Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 51 Special version of Palagi’s Shield! For monsters!

Chapter 51 Special version of Palagi’s Shield! For monsters!
  Lin Tian looked at the huge figure in front of him in surprise.

It’s really Noah!
  The legendary Ultra warrior, Noah, was looking down at the outsider Lin Tian at this moment.

He also seemed confused.

I didn't even take action. How did this human-looking guy get in? !

For a moment, Noah didn’t know what to do!

And Lin Tian's side.

He looked up at the figure in front of him who was many times taller than the Ultra Warrior.

EX ultimate combat instrument. Oh no, it should be the shining EX ultimate combat instrument!
  The Shining EX ultimate battle instrument actually tore open the space where Noah was directly and forcefully!

And he actually brought him to see Noah! ! !

Damn it, my Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument is too impressive! ! !
  The other party is the first ray of light in the universe - Noah!

His Shining EX ultimate battle instrument was so tough in front of him, and he directly tore open the space where Noah was and brought him over.

It’s so cool! ! !
  Thinking of this, Lin Tian suddenly became extremely excited.

Oh shit!

He remembered what he said before about the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument!
  When the time comes to see Noah, he will let Noah spit out some good things even if there are no good things! ! !
  He didn’t know that Noah was right in front of him now.

What benefits can the Shining EX ultimate combat instrument bring to him?
  When he thought of this, Lin Tian became extremely anxious.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

【Ding! ! ! 】

Lin Tian heard this crisp sound.

I was stunned immediately!

what's going on!
  Could it be that the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument had just achieved success, and now it wants to achieve success again? ? ?
  While he was wondering, the sound of the system gradually came.

[Your Shining EX ultimate battle instrument saw you making Noah so stunned, and it suddenly felt extremely happy. 】

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument hereby squeezes some power out of Noah for you! ! ! 】

【You have obtained a special version of Palagi's Shield! ! ! 】

  Shield of Palagi? ? ?
  Hearing this name, Lin Tian was suddenly surprised and happy!
  In the original plot, Zero entered this space and obtained the Shield of Palagi only during the late stages of the game.

Didn't expect that I could get it so easily? ? ?

  Why is it a special version?

A special version of Palagi's Shield?

How is it different from the original Shield of Palagi?
  When Lin Tian was confused.

Noah suddenly moved.

Noah suddenly raised his arms, palms facing up.

next second.

The whole space seems to be brighter.

Countless golden light particles suddenly emerged above Lin Tian's head.

Like an ocean of light.

After Noah's arm, these golden lights gradually condensed together.

Finally, a golden ball of light slowly landed in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at the ball of light, puzzled, and suddenly began to feel helpless.

Oh shit!

I am not an Ultra Warrior!
  Is there really any use for this Palagi Shield?
  Lin Tian lowered his head and glanced at the shining golden EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.


Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument finally forced Noah to vomit something for him.

In the end, this thing was of no use to him.

However, at this moment.

The shining EX ultimate combat instrument in Lin Tian's hand suddenly trembled.

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment.

Just at this moment.

The Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand actually responded to his helplessness!
  After roughly sensing the meaning of the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, Lin Tian was instantly shocked!

WTF? ? ?

I can't use this special version of Palagi's Shield myself, but can I use it on my monsters? ? ?
  Lin Tian was stunned.

Can the Ultra Warrior's light be used by monsters?
  This seems a bit unreasonable, right?

But Lin Tian changed his mind.

He suddenly recalled the monster weapons used by Ultraman X in the original show.

Isn't this the power of Ultra Warriors using monsters?

Although the actual theories of the two are completely opposite, they seem to sound very reasonable, right?

Yes, that's right.      Reasonable, very reasonable!
  Absolutely reasonable! ! !

The most important thing is that Lin Tian has a full 1000 monsters! ! !
  There are also 1000 mechanical Ultra Brothers!
  If this special version of Palagi's Shield can really be used by his own monsters, maybe he can develop more interesting uses in the future! ! !

Lin Tian was extremely excited when he thought of this.

My Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument is becoming more and more interesting!
  at the same time.

In the ruined Temple of Noah.

Aimee Lana and Xiao Zhi looked confused.

What the hell is going on here?
  So good, why did Lin Tian suddenly disappear?
  Zero doesn't know now, and Amy Lana doesn't even know.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi raised his head and asked in confusion: "Sero, what is that?"

Hearing his doubts, Zero and Emerana looked up.

I saw that something strange happened to the top ceiling of the entire temple.

Obviously, it looks like a huge stone top.

At this time, white cracks suddenly appeared on the top of the stone.

It looks like a whole mirror is about to shatter!
  Just when they were wondering, the white crack suddenly expanded! ! !

"Not good!!! The space of Mirror Star is going to be broken!!!"

Emerana immediately shouted in shock.

The world of Mirror Star is originally composed of mirrors.

Once it breaks, it may be dangerous here!
  "What should I do? Zero?"

The situation is urgent, but Lin Tian has not shown up yet.

What to do now!
  Emerana and Xiaozhi were very anxious.

If this continues, this space will collapse!
  Zero stared at the ceiling and said nothing.

But his hands could no longer control their squeezing.

Now it seems that the situation on the Mirror Knight side is definitely not optimistic.

It's been quite a while.

Lin Tian has not shown up yet!

The space is about to collapse!
  By this time, even he was a little panicked.

He looked at the Ultra bracelet on his wrist.

The three energy crystals are still full.

If it doesn't work, I can only use the energy of Ultra Bracelet.

Once the space collapses, he will immediately transform and rescue both Emerana and Xiao Zhi.

As for the Mirror Knight, go over and help him when the time comes!
  Just now.

boom! ! !
  Suddenly there was a roar in front of everyone.

The huge stone statue of Noah shattered into pieces! ! !
  The whole land was also destroyed by landslides.

Emerana and Xiao Zhi fell straight down before they could react in time.

"Aimee Lana——, Xiaozhi——"

Zero wanted to reach out and grab them, but it was too late.

I can only watch them fall.

Seeing this scene, Zero did not hesitate to summon Zero Glasses from his Ultra Bracelet.

He grabbed his glasses and jumped down in the direction they fell.

He was about to transform using Zero Glasses when a black beam of light suddenly shone down from the broken ceiling.

The beam of light hit Zero in an instant!
  Zero has disappeared! ! !

"elder brother--"

Emeraldana and Xiao Zhi, who were falling, also saw this scene.

They couldn't help but despair.

Now, it seems that they can only sit and wait for death to come?

at this time.

A figure suddenly flashed past.

He hugged their bodies.

"Lin Tian???"

When Aimee Lana saw it, she was suddenly surprised and happy.

Lin Tian looked at the two of them with a smile and took them straight away from the Mirror Star.

There, James was still waiting for them.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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