Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 55 Arc Beria! Lin Tian's bloodline is completely awakened! Palagi's Shield!

Chapter 55 Arc Beria! Lin Tian's bloodline is completely awakened! Palagi's Shield!
  Just when Beria was in crisis.

Iron General Aianlong, who had been fighting the Mirror Knight in the main control room of Devil's Claw Fortress, suddenly flew out.

He stood directly in front of Beria! ! !

"His Majesty!!!"

Aianlong exclaimed and directly raised his arm to create an energy shield.

As the most loyal subordinate of His Majesty the Emperor, he naturally has to stand in front of His Majesty at this moment! ! !
  boom! ! !
  Just for a moment.

The Disium ray reflected by the Five Emperors hit Aianlong's shield directly.


Ai Anlong didn't even hold on for a moment.

The shield shattered instantly.

He himself was continuously hit by the Disium ray, and finally penetrated his body directly and hit Beria himself.


Aianlong turned into powder in an instant, while Beria himself kept screaming.

The body fell heavily towards the Devil's Claw Fortress.

until it disappears.

"This guy is terrifying!"

Lin Tian seemed to have become the focus of the entire universe.

Everyone looked intently at the Five Emperors in front of Lin Tian.

The monster Lin Tianxin acquired is so powerful! ! !

However, not long after, a roaring laughter suddenly came from the Demon Claw base below.

It's Beria! ! !

At this moment, he was actually standing in the pile of all the ores that had been mined.

"You all, go to hell for me -"

Beria stood up with difficulty, then raised his head angrily.

The deformed big mouth opened instantly.

He actually began to absorb the energy of all the ores! ! !


"Can't you beat this guy to death?"

"Oops, he's absorbing the energy of the ore!"


Seeing Beria's move, Cero and the Mirror Knight suddenly became worried.

Lin Tian was a little excited when he saw this scene.

Good guy, Beria still succeeded.

But in this way, my Shining EX ultimate battle instrument can also strive for more success.

After all, there are still so many monsters with the possibility of evolution.

At this time, Zero seemed to notice the smile on the corner of Lin Tian's mouth.

He was stunned.

What the hell!

When is this all?

Are you actually excited? ? ?

Zero couldn't help but feel depressed when he suddenly thought of something.

Is it possible that Lin Tian's monster can evolve again? ? ?
  Beria's roar spread throughout the Demon Claw base.

The mouth of his abyss is constantly devouring the energy of the surrounding Emeralu ores.

The body of an Ultra Warrior has infinite possibilities.

The energy of Emerald Ore is extremely unique and powerful.

If you really want him to absorb it all, then
  Zero couldn't help but stand ready.

He had seen with his own eyes how powerful Beria was when he turned into a monster with a hundred bodies.

How terrible will Beria become when he completely absorbs this energy?
  Just as they were worried, Beria suddenly cried out in pain.


It seemed that the energy absorption had exceeded his body's load.

The energy of the Emerald Ore gradually entered Beria's body at a faster rate.

The green energy particles formed a storm in the sky.

As time passed, the entire Devil's Claw Fortress suddenly began to shake.

Those claws as huge as Optimus Prime suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Devil's Claw Fortress slowly raised its sharp claws that were absorbing ores from the stars.

Following the devouring of Beria, the Devil's Claw Fortress soon turned over in a green storm.

Palms facing up.

In the palm of his hand, a huge ore pit immediately appeared.

A green energy beam spurted out from the middle of the palm of the Demonic Claw Fortress.


The evil laughter instantly lingered in everyone's ears.

A huge monster figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

It was a giant beast with an extremely majestic and towering body.

His stature is far taller than all monsters and Ultra Warriors.

In other words, even these giants and beasts are only the size of a palm in front of this guy.

The most eye-catching thing about this giant beast is the rugged sharp thorns on its back.

Every sharp thorn is made of Emeralu ore of different sizes! ! !
  And this is Arc Beria!

This guy Beria is really awesome.

Lin Tian was a little eager to try.

"Lin Tian—"

Belial, who had turned himself into a monster, roared angrily.

Lin Tian looked towards the head of this giant beast.

The densely packed eyes all shone with light.

"Lin Tian, ​​with your little strength just now, you can't beat me at all!"

"Have you seen my body? This is the ultimate power!!!"

Seeing Arc Beria being so successful, Lin Tian was also a little helpless.

Lin Tian directly placed the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in front of him.

Then, he closed his eyes tightly. The Leonix armor all over his body suddenly reappeared.

Moreover, the golden light shining on the EX ultimate combat instrument gradually floated from the arm to Lin Tian's body.

Finally, a golden pattern formed on Lin Tian's Leonix armor.

Lin Tian's head armor has a golden rhombus-shaped crystal directly between his eyebrows.

This is the benefit of evolving into Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

Lin Tian's Leonix bloodline has become stronger many times.

Now the strength is no longer the same as before.

Lin Tian shouted loudly.

The diamond-shaped crystal between the eyebrows suddenly emitted great light.

The next second, Lin Tian's Leonix blood suddenly boiled.

Visible red energy fluctuations gradually appeared on the body.

As Lin Tian activated his Leonix bloodline, the Five Emperors, EX Go Morant, EX Jay Ponton, and the Mechanical Super Mechanical Super Tyro all looked up to the sky and roared for a while.

Even more terrifying power erupted from their respective bodies! ! !

Under the influence of the power of blood, almost all their attributes are enhanced several times!
  see this scene.

Princess Emerana, who was far away in the cockpit of the Iron Warrior, had stars in her eyes.

"Lin Tian can actually become stronger!"


Sero also looked at Lin Tian confused.


What the hell is this?

Why does this guy still have this method to make monsters stronger?

This is too outrageous! ! !
  at the moment.

Arc Beria below was also shocked.

Nani? ? ?

This kid has never used Leonix's bloodline activation before?
  While he was in shock, several of Lin Tian's monsters had already flown towards Arc Beria.

The speed is so fast, like a rapidly falling comet.

Arc Beria quickly spotted one of them, raised his fist and hit him directly.

boom! ! !
  For an instant.

Arc Beria's fist hit the falling "comet".

That's EX brother Morant!

However, it didn't smash the guy away as expected.

Arc Beria was stunned.

His fist was actually blocked!

How can this be?

His power now is far greater than before.

Was actually blocked by a monster? ? ?

This is not finished.

EX Jay Ponton and Mechanical Super Tyro took this opportunity to come behind Arc Belial, and continuously fired the Emerald Ore on his back with the killing light.

The Five Emperors are also floating directly in front of Arc Beria at this moment.

Gormel Paganon was launched instantly.

The destructive beam entwined with yellow flame laser and red lava capacity directly hit Arc Beria's chest.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Even though Beria was so powerful now, he couldn't help but cry out in pain!
  He quickly raised his hands and waved them around him.

Lin Tian controlled the combined subject and them to evacuate directly.

Everyone in Arc Belial was numb.


what is going on?
  He has obviously become so much stronger, why is he still being suppressed and beaten by Lin Tian's monsters?
  Could it be that Lin Tian didn't use all his strength before? ! !
  "good chance!"

Seeing Arc Beria being crazily suppressed, Zero was also excited and rushed directly towards Arc Beria.

However, Arc Beria was extremely crazy at the moment.

When Zero flew in front of Arc Beria and wanted to attack, he was slapped away by Arc Beria.

Frustrated to the extreme.

"Get away from me!!!"

Arc Beria suddenly roared.

The bursting energy all over his body suddenly exploded with his body as the center.

Everyone avoided its sharp edge and retreated a long distance away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Arc Beria waved directly.

"Give it all to me!!!"

In an instant, the remaining thousands of Dark Lops immediately attacked Lin Tian.

The imperial warships that had not originally participated in the war began to fire at Lin Tian.

This is going to consume Lin Tian! ! !
  Lin Tian felt slightly chilled in his heart.

This guy Beria is unreasonable.

However, at this moment, a hearty laughter spread to everyone's ears.

"Lin Tian, ​​here I come!"

In the distance, a flash of fire suddenly appeared.

It's the red lotus flame!
  "Not just me, but everyone."

As soon as he finished speaking, one spaceship after another appeared behind Red Lotus Flame! ! !
  Emerald Royal Family!
  Mirror Star!
  And the Pirates of Fire! ! !

In addition to them, there are a bunch of spaceships belonging to unknown forces.

They are all forces that have been resisting Beria! ! !

Lin Tian was slightly shocked.

This picture looks really breathtaking.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian also smiled softly.

He raised his hand slowly.

Suddenly, a gleam of light slowly floated out of the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

"In that case, let's end it."

"Shield of Palagi——"

(End of this chapter)

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