Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 64 What, you are the only one who can summon monsters? Laughed

Chapter 64 What, you are the only one who can summon monsters? Laughed

"Membius is not dead???"

Upon hearing Lin Tian's words, Dagu was stunned for a moment.

"Then sir, how can we save Membius?!"

This gentleman? ? ?

Lin Tian felt more and more awkward as he listened.

"Just call me Lin Tian."

"To save Mebius, you need to awaken the other seven Ultra Warriors."

Lin Tian directly gave Dagu a hint.

But Dagu was slightly stunned.


"I may know where four of the Ultra Warriors are, but I don't know the other three."

"Besides, Uncle Hayata and the others don't even know that they are Ultra Warriors."

As he spoke, Dagu showed a disappointed look.

Uncle Hayata and the others don't know that they are Ultra Warriors, so how can they wake them up?

After hearing Dagu's words, Lin Tian smiled helplessly.

"It's okay, they will wake up when it's time to wake up."

"As for now, I want to ask, do you often see a little girl wearing a white skirt?"

Hearing Lin Tian's question, Dagu was immediately dumbfounded.

He had indeed seen the girl in the white dress often recently.

But he always thought this was an illusion and never told anyone.

How could Lin Tian know?
  Before Dagu could speak, Lin Tian continued directly: "You have an agreement with that girl, you must remember it."


Lin Tian's words immediately stunned Dagu.

How could he have made an agreement with a little girl he had never met before?

No, not right.

Probably not strangers.

He always felt like he had seen that little girl somewhere.

After thinking about it, Dagu still had some confusion.

He was a little upset and said, "Then what should we do now?"

"Are we just going to leave Mebius alone and wait for the Ultra Warriors to wake up?"

"of course not."

Facing Dagu's question, Lin Tian shook his head directly.

"I'm waiting for a customer to come."


What guests?
  At such a critical moment, you actually want to wait for a guest.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and did not explain.

He just tilted his head to the side.

He looked towards the roof of a factory building not far away.

Later, Lin Tian took the lead and waved to the roof of the factory building, as if saying hello.

Dagu was stunned when he saw this scene, and felt a little scared.

Is this guy a companion of Membius?

Why are you so confused when talking and doing things?

Dagu couldn't help but feel a little weird.

But when he followed Lin Tian's gaze towards the roof of the warehouse, he was so frightened that he immediately took a few steps back.

I saw a dark figure standing on the roof of the factory building.

The body is also wrapped in masses of blue-purple mist energy.

You could only vaguely see the guy hiding under a large hoodie, and couldn't see clearly.

So nihilistic!

"That's what?"

Dagu was immediately startled and said in confusion: "Ghost???"

The "ghost" seemed surprised as to how he was discovered.

"You can think he's a ghost."

Lin Tian smiled proudly.

He was actually a little surprised.

did not expect.

The Evil Heart King is actually targeting him?

In other words, are you targeting Dagu?
  Just when Lin Tian was confused, the black figure suddenly raised his hand.

boom! ! !
  For an instant.

The city was shaken again.

The whole ground seemed to be shaking. It was as if something was about to pop out of the ground.


Two huge figures suddenly emerged from the ground and appeared on the ground.

The earth shattered instantly! ! !

Lin Tian recognized the two monsters almost instantly.

King Shilbagon and King Goldras! ! !

His Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument also contains these two monsters.

However, the strength is probably much stronger than the two in front of me!

As soon as these two monsters appeared, they wandered around the city causing destruction.

The bodies of these two guys are extremely huge.

At a height of more than seventy meters, the strong body seems to be enough to destroy everything.

Their thighs are also extremely thick.

As you move around at will, you can smash one building after another.

For a moment, the building collapsed, the earth shattered, and there were explosions of fire everywhere.

What the hell, Lin Tianren is stupid.

In the original plot, wasn't it supposed to be a day before the Evil Heart King would let these two guys come out to cause havoc?

Why did he let these two guys out just after this Mebius was sealed?

Is it really for him, Lin Tian?

The butterfly's little wings fluttered again? ? ?

"Why are there two monsters?!"

Dagu looked at the two huge figures, feeling extremely anxious.

Mebius has been petrified, and the Ultra warriors show no sign of waking up.

Who else can save this world now? ? ?
  and many more! ! !

Dagu suddenly remembered something.

"Mr. Lin Tian!"

"You are from the same place as Mebius, right?"

"Please transform into Ultraman and save our world!!!"

Now Dagu didn't even know that he was an Ultra Warrior, so he could only bend down and ask Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian felt a little embarrassed now.

"Well, I'm not an Ultra Warrior."

Nani? ? ?

Hearing this, Dagu was dumbfounded.

Aren't you from the same place as Mebius?

Then shouldn't you also be an Ultra Warrior?

Lin Tian seemed to see Dagu's doubts.

He was about to say something when suddenly a black light flashed before his eyes.

The Evil Heart King who was far away on the top of the building just now teleported in front of them! ! !
  Lin Tian was not panicked.

He just looked at this guy without speaking.

He knew that what was in front of him was just a shadow of an energy body.

"Membius is dead."

"You are a variable!"

The dark shadow mage in front of him suddenly spoke to Lin Tian.

He suddenly spoke, which immediately stunned Lin Tian and Da Gu.

Then I heard the Dark Shadow Mage continue to say: "Variables should not exist in the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Dark Shadow Mage raised his hand and waved.

Almost just for a moment.

King Shilbagon and King Goldras, who had just appeared in the city, immediately turned to look at Lin Tian and the others.

Obviously, the main target of these two monsters at the moment is him! ! !
  "Run away quickly! Lin Tian!"

Dagu grabbed Lin Tian's arm and wanted to run away together.

However, after talking for a long time, Lin Tian could not move.

Dagu seemed to be pulling a small mountain with one person's strength.

It has no effect at all.


Lin Tian sighed helplessly.

He raised his hand slightly.

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument appeared directly in his hands!
  Lin Tian looked at the Dark Shadow Mage with a smile and said calmly: "Why, are you the only one who can summon monsters?"

"Come out, Five Emperors!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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