Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 50 Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument! Noah, see me!

Chapter 50 Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument! Noah, see me!
  Suddenly fell to the ground.

This was something Lin Tian didn't expect.

When he opened his eyes, the river around him was no longer the mirror star.

But a place like deep underground.

The surrounding rocks and ruins seem to indicate the antiquity and longevity of this place.

“Hiss—it hurts!!!”

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

He stood up, and then he realized that two brothers, Emerana and Sero, were also lying aside.

Emerana seemed to wake up first.

He was holding his ankle, looking like he was in unbearable pain.

Lin Tian didn't say much, walked over, knelt down and pressed her ankle.

"I think I accidentally sprained my leg when I fell. You'll recover quickly if you take a good rest."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he didn't get up and just massaged Amy Lana a few times.

"Amelana, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Sero and Xiaozhi also woke up.

"I think I was injured when I fell, and I can't walk."

"Oh, I see."

Xiaozhi nodded thoughtfully.

Sero on the side looked at Lin Tian with a pair of white eyes.


You really know how to take advantage!

  "Aimee Lana, let me hold you and go. We have to hurry up."

Lin Tian said seriously.

Emerana nodded shyly.

Lin Tian directly held up his arms and wanted to pick him up.

However, Amy Lana suddenly felt pain, and her body instantly lost balance.

  She actually kissed Lin Tian on the lips! ! !
  Seeing this scene, the Cerro people suddenly became numb! ! !
  Why! ! !
  I can hug her too! ! !
  Sero was extremely envious.

Lin Tian didn't care too much.

He changed his movements slightly and picked her up directly.

Seeing this, Sero was even more angry!
  This guy Lin Tian actually hugged that princess! ! !

Hey Hey hey!
  Such intimate skin-to-skin contact! ! !
  This guy, why do all the good things fall into his hands!

"Let's go, we have to hurry up, the Mirror Knight is still resisting outside."

Lin Tian said suddenly, and then continued walking down the stairs with Amy Lana in his arms.

This should be not far from where the statue of Noah is.

Several people slowly followed the steps in a wide circle.

at last!

A stunning scene finally appeared in front of them.

This is a huge, old and dilapidated temple.

There are collapsed buildings and rocks everywhere.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s too old or something else.


Come to the right place!
  Finally, we finally arrived at the Temple of Noah! ! !
  Look at the rows of huge stone pillars in front of you.

Lin Tian knew that that was the entrance to Noah's Temple!
  Several people immediately quickened their pace of action.

If they hadn't known that the Mirror Knight was holding on outside, several people might have wondered why Lin Tian was so excited and anxious.

After a few minutes.

Several people finally passed through the stone pillars and came to a huge statue in the deepest part!

"This is...the legendary giant, Noah!!!"

In front of everyone's eyes, a huge statue of the Giant of Light was standing there.

The posture with head held high seems to indicate the power of the owner of this statue! ! !

Lin Tian and the others were now standing at the height of the statue's waist.

Lin Tian slowly put down Amy Lana in his arms.

"But, what does this stone statue have to do with the stone I own?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help frowning and looking around.

"There should be a place to insert the fragments, right?"

After a while, he exclaimed: "Here!!!"

Several people walked over.

Only then did he discover that Noah was wearing a set of extremely large EX ultimate combat instruments on his arm.

Similar to a bow and arrow.

There is indeed a gap on the surface of this thing that is as large as a fragment.

"This is the Shield of Palaji! Lin Tian, ​​come here!" Lin Tian took out the fragments and walked forward slowly.

He looked at the gap, and then pressed the fragment directly in.

Xiao Zhi glanced around expectantly.

You can see the resurgence of Palagi's Shield soon!

This has been his dream all along! ! !

However, a few minutes passed without any movement.

"How could this be?"

Disappointment immediately appeared on Xiao Zhi's face.

"How is this possible? It obviously fits perfectly!"

"Could it be that father lied to me?"

Xiaozhi seemed to suddenly lose all confidence.

The dream that I had had since childhood seemed to be shattered by reality at this moment!

"Are there any other conditions?"

Sero also said in a hurry.

He couldn't bear it, and raised his hand to touch the little guy's head.

"It doesn't matter, we will think of a solution."

Seeing the two brothers looking so disappointed, Lin Tian was also helpless.

He said calmly: "It's okay, everything is ready, all we need is an opportunity."

"We have done what we can. The rest depends on whether this guy can do his best."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he raised his hand and pointed directly at the stone statue of Noah behind him.

He felt very helpless now.

Noah, Noah!
  You are really full of trouble!

The fragments have been pressed in by you. Do you have to wait until the light of hope of everyone in the universe shines on Zero before you show up?


Lin Tian sighed helplessly.

at this time! ! !

Lin Tian's expression was suddenly startled! ! !
  He raised his head and waved.

The EX Ultimate Combat Instrument instantly appeared in his hand.

Lin Tian lowered his head and looked at the EX ultimate combat device.

He didn't exert any force, but the EX ultimate combat instrument was trembling in Lin Tian's hands at this moment.

It keeps buzzing!

It seems like she is extremely excited! ! !
  【Ding! ! ! 】

The familiar voice sounded in Lin Tian's mind again.

[Your EX Ultimate Battle Instrument noticed that you were being ignored, so it was very upset! ! ! 】

[Your EX ultimate battle instrument has accumulated a rage and directly evolved into a shining EX ultimate battle instrument! And tear open the space of Noah’s light for you! ! ! 】

Lin Tian was dumbfounded.

What the hell? ? ?
  Just to go through the plot, the EX ultimate combat instrument directly evolved into the shining EX ultimate combat instrument? ? ?
  Lin Tianren was dumbfounded.

Just for a moment.

A strange light suddenly bloomed on the EX ultimate battle instrument.

Under this light, the color of the EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, which was originally dark except for the special lines, quickly changed.

In the blink of an eye, the Kung Fu EX Ultimate Fighter directly turned into a shining golden EX Ultimate Fighter! ! !
  The energy contained in it is several times more powerful!
  After this terrifying gain was fed back to Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian felt that the power in his body had become much stronger.

The most important thing is that the power of Noah's light factor in his bloodline has become purer! ! !
  Lin Tian felt the changes in his body, but the expression on his face remained dull.

"Lin Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?"

Emerana and Zero also noticed something strange here.

Why did Lin Tian's EX Ultimate Combat Instrument suddenly emit such a dazzling light?
  However, Lin Tian has not answered yet.

The next second, the golden shining EX ultimate combat instrument suddenly fired a burst of energy.

The energy directly tore open a space entrance.

Subsequently, the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument acted directly and autonomously, leading Lin Tianfei in.

Lin Tian just disappeared.

The three were dumbfounded.

What about people? ? ?

at this time.

Under the leadership of the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, Lin Tian has arrived at an extremely mysterious space.

The surroundings were warm and filled with peaceful light.

In front of Lin Tian, ​​an extremely large figure was looking down at Lin Tian.

He also seemed extremely stunned.

Lin Tian looked at the guy in front of him in surprise.

  (End of this chapter)

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