Chapter 57 Noah! Believe in miracles!

Nani? ? ?

Arc Pele is flaxen.

What's going on.
  His attack was filled with the energy of countless Emerald ores! ! !

So he was actually absorbed by Lin Tian's monster? ? ?
  Beria had long recognized the monster on the left hand of the Five Emperors.

How could he, who has experienced hundreds of battles, fail to recognize Garn Q? ? ?
  However, even with En Q, there is a limit to how much energy it can absorb!

What's going on with Lin Tian's grace Q?

So good at sucking? ? ?


Beria is completely numb!
  at this time.

Under Lin Tian's order, EX brother Morant also raised his silver sword and rushed towards Arc Beria's head.

Arc Beria noticed this scene and quickly put away his power to attack the Five Emperors.

Instead, he used his huge arm to shoot towards EX Morant in the air.

So what if you gain new powers?

What's the use of something as big as half a palm?

A Dabi Dou will shoot you flying! ! !

The huge palm rushed straight towards EX brother Morant.

Lin Tian just smiled slightly when he saw this scene.

EX brother Morant suddenly shuddered, and the giant wing that was leaning towards Arc Beria's palm suddenly tilted back, and finally fanned out violently! ! !
  boom! ! !
  EX brother Morant's giant wings directly impacted Beria's palm! ! !
  The huge sound directly attracted everyone's attention.

Nani? ? ?

When all of them looked at where Arc Beria's palm was, they were stunned.

Arc Belial struck with such force!
  After hitting EX brother Morant, he couldn't make any further progress! ! !
  EX brother Morant actually blocked Beria's huge palm with only one wing! ! !

This strength is so terrifying!
  Arc Beria himself was even more frightened.

Damn it!
  What is this monster made of?

so hard!
  When he slapped her, it felt like he was hitting a piece of hard iron.

The whole palm is numb! ! !


What kind of monster is Lin Tian?

His monsters have never been this strong before!
  This speed of getting stronger is too fast!

Lin Tian watched this scene quietly.

A calm smile appeared on the cheek under the armored mask.

Is it weird that EX brother Morant can beat Arc Beria?

You know, the current EX brother Morant is blessed by the Shield of Palagi! ! !
  Not only did he gain the special ability of Palagi's Shield, but his strength in all aspects of his body also increased exponentially!

Even though his body is not as big as Arc Beria.

But in terms of power alone, it is definitely above Arc Beria! ! !
  Arc Belial wants to shake him?
  Lin Tian thought about it.

EX brother Morant also followed suit and suddenly waved the wing that resisted Arc Beria's palm.

under great force.

Arc Beria's palm was suddenly thrown away.

Arc Beria was obviously stunned for a moment and did not react.

next second.

The silver sword in the hand of EX brother Morant instantly turned into silver light and extended for hundreds of meters.

EX brother Morant just waved his arm lightly.

The hundreds of meters long silver lightsaber flashed instantly! ! !

A sound of broken flesh and blood was heard instantly.


Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

Arc Beria is such a terrifying existence.
  The entire forearm was cut off by EX brother Morant with a sword! ! !


Arc Beria was stunned for a moment, and then pain spread throughout his body.

The painful screams instantly spread throughout the world.

The pain of a broken arm, no matter how powerful it is, will still make him miserable!
  This is not finished.

EX brother Morant is like a battle-experienced warrior at this moment.

He understood Arc Belial's intermittent weakness at the moment.

Taking this opportunity, he immediately slashed Arc Beria's other arm with another sword!
  Another sound of flesh and blood breaking.

It only takes a blink of an eye.

Beria, who was so powerful, had his arms cut off immediately.

He has become half a human pig.


"Lin Tian, ​​I will kill you!!!"

Arc Beria screamed in pain, already extremely angry!
  This guy Lin Tian has ruined his good deeds several times! Damn it!
  Must kill him!

Even if we die together, we must kill him! ! !

Thinking of this, Arc Beria quickly endured all the pain.

From his mouth, low roars of pain continued to come out.

It was like a lion's deliberate pounce before dying.

He kept roaring.

Suddenly, his whole body began to exude an indescribable aura.

Traces of black energy quickly emerged from all over his body, and eventually merged into all the Emerald ores on his back.

The originally green Emerald Ore was dyed extremely dark at this moment.

Zero and the others looked at this scene blankly.

Even Emerana and the natives of the universe are confused at this moment.

Can Emerald Ore be used in this way?

Lin Tian was also slightly stunned.

This move doesn’t seem to be in the original plot, right?

Could it be that the butterfly wings flapped slightly because of his arrival?


All the Emerald ores behind Arc Belial have turned black.

The next second, a surprising scene happened.

All the Emerald ores were shattered into black particles in this second.

Finally, they all gathered towards Beria's mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Beria blasted out a destructive beam filled with black Emerald particles.

The entire beam is as thick as Arc Beria's head.

The black energy even shook the space.

The terrifying black beam of destruction shot directly towards Lin Tian.

Seeing this scene, Sero panicked instantly.


Nothing can happen to Lin Tian! ! !

Even though Zero was extremely weak at the moment, he still rushed towards the light with all his strength.

Zero immediately rushed to the place where the beam must pass, and opened his shield to block it.

boom! ! !
  The black beam arrived in the blink of an eye and hit Zero's shield directly.


The shield shattered instantly.


Shiro exclaimed.

The next second, he was directly submerged by the black beam.

disappeared without a trace.

"elder brother--"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi immediately screamed in compassion in the cockpit of the Iron Warrior.

Heartbreaking and touching!

Is the brother who has been with him growing up going to die like this? ? ?

"elder brother!!!"

"do not die!!!"

Xiao Zhi's extremely sad and desperate cry came out, and so did Princess Emerana who was standing aside.

The black beam of light hit Lin Tian directly at this moment.

Lin Tian still controlled the five emperors to absorb.

He looked at the place where Zero disappeared with a heavy expression.

A careless move actually cost Zero his life!
  The Shield of Palagi is with him now. Is there no way for Zero to be resurrected?

Lin Tian looked slightly stunned.

Just a second ago, he seemed to feel it.
  Noah! ! !

Lin Tian suddenly laughed out loud.

He turned to Xiao Zhi in Iron Samurai and said, "Don't worry, your brother is fine."

"Believe in miracles!"

Just at this moment.

Everyone in the entire universe suddenly discovered that a ray of golden light particles gradually emerged from their bodies.

The same goes for Emerana and Xiao Zhi.

In the entire battlefield, except for Beria, a golden light floated out of everyone's bodies.

After these golden lights took off, they all rushed toward Lin Tian——

(End of this chapter)

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