Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 52 Devil’s Claw Fortress! Lin Tian vs Beria!

Chapter 52 Devil’s Claw Fortress! Lin Tian vs Beria!
  The wind was roaring in Emerana's ears at the moment.

Lin Tian hugged her tightly, holding Xiao Zhi's collar in his right hand.

The three of them flew towards the outside of the underground temple right next to each other.

Aimee Lana looked at the handsome young man hugging her tightly in front of her, and she suddenly felt excited.

Very good!
  Lin Tian is fine!
  He's finally back! ! !

Do not know why.

Ever since she met Lin Tian, ​​Amy Lana's thoughts would always go to Lin Tian inadvertently.

I couldn't help but care about Lin Tian in everything.

Lin Tian suddenly disappeared just now, and Amy Lana was also the most anxious.

What is the reason for this, I am afraid only Princess Emerana herself knows.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Tian took Princess Emerana and Xiao Zhi back to the river on the Mirror Star.

Iron Samurai James was parked not far away.

After returning to the river, Lin Tian released the two of them.

But just as he let go, Princess Emerana rushed forward again, hugged him tightly, and put her hands around his waist.

Her little face was pressed against his chest.

His whole body was trembling even more, as if he was extremely afraid of panic.

Even though Lin Tian had been surrounded by thousands of flowers in his previous life, he was a little at a loss now.

After all, this is a high-ranking princess.

Now she is holding herself like a little girl
  Lin Tian thought for a while, then raised his arm and patted the back of Princess Emerana's dress.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

After being patted a few times by Lin Tian, ​​Princess Emerana in her arms indeed relaxed a lot.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi said quickly: "Brother Lin Tian, ​​my brother was taken away!!!"

Hearing this, Princess Emerana immediately broke away from Lin Tian's arms and said in panic: "Lin Tian, ​​Zero, he was captured by the Belial army!"

Lin Tian looked calm when he heard this.

This incident was not unexpected.

He nodded directly.

"Let's go and save them!"

"I've got the Shield of Palagi."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Princess Emerana was stunned for a moment.

Nani? ? ?

Lin Tian has already obtained the Shield of Palagi? ? ?

So fast?
  At this time, Xiao Zhi was also looking at Lin Tian with admiration.

Lin Tian actually got the legendary thing so quickly? ? ?

Lin Tian is the hope of the whole universe!

At this time, the Iron Warrior also slowly flew over.

Lin Tian took the lead in walking towards the Iron Warrior.

"Let's go and save Zero!"

A certain planet in the universe.

The planet that was originally extremely large was now surrounded by giant mechanical claws that had always been dark.

This giant claw seems to be an extremely terrifying fortress.

Every fingertip of the giant claw is now deeply embedded in the surface of the planet.

Countless thick cables extend from the palm of the hand to connect to the planet under the giant claw.

From time to time a dazzling red light will light up.

It seems to be absorbing some kind of energy from the planet.

And this is the headquarters of Belial's Dark Empire.

Devil's Claw Fortress! ! !


Lan struggled to sit up and slowly opened his eyes.

  There was severe pain all over my body.

He tilted his head and glanced around.

This place is actually in a huge cabin.

The entire room was filled with red and black light.

All kinds of precision instruments seem to indicate that something is not simple here!
  where is this?

Zero was suddenly stunned.

He was actually locked in a circular glass cover.

Even the Zero glasses and the Ultra bracelet he had summoned just now disappeared.

"Lin Tian! Amy Lana! Xiao Zhi——"

He called to them with all his strength.

Damn it, what the hell is going on? !

He banged the glass cover hard, but it had no effect.

Just then, a huge red evil eye suddenly appeared.


Sero was so frightened that he suddenly retreated. "It's really you! Bastard, let me out!"

Listening to Zero's scolding, Beria looked at him with interest.

It's like looking at your own toy.

He raised a fingertip.

In a small energy ball on his fingertips, there were all Zero's Ultra Bracelet and Zero's glasses.

hateful! ! !

Silo remained silent.

Beria smiled.

"I remember you are Severn's son, right?"

"People from the Kingdom of Light are all superficial people."

"If I catch you, that guy Lin Tian will definitely come too."

"As for now, let me show you a good show first."

Beria said as he waved his hand.

A huge screen image suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Countless warships are being prepared on the screen.

Dark Lops and Lin Tianzheng were loaded into the battleship one after another.

"Okay, now that the preparations are complete, send them to the Kingdom of Light to entertain my old friends."

Under Beria's orders.

The Devil's Claw Fortress suddenly sent countless rays of energy to every battleship.

The next second, an energy aperture suddenly appeared outside those battleships.

Zero looked stunned.

He wants to send all of these to the Kingdom of Light?
  Zero angrily smashed the glass cover in front of him.

Is there nothing he can do now?

Beria smiled evilly and said: "Let's just wait quietly for good news to come from the Kingdom of Light."

Before Beria finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in their ears.


"Your father, I'm here!"


Hearing this voice, the extremely angry Beria suddenly turned his head and looked outside the battleship.

I saw it outside Beria's claws fortress.

A figure that was so small that it was almost invisible was floating in space out of thin air.

Although the body is small, it seems to contain a pressure that cannot be ignored.

Seeing this scene, Beria suddenly sneered.

I felt extremely unhappy.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are finally here."

"First let me, these thousands of dark Lopsgo monsters, greet you."

Beria directly raised his hand and waved it fiercely.

Under his order, thousands of Dark Lopsgo Morant suddenly appeared densely around the Devil's Claw Fortress!
  Seeing this scene, Lin Tian was extremely helpless.

He waved the EX Ultimate Battle Instrument with a flick of his hand.

Directly summoned all the monsters and the Mechanical Ultra Brothers Army!

A whole two thousand heads!
  Seeing this scene, Beria was suddenly shocked.

This guy!
  Why has the ultimate combat device in my hand changed?

Could it be that it has evolved?
  Beria suppressed the doubts in his heart and mocked: "It's only about two thousand, how can you deal with my Dark Lops Army?"

Hearing Beria's words, Lin Tian suddenly smiled softly.

"is it?"

"Don't forget, I evolve faster than light!"

Beria's heart skipped a beat.


From the first time we met until now, Lin Tian's strength has become more terrifying every time!
  The speed of getting stronger is also too fast.

Now it seems that his ultimate combat instrument has evolved a lot.

His strength should be even more terrifying.

So frustrating!
  Beria has already made up his mind.

You must kill them quickly!
  A rising future star like this must be nipped in the cradle first!
  And God Lin outside can control so many thoughts of Beria.

He was extremely excited now.

We are finally going to have a head-on confrontation with the Dark Emperor Beria again!

Maybe the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument will be able to compete again?

When he thought of this, Lin Tian suddenly became very excited.

In an instant!

Lin Tian and Beria waved their arms almost at the same time.

"Come on! My monster army!"

"Come on! Dark Lops monsters!"

(End of this chapter)

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