Chapter 54 Five Emperors! Come on stage!

at this time!

The reflective surface of the glass cage.

An inexplicable light suddenly flashed out.

Then, the glass cage that trapped Zero was suddenly smashed open by a huge fist.

Beria couldn't react in time and could only watch helplessly as the unexpected guest suddenly appeared and rescued Zero.

"finally found you!!!"

Hearing this voice, Zero was slightly startled, and then an ecstatic smile appeared on his face.

"Mirror Knight!!!"

"Damn guy!"

Beria was just about to make a move.

At this time, the Iron Warrior suddenly broke through the glass of the main control room and rushed in.

The Iron Warrior unexpectedly fired a beam of destruction, hitting Beria's hand.

Beria suddenly felt pain.

The ball of light at the tip of his finger instantly floated in the air.

"Mirror Knight, throw me out!"

Zero quickly pointed to the transformed eyes and bracelet in the air.

Mirror Knight understood and immediately threw Zero's body out.

The moment he caught the transformed eyes, Zero pressed them on them without hesitation.

at last!

It's finally my turn to appear! ! !

This is his first battle since he came to this universe! ! !

A fierce light flashed, and Zero's figure appeared directly beside the Mirror Knight.

Without saying anything, he raised his hand to make an L shape.

The dot on the forehead directly emits a green light.

"Siro Beaming Light!!!"


As Zero's head swayed, the concentrated light continued to destroy the instruments in the entire command room.

The fire continued.

These instruments are all used to control the Demon Claw base.

As long as it is destroyed, Beria will no longer be able to send those impostors across the universe to the Kingdom of Light! ! !

on the battlefield.

The protagonist is controlling his monsters to kill them happily.

It's so cool! ! !
  What is the use of a bull's knife to kill a chicken?

The protagonist is indeed useless, but he has replaced it with a more terrifying dragon-slaying knife!

He personally controlled the three emperors with his consciousness to continuously harvest in the field.

More than 10,000 Dark Lops have now been killed, with only a small half remaining.

It feels so good to be able to destroy a Dark Lops with just one.

Although he had never experienced this feeling before, now that he was controlling the Three Emperors, the novelty naturally made him extremely happy.

However, at this moment, a familiar voice sounded again.

【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument senses that you are full of fighting spirit at this moment, and it is suddenly excited. 】

[Hereby evolve the three emperors into five emperors for you! 】

Lin Tian: "???"

For an instant.

The body of the Three Emperors once again turned into a huge crimson light group.

Two more monsters in the monster group turned into light and came towards the three emperors.

Cero, who was fighting Beria in the main control room, saw this scene out of the corner of his eye and was immediately stunned.


What kind of evolution? ? ?
  Depend on!
  Can you evolve slower? ! !
  Look at the two groups of light flying towards the Three Emperors.

Lin Tian recognized the two monsters almost instantly.

The space sea monster Raichubas and the strange beast Q!

Seeing those two rays of light penetrate into the crimson light of the Three Emperors, Lin Tian suddenly felt extremely happy.

This is a battle today!
  Not only did he gain the Three Emperors!
  The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument actually continues to compete!

Directly evolve the Three Emperors into the Five Emperors! ! !
  Too Nima cool!
  You know, the power of the Five Emperors is several levels higher than that of the Three Emperors.

An existence that can be called an overlord-level monster! ! !
  Even if the Heisei Three Heroes fight together, they may not be able to defeat him!

That is at this time.

The crimson light finally dimmed slowly.

The five emperors inside were also revealed.

The body part still hasn't changed much.

But he already had a pair of huge wings behind his back.

The fluttering continued.

On his left hand is a huge eyeball.

In his right hand, there is a pliers that looks very lethal!
  This is none other than the Five Emperors - King Faib!
  Not only does he have the terrifying power of the five monsters, but his various skills are also flashy.

For example, the huge eye on the left hand's Q.

It can absorb energy attacks and bounce them back! ! !

You can definitely catch the enemy by surprise! ! !
  As soon as the Five Emperors appeared, Lin Tian felt the excitement from EX Morant, EX Jay Ponton, and Mechanical Super Tyro.

They all seemed very happy.

It feels like I have an extra brother who lives and dies together! ! !

Lin Tian smiled slightly and comforted his monsters.

Later, under the control of Lin Tian. The Five Emperors immediately went into battle with his brothers.

At this moment, the battle was so intense that Lin Tian just wanted to experience the battle of the Five Emperors in person and had no time to care about the other monsters.

He directly waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

All the monsters immediately turned into light and were taken back into the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

After that, Lin Tian put his main consciousness on the Five Emperors and "personally" fought into the Dark Lops Army.

EX Go Morant, EX Jay Ponton, and Mechanical Super Tyro followed closely behind.

The four figures were like gods of death, constantly killing Dark Lops.

"Your Majesty, what should I do?"

In the main control room, Beria's subordinate Aianlong worried as he looked at the unstoppable appearance of the four guys.

The quality of Lin Tian's monsters has obviously crushed the quantity of their legions!

"Huh! Let me, the emperor, come and meet him personally!"

Beria's red eyes suddenly flashed a red light.

His ten originally narrow and sharp fingers were extended again.

Like ten scimitars!

Beria kicked off his feet and rushed straight towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian is controlling the battle of the Five Emperors.

After an explosion, he also noticed Beria's approach.

Looking at Beria rushing towards him, Lin Tian sneered slightly in his heart.

Let’s test the waters with you!

Lin Tian turned to face Beria.

Mind a move.

The five emperors escaped instantly and flew to Lin Tian.

Looking at the guy blocking the road, Beria was suddenly shocked.

The eyes of Golzan and Melba on the heads of the Five Emperors all lit up.

next second.

A beam of destruction entwined with yellow flames was launched directly from the mouth of the Five Emperors.

Seeing this, Beria quickly raised his arms to resist.


The beam instantly hit Beria's arm.

The sparks kept going.

Yo, not bad!
  Lin Tian looked at it.

Beria is indeed much stronger than before.

Even Gormel Paganon can resist it?

"This guy! Why is his power so terrifying?!"

Beria's heart felt like it was struck by lightning.

This monster's attack is too strong!
  He blocked the blow, his hands unable to stop shaking.

However, this time.

The Five Emperors suddenly moved!
  His wings fluttered, and his body immediately flew towards Beria.

This is a close combat with him!
  Beria was shocked.

Without hesitation, he opened his claws and tore at the Five Emperors.

Lin Tian was very calm.

The nails are long, right?
  Kuku will cut it for you!

He directly controlled the Five Emperors to lift up the big pincers and clamp them towards Beria's hand!
  click! ! !
  Beria didn't react in time, and his five sharp claws were instantly pinched off by the Five Emperors!

Black-red mist continued to seep out from the five fingers.


Beria screamed in pain.

"Lin Tian, ​​I want you to die!!!"

Beria was so angry that he raised his hands and made an L shape!

For an instant.

A black-red terrifying beam of destruction was launched directly towards Lin Tian behind the Five Emperors.

Lin Tian didn't panic at all.

The Five Emperors turned their bodies slightly to one side and directly raised their left hand.

Disium's light immediately hit the bloodshot eyeball on the left hand of the Five Emperors! ! !

For an instant.

The huge eyeballs glowed with a dazzling blue light.

The people of Belial were dumbfounded.


What do you mean?
  This is my most proud special move!

How come it has no effect? ? ?
  Beria was confused and stopped releasing light.

at this time.

The eyeball suddenly glowed with blood red light.

Beria's Disium light was reflected by the eyeballs as it was, and shot towards Beria exquisitely! ! !

Nani? ? ?

This guy! ! !
  Can it absorb attacks and then reflect them? !

At this moment, Beria had just stabilized his body.

When he saw the terrifying blood-red one, his heart suddenly shuddered.

Oh shit!

He used all his strength in this attack! ! !
  Great power!

Moreover, he has no energy left to resist now! ! !
  If this blow were real, he would definitely die! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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