Chapter 62 Super Eight Worlds! The evil king!

The sudden appearance of the golden gate of time and space seemed to make this space unstable.

And in this golden gate of time and space, pieces of extremely strange golden energy are flowing.


A strong black shadow suddenly appeared among the powerful golden energy.

The black shadow became more and more solid, and finally turned into a human form and walked out of the golden gate of time and space.

That was a guy whose face looked very similar to that of an Ultra Warrior.

His whole body is mainly made of gold, he is very strong, and his body is covered with golden armor.

The lower body is even wrapped in a white skirt.

There is a pair of huge red gems protruding from the back of his hands, which seem to contain great energy.

There is a special mark on his chest.

It seems to symbolize an ancient and powerful force.

After this guy walked out of the gate of time and space, he raised his head and looked at the explosion fire on the planet in front of him.

He was suddenly surprised.

His plan had been going very smoothly.

So far he has found the location of his second home planet.

But just now, he suddenly noticed a sudden change.

It seems that there is a sudden factor that disrupts the rules of this world.

It also disrupted his plans.

That is why he came here from Narak.

He looked at the exploding fire in front of him.

Obviously, there had just been a fierce battle here.

However, the energy remaining here is too complicated.

He couldn't help but wondered.

Who is this sudden variable?

He raised his hands directly with some doubts in his heart.

Golden sparks of energy immediately appeared on both palms.

The spark energy between his palms was directly connected in the next second.

This is his special ability.

Ability to view the entire timeline.

But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find anything.

There seemed to be problems with his ability at this moment.

Everything you see is chaos.

Even if he wanted to check what happened here just now, he couldn't see anything.

too weird!

This is the first time such a problem has occurred!

He couldn't help but feel uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the door of time and space behind him.


The sound is majestic and rich.

A stronger figure walked out, also covered in golden armor, with two big horns on top of his head like the father of Ultra!

"The mother star will collapse at any time. We must find a second mother star as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Tartarus snorted slightly.

"Don't worry, Diavolo, I have found it."

"It's just something unexpected happened."


Diavolo was stunned for a moment.

Something that could make Tartarus think it was an accident was definitely not a small thing!
  He suddenly said in a deep voice: "Let me handle it!"

Diavolo taking the initiative to ask for help is naturally a good thing, but...
  Tartarus thought for a moment and waved his hand.

"Let that guy from Titan take care of it."

Light abroad.

Lin Tian first awakened the bloodline of Leonix on the planet.

Lin Tian sat alone on a boulder.

Holding his own Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

And in front of him.

Four huge figures stood.

They are EX Morant, EX Jay Ponton, Five Emperors, and Mechanical Super Tyro! ! !

Looking at these four guys, Jiao was extremely satisfied.

These four guys are currently considered their most powerful combat power!
  Of course, the remaining monsters in the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument have also been improved.

However, this meager improvement is far from enough!

It would be best to make all the monsters as powerful as EX Morant.

Lin Tian couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

I really hope that some powerful guys can come soon to let my shining EX ultimate battle instrument compete with others!
  He stood up slowly, raised his hand and waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, directly bringing EX brother Morant and the others in.

Just as he was about to leave to return to the Kingdom of Light, he suddenly froze on the spot.

A strange reaction suddenly came from the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

Lin Tian immediately calmed down and felt inside.

For a moment, Lin Tian almost laughed angrily. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that there was a conflict between the two guys, Wuyingdam and Zalagas, in the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

He was losing his temper and getting into a fight in the space.

Feeling this, Lin Tian directly waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

In the next moment, two rays of light emerged directly from the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

It's Uyindam and Zalagas!
  As soon as the two came out of the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, they rushed towards each other.

Fighting with fists and kicks.

Lin Tian also became interested and wanted to see who was more powerful among these two guys.

However, at this moment.

Lin Tian's Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument suddenly appeared with another ray of light, flashing directly to the side of the two monsters.

He seems to be interested and extremely excited.

Lin Tian was stunned.

Bruton? ? ?
  Two guys are fighting here, why are you joining in the fun?
  However, since Bruton wanted to come out for some air, Lin Tian didn't bother to care about him.

Anyway, there is only one person on this planet.

No harm can be done to others.

Wuyingdam and Zalagas were fighting more and more fiercely at this moment.

The movement is getting louder and louder.

The entire planet's ground seemed to be shaking.

It was at this moment that Bruton became interested!
  With his huge body, he suddenly flew up and smashed towards Wuyingdam and Zaragas.

The two monsters were obviously a little surprised.

Then they teamed up to stop Bruton's body collision!

  At this moment, all three big guys fell together.

When Lin Tian saw this scene, he almost burst out laughing.

It turns out that the monster has such a cute scene.

It's really fun.

But the next second, Lin Tian no longer found it interesting.

Because Bruton's body suddenly released a burst of energy visible to the naked eye.

Seems to be frightened.

The energy shot out directly and hit the sky.

In an instant, a dimensional crack appeared directly above Lin Tian and the others.

The terrifying suction force came directly from inside.


Lin Tian took a deep breath.

  Before Lin Tian had time to react, his body was immediately sucked into the yuan crack by strong suction.

Wuyingdam and Zaragas were no exception, they were all sucked in.

When Lin Tian opened his eyes again, he saw a blue sky.

He is no longer in the universe? ? ?

Where is this? ? ?
  Lin Tian was stunned.

He didn't expect these monsters to be so naughty.

The beating actually took him directly to another place.


At this moment, a whimpering sound suddenly came from under Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, then looked down.

At this moment, there were three bodies of monsters piled under his body.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, raised his hand and waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

They were directly included in the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Afterwards, Lin Tian flew directly to the sky, chose a certain direction and kept moving forward.

Looking at the trees and rivers on the ground, Lin Tian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Why does it look so much like the Earth here?"

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to see a city.

This suddenly surprised Lin Tian.

He randomly chose a place to land, and then started wandering around the streets of the city.

But when he walked to a certain street, he suddenly froze.

Just in front, there is a shop.

There is a television set behind a glass case in the store.

A group of children sat in front of the TV and stared at the camera.

Above the camera are two guys fighting.

One of them was very familiar to Lin Tian.

It's the original Ultraman! ! !
  The other one is a monster.

Are they on TV? ? ?
  Lin Tian suddenly showed a strange look on his face.

Is it
  He actually came to the world of the Eight Ultra Warriors? ? ?

I boil!

This is too outrageous, right?
  Lin Tian was shocked.

But then, he suddenly became excited again.

Because he suddenly realized that this seemed to be a good opportunity to shine and compete with the EX ultimate battle instrument! ! !

The evil king! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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