Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 56 Is this called a fatal blow? Are you tickling?

Chapter 56 Is this called a fatal blow? Are you tickling?
  Shield of Palagi? ? ?
  Hearing this name, everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Tian.

Isn't that something legendary? ? ?

Red Lotus Flame looked at Lin Tian in shock.

Lin Tian actually got the Shield of Palagi? ? ?

Among the Iron Warriors.

Xiao Zhi also looked at the thing in Lin Tian's hand with excitement.

It turns out to be the Shield of Palagi! ! !

Very good!
  His father really didn’t lie to him! ! !

At this moment, the light in Lin Tian's hand seemed like a light of hope, igniting hope in everyone's hearts.

Arc Beria also looked at the thing in Lin Tian's hand with a puzzled look.

What is that?

Lin Tian felt slightly excited at this moment.

Palagi's Shield, this is my first time using it.

He had a thought

The light on his hand instantly turned into a bracelet with diamond-shaped crystals surrounding his wrist.

The crystals exude dazzling light.

Lin Tian lowered his head and looked at the monsters around Arc Beria.

"Well, it's just you."

After the words fell, Lin Tian raised his hand and waved directly at EX brother Morant!
  The Shield of Palagi on his wrist immediately turned into light and fled out.

Almost instantly, he arrived in front of EX Morant and turned into a huge halo surrounding EX Morant.

next second.

The light instantly turned into particles of light and dissipated.

However, the current EX brother Morant stunned everyone.

I saw that the EX brother Morant, who was originally huge, now had a pair of silver armor directly on his upper body.

On his right hand was a silver sword.

The front end of the sword is also inlaid with an extremely bright diamond-shaped crystal.

EX brother Morant's huge wings immediately glowed with silver light at this moment, covering his body like a suit of battle clothes.

The entire armor seemed to exude an extremely sacred light.

This light made the originally fierce EX brother Morant look like a divine beast.

It's as if he is not a demon who destroys the world, but a warrior sent by God to save the world! ! !

"I will destroy you!!!"

Seeing this scene, Arc Beria roared angrily.

He opened his arms, and the Emeralu ore behind him suddenly lit up.

Energy kept pouring into his body.

Arc Beria's grinning mouth began to accumulate vigorous destructive energy.

He originally wanted to use this move at the bottom of the box! ! !
  Unexpectedly, Lin Tian alone started to turn the tide of the battle!
  He must be killed immediately! ! !

As Arc Belial roared, the energy of the piles of Emeralu ore behind him also supplied him with all its energy.

This is a whole planet’s worth of Emerald ore! ! !

At this moment, Beria has endless energy! ! !

An extremely thick blood-red beam of destruction shot towards Lin Tian.

Above the light, there is a terrifying black-red thunder arc.

  Lin Tian was startled.

Why does this attack feel so different from the original?
  It seems to be much stronger! ! !

"not good!!!"

"He is going to attack Lin Tian's body!!!"

Seeing the terrifying blood-red light blasting directly towards Lin Tian, ​​Cero, Red Lotus Flame, and Mirror Knight were instantly shocked.

The three of them quickly flew out and reached the halfway point.

They looked at each other, and then used all their strength to open an extremely large square shield in front of them.

The brilliance flows on the shield.

The shield that combined the strength of the three of them could not be broken by ordinary attacks.


The three of them were in extremely heavy moods at the moment. Beria’s attack used the power of Emerald Ore!
  This is not a normal attack!

  In the midst of shock, a thick and terrifying blood-red beam of light hit the shields of the three of them directly.

  Click! ! !

In just an instant, the shield formed by the three of them shattered.

The terrifying blood-red beam continued to move forward, and was about to swallow the three of them.

The three of them had just used the shield and had already used all their strength. They had no power to resist at the moment.

Are you going to die here?
  "elder brother--"


"Mirror Knight——"

In Iron Samurai, Emerana and Xiao Zhi immediately cried out in pain when they saw this scene.

"Red Lotus Flame——"

Among the battleships of the Pirates of Fire, the three pirate brothers also shouted crazily.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian suddenly shook his head helplessly.

Sero dropped his arms in despair at this moment.

The scene in front of him was gradually swallowed up by the blood-red beam of light.

However, at this critical moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared.

It's EX Jay Ponton! ! !

Zero and three people exclaimed.

Before the words could even be finished, the bodies of the three of them disappeared directly from the spot.

The next second, it appeared directly in the distance.

It turned out to be EX Jay Ponton who teleported to save them! ! !
  Without Zero and the others to stop them, the blood-red beam of light flew towards Lin Tian without any hindrance.

Lin Tian was about to make a move when a familiar battleship suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's Iron Warrior!
  "Iron Warrior, open your shield quickly!"

Lin Tian clearly heard the princess's voice in the cockpit of the Iron Warrior.

He was immediately moved.

Unexpectedly, Amy Lana would risk her life to save him!
  However, the Iron Warrior was obviously unable to block Arc Belial's attack.

Lin Tian moved quickly and came to the Iron Warrior.

"Lin Tian?"

The Iron Warrior was slightly startled.

However, at this moment.

Under the control of Lin Tian, ​​the Five Emperors came directly to the front and raised their left hand.

The huge eyeballs faced directly the blood-red beam of light.

  The terrifying beam of light instantly hit the eyeball, but it didn't make much noise, just a muffled sound.

Then, Garn Q's eyeballs frantically absorbed the terrifying power! ! !

Nani? ? ?

Seeing this scene, Arc Beria was shocked!
  How can this be?

My attack used all the power of the Emerald Ore!
  How could this guy absorb it!

However, the reality is so cruel.

Lin Tian laughed loudly and said: "That's it?"

"I'll suck as much as you want!"

  It's so cool!
  Lin Tian felt extremely excited now.

Now he is really capable of both offense and defense.

Your own monsters not only have powerful attack power, but also have the terrifying ability to absorb the enemy's power.

The new Five Emperors may not be able to absorb these powers.

But with the bonus of his Leonix bloodline, the Five Emperors can even devour the attack of Arc Belia!
  Too damn strong! ! !
  "EX Brother Morant, go kill him!"

While controlling the five emperors to resist, Lin Tian also did not forget to let EX Go Morant, who had just gained the power of Palagi's Shield, take the initiative to attack.

EX brother Morant's wings shook violently.

He instantly waved the silver sword in his hand and rushed towards Arc Beria.

(End of this chapter)

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