Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 53 Golzan worked hard and directly evolved into 3 emperors!

Chapter 53 Golzan worked hard and directly evolved the Three Emperors!

The originally vast universe seemed to become smaller in the eyes of everyone.

The large area of ​​​​space in front of the Devil's Claw Fortress was instantly filled with two large waves of huge figures.

Lin Tian was floating above.

Underneath him are a thousand monsters and a thousand mechanical Ultra Brothers.

EX Morant, EX Jay Ponton and Mechanical Super Mechanical Super Tyro are even more lonely.

These three most imposing guys stood side by side in front of Lin Tian's army.

Beria, on the other hand, controls about four to five thousand Dark Lopus Cero and Dark Lopus Gomorant!

Beria, who was in the main control room of Devil's Claw Fortress, smiled grimly.

Lin Tian is really looking for death!

How dare you challenge his Dark Lops Army with such a small force!
  Beria took a look.

Lin Tian's men are almost all garbage monsters, as well as those Ultra warriors.

The individual strength is definitely not as good as his Dark Lopus Sero and Dark Lopus Go Morant! ! !

Although his Dark Lops Army is a mass-produced machine, it is definitely not comparable to these monsters and mechanical Ultra Warriors!

What's more, he now has an absolute numerical advantage!
  Lin Tian will definitely die this time! ! !
  He directly raised the five sharp claws and swung them in Lin Tian's direction! ! !
  "My Dark Lops Army, come on!!!"

"Destroy these guys!!!"

Under Beria's orders.

All the Dark Lopsero and Dark Lopsgo Morante moved forward and tried their best to attack Lin Tian's two thousand monsters and mechanical Ultra brothers!

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian looked very calm.

He gently waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument forward.

A few words came out faintly from his mouth.

"Go ahead and destroy these scum."

Compared to Beria's confidence, Lin Tian did not take this battle seriously.

Is there any suspense about the outcome of this battle?

Absolutely not!

Lin Tian didn't need to be so excited.

He is just looking forward to it now.

I'm looking forward to seeing if my Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument will have a chance to compete in such a large-scale battle?
  Under Lin Tian's order.

All the monsters roared with excitement.

The way they bared their teeth and claws showed that they were extremely eager to fight!
  Lin Tian felt the monsters' feedback and immediately understood.

He had a thought in his mind.

Leonix's armor immediately attached itself to his body.

All the monsters are extremely powerful at this moment!
  at this time.

The Dark Lops Army has arrived.

The battle is imminent! ! !
  boom! ! !
  For an instant.

A burst of roars immediately erupted from the midpoint where the two armies collided.

Various energies continued to explode.

Thousands of light-on-light collisions!

Beria looked at the collision of battle situations and was immediately extremely proud.

did you see.

My dark Lops!

too strong! ! !
  It was like crushing Lin Tian's monsters and fighting! ! !

Lin Tian, ​​just wait to die! ! !
  Oh no, I will capture you alive first!
  After absorbing your Leonix bloodline, I will cut you into pieces!

Lin Tian quietly watched the battle below.

In terms of individual strength, my monsters are indeed no match for Belial's Dark Lops.

But yeah.
  Lin Tian clearly saw that some monsters and mechanical Ultra Warriors were about to be killed.

He directly waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

These monsters with residual health immediately turned into light and were taken back into the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

The next second, he immediately emerged from the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and reentered the battlefield.

Their lively appearance made it impossible to tell how embarrassed they were just now.

However, Beria and his men were stunned when they saw this scene.

Nani? ? ?

No, why are you playing with me like this? ! !

Aren't you cheating?

Isn’t this just cheating?

The people of Belial were dumbfounded.

His Dark Lops are indeed very strong.

But one is dead and one is missing!
  They are consumables.

Shouldn't your Lin Tian's monsters be consumables no matter how awesome they are?
  What's going on with you now?

Beria was completely numb.

How could Lin Tian care about Beria's thoughts?

He had a thought in his mind.

Suddenly, the consciousnesses of EX Morant, EX Jay Ponton, and Mechanical Super Mechanical Super Tyro were connected.

under his control. The three most terrifying guys immediately jumped into the battlefield.

Coming up is their most powerful light!

Extremely super death spaceQ!

Hit the flames to destroy the light!

Cosmic miracle ray! ! !

Three extremely terrifying destructive rays fell directly into the battle formation of Dark Lops.

For an instant.

One or two thousand Dark Lops were directly blasted into rubbish!

Later, Lin Tian even controlled them to rush into the Dark Lops Army.

Fighting in close quarters, waving his fists and feet together with his tail.

Almost all of them are a small amount of karaage!
  The terrifying Dark Lops were as brittle as tissue paper in the hands of Lin Tian and these three guys!
  "Your Majesty!!!"

"Why is that guy's monster so scary?!"

In the main control room of Devil's Claw Fortress, Beria's minions were all numb.

Dark Lops is so powerful, why are they so fragile in the eyes of these monsters? !
  Beria's scarlet eyes suddenly flashed.


Why are Lin Tian's monsters getting stronger and stronger! ! !
  "Send out!"

"Send out all the remaining Dark Lops!!!"

all of a sudden.

Nearly ten thousand Dark Lops emerged near Devil's Claw Fortress.

This is all the inventory that Devil's Claw Fortress can currently produce!

Lin Tian looked at this scene with a sneer.

It doesn't matter how much you come.

It's just a matter of time.

at this time.

Lin Tian suddenly noticed a place on the battlefield.

Among the monsters, a Gorzan was burning with red flames.

It is obviously just an ordinary Gorzan, but it is still fighting hard when it is surrounded by six or seven Dark Lops.

Lin Tian was immediately relieved.

As expected of his own monster, he sold it like this.

So impressive!

【Ding! ! ! 】

Just then, a familiar voice sounded.

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument is extremely pleased to see Golzan working so hard as your warrior. 】

[Hereby fuse your Gorzan, Melba, and Super Gob! 】

After the words fell, Lin Tian was stunned.

  Super Gob? ? ?
  Isn't it the three emperors that are fused? ? ?

In an instant, Lin Tian felt extremely happy.


The monsters fought so hard, and the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument actually took the initiative to fuse for them.

This is too cool! ! !
  all of a sudden.

Gorzan, Melba and Super Gob among the monsters suddenly turned into crimson light and rose to the sky to mingle together.

next second.

The surging crimson light group instantly turned into flames and spread out in all directions.

The huge figure in the middle of the flames looked like a purgatory emperor, with a terrifying aura.

Lin Tian looked at the figure with wide eyes.

Melba's pair of shoulders and wings stood high on her huge body.

Golzan's thick tail also kept swaying behind him.

The abdomen has a big face that looks like a super Gob!

This is the Three Emperors - King Torai! ! !
  The appearance of King Torai immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone in Belial was numb.

Damn it!
  Is there no way this guy can stop getting stronger? ? ?
  Now you can actually fuse and evolve your monsters during the battle? ? ?

Isn’t this too fake? !

Lan. Oh no, it’s Zero.

Zero also stared at the battle outside with wide eyes.


Everyone is numb.

Why does Lin Tian become stronger so fast! ! !

If this continues, how can he catch up with Lin Tian? ? ?

What's more, he is still imprisoned here.

He didn’t even have the strength to go out and help Lin Tian! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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