Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 65: Lin Tian Monster scares the Evil Heart King!

Chapter 65: Lin Tian Monster scares the Evil Heart King!

"What, you're the only one who can summon monsters?"

Lin Tian's faint laughter fell on the ears of Dagu and Xiexin King.

Both of them were slightly stunned.

Especially Dagu.

There was inexplicable doubt in Peach Blossom's eyes.

What do you mean?
  Is it possible that you, a guy from M78 Nebula Kingdom of Light, can still summon monsters?

How is this possible!
  However, at this moment.

Lin Tian suddenly waved slightly.

The light bloomed instantly.

The Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument appeared directly in Lin Tian's hands.

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument was created out of thin air. This scene stunned Dagu and Xiexin King.

The Evil Heart King stared closely at the shining EX ultimate combat instrument in Lin Tian's hand.

Although he had never seen the ultimate combat instrument, but after just one glance, he felt that the thing in Lin Tian's hand was definitely not simple.

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument definitely contains extremely terrifying energy!

The next second, Lin Tian slowly raised the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and pointed it at the two monsters that were destroying the city.

"Come out, Five Emperors."

Lin Tian was about to summon the Five Emperors, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind.

King Shilbagon and King Goldras were both idiots with strange powers.

To deal with such a fool, EX Jay Ponton's simplicity and roughness are the most suitable.

"Come out, EX Jay Ponton!!!"

In an instant, a ray of light drilled out directly from the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Like a huge firework, brilliant and eye-catching.

In an instant, the people who were fleeing seemed to have forgotten to escape, and their eyes were fixed on the sudden light.

The huge light slowly rotated and fell to the ground of the city.

When it landed, a beautiful roar suddenly came from the light.

And the light was torn apart by the roar, revealing the huge figure inside.

EX Jay Ponton! ! !
  As soon as EX Jie Ponton appeared, he looked up to the sky and roared.

The intimidating roar not only stopped the two monsters' destructive behavior, but also directly scared the fleeing people in the city.

The two monsters that just appeared have not been dealt with yet, but another one appears that looks even scarier than those two monsters! ! !

What the hell is going on today?
  Dagu also looked at EX Jie Ponton blankly.

The mouth was wide open and could not be closed for a long time.

Lin Tian actually summoned a monster!

And this monster looks stronger than any other monster! ! !

Is he really from the Kingdom of Light?

Warriors from the Kingdom of Light fight with monsters?

Except for Severn, there seems to be no precedent for this, right? ? ?
  The Evil Heart King was also looking at Lin Tian blankly at this moment.

Did Lin Tian just summon a monster from the thing in his hand?

What kind of magical shining EX ultimate combat instrument is this?
  He had never seen that monster before.

You can sense the strength of the opponent just by looking at him.


"Who the hell are you guy?"

A dull question came out of King Xiexin's mouth.

Hearing his question, Lin Tian enjoyed it to the extreme.


  Have you never seen the world?

Don't worry!

There’s still fun to watch later.

He did not answer the Evil Prince, but directly looked up at EX Jie Ponton and smiled.

"EX Jay Ponton, these two guys are too noisy, please calm them down."

As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, EX Jie Ponton received the order instantly.

He turned directly to look at one of the two monsters.

It was a silver-colored monster with a pair of large horns similar to those of an argali.

The whole body is extremely strong and looks very strong.

This is none other than King Shirbagon.

For some reason, King Shirbagon suddenly trembled when EX Jie Pontun saw him so suddenly.

It seemed like fear was revealed inadvertently.

However, before he could react, EX Jie Ponton's body quickly twisted and disappeared.

King Shirbagon's big mouth full of fangs suddenly opened.

What the hell!

Where did it go?
  King Shirbagon seemed very surprised.

He raised his head and searched around.


The space in front of it was distorted.

A huge figure emerged directly from it.

It’s none other than EX Jay Ponton! ! !
  As soon as EX Jiepanton appeared, he raised his huge paw and slapped King Shirbagon on the face.

  There was a crisp sound that shook the heavens and the earth.

King Shirbagon's huge body rolled several times in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground. It fell to the ground and was stunned.

I boil!

I am King Shirbagon!
  An existence with strange powers!
  I was actually slapped several times by someone's big dick? ? ?
  I am dreaming?

How can EX Jie Ponton care about this?
  After slapping King Shirbagon away, he turned to look at King Goldras beside him.

King Goldras is obviously much smarter than King Shilbagon.

Seeing EX Jie Ponton looking towards him, he immediately retreated a distance.

EX Jie Ponton snorted disdainfully.

The next second, he teleported directly to King Goldras again.

Does distance help?

You are nothing in front of my teleportation.

With this thought in mind, EX Jepenton directly raised the tail of the huge magic snake behind him and swept towards King Goldras.

King Goldras just wanted to raise his arms to resist.

However, a terrifying strange power suddenly struck.

His body was swept away just like King Shilbagon.

The two monsters immediately fell together, wailing all over the place.

At this moment, Lin Tian and EX Jie Pontun were in the same consciousness.

The miserable roars of these two monsters were really noisy.

Lin Tian thought about it.

EX Jay Ponton turned his head directly and aimed at the two monsters lying on the ground.

The three big mouths that put the body first immediately launched terrifying beams of destruction.

"The flames destroy the light!!!"

Just for a moment.

The three beams merged into one, and the flame-destroying beam hit directly on the bodies of King Shilbagon and King Goldras.

The two monsters had no time to react.

The next second, his body exploded on the spot.

boom! ! !
  In an instant, the explosive flames shot into the sky.

King Shilbagon!
  King Goldras!

die! ! !
  Dagu's face looked particularly shocked against the explosion's firelight.

Those two guys looked no weaker than the previous King Ponton.

Even stronger.

But Lin Tian's monster came up and Kuku was in trouble.

This is the end? ? ?

Everyone is numb.

Who would have thought that the two monsters that destroyed the city would be so vulnerable to this monster that appeared later.

The most shocking one is the Evil Heart King.

He who just wanted to test Lin Tian's depth just now has stopped moving.

That EX Jay Ponton is so scary.

There are many monsters whose strength far exceeds his.

Who is this guy? Why can such a monster be controlled?

The Evil Heart King couldn't help but have a series of questions in his mind.

"I heard that you grew by eating the hearts of fear?"

Lin Tian suddenly smiled and said.

The Evil Heart King was slightly startled.

How did this guy know about this?
  The corner of Lin Tian's mouth raised slightly, and he said calmly: "Don't always send these little Karamies out. Hurry up and let your own body come out to fight. That would be interesting."

After hearing this, King Xiexin was instantly shocked.

Why does this guy seem to know everything?
  The Xiexin King was shocked and felt that it was not good to have contact with Lin Tian at this time.

Then, his shadow disappeared directly from the spot.

Seeing the Xiexin King disappear, Lin Tian suddenly felt bored.

He raised his hand and made a move, and EX Jay Ponton returned directly to the shining EX ultimate battle instrument.

"Lin Tian, ​​what on earth is this? It's amazing!"

At this time, Dagu came up and stared at Lin Tian's shining EX ultimate combat device, looking left and right.

Like a curious baby.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly and put away the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

"That's not important, what's important is her."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Tian turned his head and looked towards the seaside.

At this moment, it was getting late.

Under the dark sky, a white dress on the beach looks particularly dazzling.

It was the little girl Dagu had seen many times before.

"is her?"

Dagu was stunned when he saw the little girl.

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly pressed his shoulder.

"Dagu, I want to tell you something."

"You are actually the last of the Seven Ultra Warriors."

"Ultraman Tiga!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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