Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 60 Establish a guard team! The protagonist is often the last one to appear!

Chapter 60 Establish a guard team! The protagonist is often the last one to appear!

Seeing Lin Tian being so cool, Sero was so angry that he almost burst into tears.

However, this is also Lin Tian's own charm.

no way.


At some point, Zero seemed to have learned to recognize the strength of the other party.

He directly raised the Ultra bracelet.

At this moment, there are still two energy particles left on the Ultra bracelet.

He used one directly.

Ultraman Zero appeared in front of several people instantly.

At this time, Lan also slumped down in a daze and weakness.

Zero looked at the stream of light that had gone away.

Sooner or later, he will catch up with that guy! ! !
  Zero raised his hand to wipe his nose, and then nodded towards the three of them.

The next second, he jumped up and turned into a green ball of light to follow.

Aimee Lana looked at the two groups of light in tandem, feeling a little dazed in her heart.

Can I really see him again in this life?
  "Princess Emerana, don't worry."

At this time, Xiaozhi stepped forward and took Emelana's hand.

"Brother Lin Tian keeps his word and will definitely come back!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Amy Lana also suddenly smiled.


He is the great hero who saved the universe.

How can a great hero keep his word?

in the universe.

Lin Tian flew at extremely high speed.

Finally, we stopped at a place with no planet.

He waved his hand, and the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument instantly appeared in his hand.

Then, under his command, the huge body of the dimensional monster appeared directly in front of him.

"Lin Tian!"

At this time, Sero finally caught up.

"Lin Tian, ​​we have to go back quickly. I'm afraid the legion sent by that guy Beria has already started a war with my father and the others!"

Lin Tian also nodded.

He knew exactly this.

That's why Bruton was summoned here.

We must return to the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible.

With the strength of the companions in the Kingdom of Light, it is still difficult to destroy those dark Lops.

  "No rush, just wait a moment!"

Lin Tian smiled slightly.

"and many more?"

Zero was stunned for a moment, what are you waiting for? ? ?
  At this moment, three figures suddenly chased after him.

"Lin Tian! Sero! Wait for us -"

Zero was slightly startled when he heard the sound.

"Red lotus flame?"

"Mirror Knight?"

"Also, yeah? Which one are you???"

Sero was suddenly stunned.

Why is there a strong robot next to these two guys?
  He seemed to be stunned.

As soon as Zero finished speaking, a familiar voice came from the robot.

"Sero, you are so rude!"

"I'm James!"

Sero was stunned for a moment.

James Robert, who had always been just a spaceship "elf" in his eyes, turned into a strong robot! ! !

"Are you going back to your universe?"

Mirror Knight wondered.

Lin Tian nodded and said, "Although there is peace here, we still have other universes to save."

Are there other universes to save?

Mirror Knight and the others were stunned.

Could it be that other universes have been invaded by guys like Beria?

"Don't worry, with me, Zero, I will stop all chaos in the universe!"

"I personally killed that guy Beria!"

Zero said extremely arrogantly.

Since merging with EX brother Morant, Cero has only felt that the power in his body has increased several times.

In this line of work, he has become much stronger!
  However, this time.

Lin Tian suddenly smiled and spoke.

"is it?"

"It seems like you like merging with my monsters, Zero?"

"In this case, let EX brother Morant merge with you when the time comes. Oh no, let's change it to EX Jay Ponton next time!"

Hearing Lin Tian's words.

Zero immediately stopped talking.

But I felt all kinds of unhappy in my heart.

Damn it, what can I do if you let me fill the cup?
  When he thought about the scene when he merged with his EX brother Morant, his body couldn't help but tremble.

  Why do you have to be controlled by Lin Tian when you combine with EX brother Morant?
  The feeling of being dominated is too terrible!
  "Then, the three of us will go with you."

Red Lotus Flame chuckled and said, "This universe is already safe, and we also want to continue to do meaningful things."    "Yes, Lin Tian, ​​what do you think?"

The Mirror Knight also smiled lightly, with some expectation in his heart.

"Lin Tian."

James also asked: "What are your plans next?"

Hearing James Bert's words, Lin Tian was stunned for a moment.

"I want to build the most powerful monster army, but..."

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "Now it seems that it is still too early."

"Let's become a brand new police force first!"

This was originally what Zero wanted to do.

But now that Sero has become Lin Tian's younger brother, he will naturally bring up the matter.

"Okay boss!"

"Then we will be a team from now on!"


"Then let's call the Ultimate Zero Guard!!!"

"Sero, how big are you! Boss Lin Tian is here!"

"Otherwise, let's call our space guard Skywalker!!!"

"The name of heaven travels in the world——"


Light abroad.

In space, countless dark warships continue to launch destructive light bombs towards the Kingdom of Light.

Tens of thousands of dark Lops are also constantly approaching the Kingdom of Light.

And in front of them, countless shining Ultra warriors were really fighting hard.

They are residents of the Kingdom of Light!

He is a warrior of the Kingdom of Light!
  As long as they are here, this legion will never dare to tarnish the Kingdom of Light!

Under the fierce war, Ultra warriors continued to fall.

Although Dark Lops is just an ordinary mass-produced machine, its strength is much stronger than ordinary Ultra Warriors.

What's more, they also have an advantage in numbers.

In this battle, the Kingdom of Light is in danger!
  The members of the Space Guard kept firing rays at the enemy warships.

"Damn it! How come there are so many!!!"

Ultraman Taro had just fired a stream of Stream Beam, and several Dark Lops came upon him in an instant and surrounded him.

After a few punches and kicks, Taylor was immediately at a disadvantage.

At this time, a head dart flew in instantly and cut into the bodies of the two dark Lops.

The two guys exploded instantly.

Severn withdrew his head dart and came to Taylor's side to defend him back to back.

"Lin Tian's monsters are ridiculously strong, even the imitations are so strong!"

They have never played against Lin Tian's EX brother Morant in person, so they naturally don't know how strong he is.

But now, this is too scary.

"I don't know what's going on with Zero."

Severn said slightly worried.

At this moment, a terrifying dimensional vortex suddenly appeared in the space not far away!

what happened? ? ?

The appearance of the dimensional vortex made everyone feel a chill in their hearts.

Will a new enemy appear again? ? ?
  If this is the case, it will really be a disaster for the Kingdom of Light!
  The next second, three figures suddenly emerged from the gate of time and space.

It's the Red Lotus Flame, Mirror Knight and James Bert!

As soon as the three of them came out, they each ran towards a pile of Dark Lops.

In the blink of an eye, they each destroyed nearly a dozen Dark Lops.

This strength is simply ridiculously strong in the eyes of Zhongao!
  Who are these three guys?

Why does it look like you are here to help them from the Kingdom of Light?

At this moment, Red Lotus Flame suddenly raised its head and shouted towards the dimensional vortex.

"Boss Lin Tian! Clean up quickly and then get down to business!"

Hearing his shout, everyone in the Kingdom of Light was stunned for a moment.

Lin Tian? ? ?

Do these three guys know Lin Tian?
  Still calling him boss?

Zhongao looked at the dimensional vortex in confusion.

Three figures emerged from it instantly.

It's Zero and the dimensional monster Bruton!
  And Lin Tian! ! !

They are back! ! !
  "What a hurry."

Lin Tian curled his lips and said with a smile: "The protagonist is often the last one to appear!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and took back the dimensional monster Bruton.

next second.

EX brother Morant appeared instantly.

The Shield of Palagi was also immediately applied to EX brother Morant.

Under Lin Tian's control, EX Go Morant directly turned the Palagi Shield on his body into light and formed a large bow in his hand.

The next second, he fully drew the bowstring.

The energy arrows were also condensed instantly.

call out! ! !
  In just an instant, bows and arrows containing terrifying energy shot out, constantly traveling among all the dark Lops.

Wherever it goes, there will definitely be an explosion.

In just a few breaths, countless explosions of fire suddenly lit up in the outer space of the Land of Light.

The entire Beria army was actually killed by EX brother Morant! ! !
  At this time, the whole place was silent! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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