Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 63 Meeting Xiaomeng! Don't cry Dagu, he's not dead yet!

Chapter 63 Meeting Xiaomeng! Don't cry Dagu, he's not dead yet!
  The world of Ultra Eight Warriors.
  Lin Tian felt a little excited when he thought about it.

The Evil Heart King is not weak.

That guy, like the Abo people, can also summon monsters.

Its own strength is extremely powerful and can swallow people's fearful hearts.

When the time comes, maybe you can really give your weapons a few more points! ! !

Lin Tian was extremely excited when he thought of this.

Suddenly, right at this moment.

A huge wind suddenly came from the air.

The whole street was blown into a mess in an instant.

Pedestrians thought it was a natural disaster and were so frightened that they hid in buildings.

Lin Tian was the only one left in the empty street.

Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

This wind is a bit weird.

With a thought in his mind, his body flew up directly.

really! ! !

on the sea adjacent to the city.

A powerful tornado hundreds of meters high is sweeping towards the city at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This tornado is composed entirely of black wind, which is unusual at first glance.

Lin Tian was suddenly stunned.

Is this progress so fast?
  He still wants to wander around this earth.

After all, this is the place where I have stayed all my life.


Lin Tian sighed helplessly, and then flew directly towards the coast.

When Lin Tian just flew to an open-air port on the coast, the black tornado also came to the ground on the edge of the city.

next second.

The violent tornado force disappeared directly.

It was replaced by a huge monster figure.

On top of the huge body are two identical bird-like heads.

Lin Tian was extremely familiar with this guy.

Isn't this the two-headed strange bird, Ponton?

One of the fusion beasts in his EX Jay Ponton is this guy.

But this Ponton is probably not even as good as his EX Jay Ponton.

As soon as Ponton emerged from the tornado, he immediately began to destroy surrounding buildings.

This harbor is an empty place.

There is no building over ten meters high around.

Most of them are factories.

Ponton continued to emit his own strange light in all directions.

In an instant, explosions of fire continued in all directions!

This world was originally a parallel world, and Ultra Warriors and monsters just existed on TV.

Where have people seen this battle? ? ?

For a moment, the whole city was in panic.

Lin Tian was not in a hurry to take action, but turned around and scanned the ground around him.

as predicted.

On a spacious platform, two young figures were discovered.

One of them is none other than Mebius, no, it’s Hibino Mirai.

He was wearing an orange GUYS uniform, and looked at Ponton with an anxious expression.

The young man behind him was wearing a suit.

He looks very handsome.

Lin Tian recognized him almost at a glance.

Great ancient!

Lin Tian smiled slowly and then fell towards where they were.

When he was about to land, he happened to hear Da Gu say something in surprise.

"That's the Ponton I know!!!"

"Yes, that's the Ponton you know."

As soon as Dagu finished speaking, a voice came from behind.

Both Future and Dagu were slightly startled, and turned to look behind them.

"who are you?"

The two of them wondered in unison.

The person who suddenly appeared was Lin Tian!
  He landed steadily and walked quietly to Dagu and the others.

Lin Tian raised his finger and pointed at Ponton, then turned to look at the future.

"Mebius, aren't you going to fight?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Future was stunned for a moment.

"Eh?" "You know me?"

Judging from Lin Tian's tone, it seemed that he was very familiar with him.

Lin Tian saw his weird look and then remembered.

This is a parallel world.

Even Mebius comes from another parallel time and space.

In that time and space, there would definitely not be another Lin Tian.

"Uh, don't worry about this for now, let's go."

The future is confused.

What does this mean?
  However, the top priority is indeed to deal with that guy! ! !

Thinking of this, Future raised his arms directly.

next second.

As the light flashed, Mebius' huge figure appeared directly in front of Ponton.

Without saying a word, he kicked directly towards Ponton.

at the same time.

Dagu also turned to look at Lin Tian.

"Excuse me, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Seeing Dagu's appearance, Lin Tian suddenly knew that the other party still seemed to not believe him.

He said calmly: "I come from the Kingdom of Light."

Land of Light?
  Hearing this, Dagu's eyes suddenly shone with light.

Later, Lin Tian gave Dagu a rough explanation of his reasons.


The sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed suddenly sounded!

It was Membius who drew the Membius lightsaber!
  Seeing this scene, Ponton immediately fired several fireballs from the two big bird heads to attack Mebius.

However, all of them were killed by the Mebius who rushed straight at him!
  In the end, Mebius directly slashed Ponton's body with his sword!

boom! ! !
  In an instant, Ponton's body exploded.

The fire is soaring! ! !

"Good job!"

Dagu immediately shouted loudly.

Lin Tian's expression was dull when he saw this scene.

It's just a Ponton. If Mebius can't even deal with this, then he's not worthy of being an instructor of the Space Guard.

Membius turned his head and nodded towards Dagu.

He is preparing to return to human form.

Sudden! ! !

A figure appeared behind Mebius like a soul.

That is
  People of Abo! ! !
  "Mebius! You are so careless!"

The Hippolyte suddenly spoke, and Membius immediately turned his head in shock.


The moment he turned his head!

A polygonal transparent prism mask fell directly from the sky and covered him! ! !

"You've been fooled, Ultraman Mebius."

"Just wait for death to come slowly, hahahaha——"

The Hippolyte laughed slyly.

The next second, he waved his hand fiercely.

The prismatic light shield directly carried Mebius's body flying towards the distance.

During this period, an inexplicable gray smoke was continuously released.

Under the influence of the energy of these smokes, Mebius' body gradually stopped moving.

Then it became petrified! ! !

Seeing this scene, Dagu screamed in pain directly on the spot.

"Mebius has been destroyed by me!"

"Humans, just wait for your demise!!!"

The Hippolyte star also slowly disappeared amid a burst of mocking laughter.

And the stone statue of Mebius also fell on the seashore.

The immobile appearance was like killing a chicken to scare the monkeys, warning the world.

a time.

Despair suddenly spread in everyone's hearts.

"Okay, stop howling."

Looking at Da Gu with grief in his eyes, Lin Tian directly patted him on the shoulder.

"Membius is not dead."

Dagu: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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