Mirror Knight down there?"

The voice wanted to say something more, but was suddenly interrupted by Lin Tian.

He pointed ahead under the water.

"Open the entrance and we will help ourselves to the rest."

Lin Tian knew that these two-dimensional guys obeyed destiny and just wanted to wait for death.

But Lin Tianzhen was really too lazy to compete with these old stubborns.


The voice seemed a little surprised.

However, he didn't say anything more.

A beam of light suddenly appeared, opening the entrance to the water.

The underwater scene suddenly unfolded before their eyes.

"Mirror Knight!"

Aimee Lana was instantly shocked. The Mirror Knight with the blood-red cross crystal on his face was sitting on the rubble with his hands on his knees.

As if buried deep in guilt and self-blame.

"what happened to him?"

The two Lan brothers asked in confusion.

Lin Tian was a little helpless when he saw this scene.

He is Leonix, who has no light, let alone purification ability.

I'm afraid, only Zero can do it here.
  Lin Tian thought about this and was about to ask Sero to take action.


The familiar voice sounded again! ! !
  【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your EX Ultimate Combat Instrument feels your powerlessness at this moment, and suddenly feels a little guilty! 】

【Who said you have no light! Your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument has taken a special breath for you! 】

[Hereby present to you - a ray of Noah's light factor! ! ! 】

Lin Tian: "???"


What do you mean?
  Is this okay too? !
  Lin Tianren was dumbfounded.

Without the light factor, the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument can actually force the entire light factor out of him? ? ?

Moreover, it turned out to be Noah’s ray of light factor? ? ?
  Just for a moment.

Lin Tian felt the changes in his body.

The EX Ultimate Combat Instrument seemed to inexplicably send a mysterious light to his heart in an instant.

The next second, the light instantly merged from the heart to all directions.

It merged with the Leonix bloodline in his body almost immediately!
  from this moment.

All the power in Lin Tian's body was greatly increased.

The monsters he controlled all seemed to be infected by the light factor in Lin Tian's body.

The body is filled with light!
  This is Noah’s ray of light!
  Enough to drive away any darkness.

So much so that now they all have the ability to automatically be immune to negative emotions! ! !
  Good guy!
  Where did you get the Noah's Light Factor for your EX ultimate battle instrument? ? ?
  Could it be that Noah really made him vomit it out?

Lin Tian was immediately stunned.

It's hard to imagine that when he actually sees Noah, it's really hard for him to imagine what surprises the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument will bring to him.

What will happen then remains to be seen!

Thinking of this, Lin Tian immediately began to look forward to what would happen soon.

However, at this moment.

Lin Tian's body suddenly underwent even greater changes.

If we say that the change that the ray of Noah's light factor just made to the monsters in the battle instrument was internal.

At this moment, the light radiating from Lin Tian's whole body from the inside out was external!
  This light grew from small to large, and soon spread to the entire world.

Even the underground river where the Mirror Knight lives is not left out.

The dark energy on the Mirror Knight was completely destroyed by the light emanating from Lin Tian in an instant!
  Mirror Knight shuddered all over.

He tremblingly raised his head and looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was glowing in the exit above.

The light was so dazzling that he couldn't look straight at it! ! !
  "This light. This is a divine light that cannot be looked directly at!!!"

The Mirror Knight was shocked.

Who the hell is this!

Why is the light he radiates so divine.

How terrifying should his strength be? ? ?

When the light slowly dissipates.

The Mirror Knight endured the pain in his eyes and flew up.

"Thank you, human."

"I know the purpose of your coming."

"You may be the hope of the universe. The Shield of Paraji is in the underground temple. You go."

Before the Mirror Knight finished speaking, the entire Mirror Star suddenly shook.

what happened! ! !

A transparent picture suddenly unfolded in front of everyone.

The picture is shocking.

On the screen, countless Beria battleships were slowly approaching.

They kept bombarding the Mirror Star with artillery fire.

"You go ahead! I will resist them!!!"

After the Mirror Knight finished speaking, he flew out directly.

"Let's go, Mirror Knight can't resist for long."

"Hurry and finish going to the temple so that I can come out and help him."

Lin Tian took the lead and walked directly upstream of the river.

The few people looked at each other and then followed Lin Tian upstream of the river.

When they walked somewhere upstream.

Click! ! !

A crisp sound! ! !
  They actually fell directly downwards.
  (End of this chapter)

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