Chapter 61 The golden man appears!

Seeing this scene, all the Ultra warriors couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

  It is extremely difficult for the entire Kingdom of Light to deal with these dark giants.

Was Lin Tian's EXEX brother Morant defeated in just one move?
  Isn't this too fake?
  Their hearts were filled with excitement at this moment.

The dark Lopus limbs wandering around in this world are telling them that this is not an illusion! ! !
  At that moment, Lin Tian's EX brother Morant indeed killed all the Dark Lops with one move! ! !

All the Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light who participated in this battle were numb.

isn't it?
  It’s been a long time since we last seen each other. Lin Tian’s EX brother Morant is already so powerful.

This is too outrageous.

and also.

What is that dazzling armor that Lin Tian put on EX brother Morant just now?
  The energy contained in it is too terrifying.

As warriors of light, even Ultra warriors felt that the light was so dazzling when they saw this armor.

Could it be that the light on this armor is more powerful than the light of their Ultra Warriors? ? ?

How is this possible?
  The speed at which Lin Tian's monsters evolve is terrifying! ! !
  At this moment, all the Dark Lops have been eliminated.

Only a few scattered Belial warships and dark Lops were left. Seeing this tragic situation, they quickly fled towards the universe.

Seeing this scene, the Ultra warriors all relaxed.

Some members of the Space Guard are preparing to hunt down those who escaped.

At this moment, Ultra's father said loudly: "Stop chasing me!"

Hearing this, the members of the Space Guard also stopped and seemed very confused.

The father of Ultra turned to look at Lin Tian and said calmly: "It's useless for you to chase them. You can't beat them at all."

Lin Tian also nodded.

What Ultra's father said was indeed true.

The members of the Space Guard are too weak and are no match for these Dark Lops.

Although these Dark Lops are only mass-produced machines, they are definitely much more powerful than ordinary Ultra Warriors.

"Come on, let's go back first."

country of light.

In front of the Space Guard building.

All the Ultra warriors who had just fought were gathered here at this moment.

They were discussing this incident.

"Lin Tian, ​​Sero, why are you back?"

Severn came to his son and patted him on the shoulder.

"How is the matter with Beria handled?"

This matter is undoubtedly a matter of concern to everyone.

Lin Tian and Zero clearly went to deal with Beria's affairs, why did they come back suddenly?

However, before Lin Tian could speak, Red Lotus Flame was the first to be stunned.

"Huh? Beria?"

He seemed to look at the Ultra warriors in surprise.

"My eldest brother directly asked EX brother Morant and Cerro to combine, and Beria was defeated by the two of them."

Oh, it’s seconds?

Many Ultra warriors nodded thoughtfully.

However, the next second, they all looked at the Red Lotus Flame in shock.

Nani? ? ?

Did we hear correctly just now?

Lin Tian's EX brother Morant and Cerro merged? ? ?

fit? !
  And he actually killed that guy Beria?

Everyone's cerebellum couldn't help but shrink a little at this moment.

  Why after listening to Honglian Huoyan's words, they obviously knew every word, but why the hell couldn't they understand it?

Numb, really numb!
  How could so many things happen in such a short period of time.

Seven was also in a serious mood, especially the fact that his son had merged with a monster.

"Sero, what on earth is going on?"

Hearing his father's question, Sero was extremely embarrassed now.

Good guy, do you want me to tell you my dark history?
  What the hell should I say?
  Is your son a tool man?
  Being manipulated by others after merging?
  Wouldn’t that be embarrassing and a big loss?
  Sero thought for a while and was about to explain to everyone in a way that could save face.

However, the Mirror Knight saw that Zero had been grinding and refusing to say anything, so he spoke directly.

"The situation was urgent at that time. That guy Beria absorbed the energy of the entire planet's Emerald Ore. It was so powerful that no one could stop it. Even Zero was almost killed by a beam of light from that guy Beria."


During the following period, the Mirror Knight slowly supplemented the original situation to everyone.

It started when Lin Tian and others went to the Mirror Star to save him, and ended when Lin Tian killed Beria.

Even the battle-hardened Ultra warriors were silent at this moment.

I didn't expect that Lin Tian and his team would experience so many horrific things. And Beria, that guy actually established a huge dark empire in another universe.

This is too unbelievable.

They were all curious about how that guy Beria did it?

Also, Lin Tian actually resurrected and died at the last moment, Zero?
  And let Cerro merge with Lin Tian's EX brother Morant? !

There must be too many miracles happening this time! ! !
  When the father of Ultra thought of this, he immediately suppressed the shock in his heart and came to Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​it seems that Wang is right. You are getting stronger faster than light."

"With you here, maybe the universe can really maintain peace forever!"

After hearing the words of the father of Ultra, many Ultra brothers such as Severn and Zoffie also nodded their heads.

At the beginning, what the king said had already spread throughout the Kingdom of Light.

Lin Tian is even regarded as the hope of the future of the Kingdom of Light.

This has already been acquiesced by everyone.

And the large group of members of the Space Guard standing in front of the Ultra Brothers are even more hopeful at this moment.

They are all a group of young men who have just joined the Space Guard.

A new generation of warriors!
  At this moment, they all yearn for the monster army that Lin Tian mentioned! ! !

If Lin Tian really wants to form this terrifying monster army, won't he have to force the Thunderbolts to become even stronger? !

All the new generation Ultra warriors couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

What the hell!

so envious.

They all heard a rumor from Hikali of the Science and Technology Bureau.

What does it seem to be saying? Lin Tian is Rebrando's father?
  Is it just a matter of time before he surpasses Ray Brando? ? ?
  Yes, that’s it! ! !

It’s so awesome that I’ll blanch it!

"By the way, everyone, I want to set up a new cosmic police force to roam the universe to maintain order and peace."

"Just call, Skywalker!"

"The initial members are just us guys."

After listening to Lin Tian's words, the father of Ultra thought for a while and nodded.

This is also a good method.

Lin Tian's strength is already strong, and only by traveling around the universe can he better maintain the peace and order of the universe.

Seeing Ultra's father nod.

In an instant, the entire square burst into cheers.

"Woohoo!!! I want to join!!!"

"I want it too, I want it too!!!"

"Lin Tian, ​​I also want to join -"

"Senior Lin Tian——"


After a while.

a certain planet.

boom! ! !
  Explosions suddenly sounded.

Fire shot out into the sky.

Several figures emerged directly from the explosion of fire.

It was Lin Tian and others.

"Cough cough cough."

Red Lotus Flame coughed heavily and said, "Boss Lin Tian, ​​your EXEX Jepenton Flame is more powerful than me!"

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing.

The Mirror Knight on the side said worriedly: "The number of Dark Lops created by Beria is too many."

"It's really endless!"

"Don't worry, if they come one, I, Zero, will kill one!"

However, Zero raised his hand and wiped his nose, showing his arrogance to the extreme.

"Okay, this place has been taken care of, let's go back."

Lin Tian turned around and flew directly towards the Kingdom of Light.

Zero and the others followed closely.

Not long after they left.

This is where Lin Tian just floated.

A golden crack suddenly appeared.

Then the crack suddenly expanded, forming a golden gate of time and space! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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